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By PDZICOXPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
How do nihilists cope with nihilism on a daily basis?

The uncertainty of our collective pasts and futures has led to the question "what is the meaning of life?" As humans, we have found comfort in various ideologies to subdue the anxiety that comes with this question. Some religions believe that a deity created the universe and that our actions determine eternity afterward. Others believe that love, existence, and the existence of life itself make life worth living. However, for nihilists, life is meaningless, with all action, suffering, and emotions being senseless and meaningless. This can occur when we question our old beliefs or as we grow out of them. The question "why" is a key factor in nihilism, as it is the ideology of nothing. The term "nihilism" comes from the Latin word "nihil" meaning "nothing" and "ism" meaning "ideology." While people often confuse nihilism with pessimism, they are different, as pessimists believe in the worst outcome.

Nihilism is a philosophical approach that focuses on the negative aspects of life and believes that evil will always prevail. It is often compared to cynicism and apathy, which are philosophies that believe in human self-interest and selfishness. Nihilism is different from these philosophies as it is a literary invention and has different definitions. There are political nihilism, which believes that all political, social, and religious order must be destroyed for humanity to progress. Ethical nihilism rejects absolute ethical or moral values, stating that good or bad is defined by society and should not be followed for individual freedom. Finally, existential nihilism, which believes that life has no value or meaning, is the most popular form of nihilism. Nihilists believe that the existence of things like the state, religious bodies, and communal morality breaches their freedom as individuals. Overall, nihilism is a unique and complex philosophical approach that reflects the complexities of human existence.

The question of whether we are truly free or bound by an invisible mental chain remains unanswered. Many people believe that a human life is worth more than that of an animal, but this question remains unanswered. The nihilist perspective suggests that if we cannot answer why we bind ourselves by these rules, it might be due to the existential horror and emotional anguish that comes with agreeing to the fact that life is meaningless. If life is truly meaningless, then all the feats of science, technology, space exploration, and human rights movements might be a waste, with no consequence in the grand scheme of things.

Friedrich Nietzsche, a philosopher, argued both for and against nihilism. He believed that there is no objective structure or order in our world except the one we create for ourselves. He believed that nihilism would expose all of humanity's beliefs and truths as symptom of a defective Western mythology. He famously said, "God is dead," metaphorically referring to the power that religious orders held at the time.

However, Friedrich argued that the advent of nihilism would drive civilization towards a catastrophe, a river that has reached its end. This is evident in the most destructive civilizations in human history, where longstanding cultural traditions, beliefs, religious institutions, and financial systems are broken down, and nothingness creeps in.

As humans are a random combination of transient atoms, it is difficult to objectively condemn despicable things like slavery, apartheid, and nuclear warfare. The danger is that we cannot explain why we feel that way logically, making it difficult to convince others to follow the same path.

Friedrich Engels feared the Nazi era and continued to preach nihilism, believing that if we could work through the breakdown of civilization, we could create a new morality that does away with prejudice. However, the rise of social media and the destruction of long-standing beliefs and cultural practices has led to a shift in morality. People are defending their right to do whatever they want, and the question of why they are wrong remains unanswered. Life alone is reason enough for living, and it is important to stay updated with the world. MorningBrew, a daily newsletter, provides concise, efficient news updates in just 5 minutes a day. It is perfect for those who enjoy keeping up with tech, business, or finance news. MorningBrew is free and takes less than 15 seconds to start, helping users stay up to date with reality and support their channel. By staying up to date with reality, we can make the most of our days and align our views accordingly.


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