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New Year resolutions

What's the point for empty promises

By F.K. AldonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
New Year resolutions
Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

Every year we do it! We make promises to ourselves and people around to change a bad habit or something for the new year. We promise to better ourselves and improve who we are and for what? 3 weeks? 2 or maybe 4 months? We all heard this phrase before: "This year it's going to be My year" or "New year, new me!" it should be more, "new year same me". All the time we get the same resolutions from friends, family and colleagues, "I'll loose weight" "I'll quit smoking" "I'll start a diet" and the list goes on.

Why do we impose those promises to ourselves? Why are we always waiting on the very last day of the year to make resolutions we won't follow through? I'll be honest, I am not the type to do resolutions, they are pointless, and especially if I am not following through? I am not a believer of "New year, new me" mentality, if there is something about me that does make me happy, well simple I start to work on it and change it even if it's in July! I also get why people do, I used to part of that believe too, then I realized you can make resolutions anytime, there is no set rules about it ( from what I know). If we all stick to make changes in our lives and wait to the very last day of the year to promise that we will do better the next day... it's really a waste of 365 (or 4) days. Yes a new year it's a fresh start, it make us hopeful for a better tomorrow, but is it worth to put ourselves the pressure to do and be better? Why do we tend to put ourselves in that type of situation? Promising yourself to loose a 50 lbs. by March, and you never set foot in a gym? That being insane, and most of the time you'll quit because it doesn't happen fast enough. I feel like all those resolutions are like wishes that we hope will come true with no effort on our end, it will just happen by magic. Well the universe does NOT work like that honey!

Couple years ago, I made my last resolution, yes shocker I made a resolution, and that resolution was to not make any resolutions... at least not on new year eve, from there on I make resolutions on my birthday, yes my birthday. Why? Well it's my way to put myself accountable and I was not born on new year eve, which help a lot. I hear some of you saying it's the same, but again hear me out on this. Like I said I choose to make those "resolutions" on my birthday because, birthdays are when you evaluate your year and the person that you have become. And it's the most important day of your life, literally, so it's a little bit more personal ( except with your birthday twins) and you have more time to achieve that goal. I know some people will go with but you also have a year to achieve your resolutions. Really? Do you? If so, why most people who start a gym membership in January quit by the end of February or the end of January? ( Don't give me the side eye, there are researches and stats proving it) Resolutions are not a magical wishes that will change your life as you hope for, and most of the time people forget those resolutions after a week. I think it's more reasonable to put down achievable and realistic goals, small steps are more rewarding than I'll lose 50 lbs. in 2 months. I have a friend who gave me a wonderful trick to achieve my goals "resolutions" in a more realistic way. That trick it's simple, a progressive vision board, yes a vision board ( not the one with your future spouse or the dream house in 5 years). Write down 3 goals you want to achieve, put a clear, I repeat a CLEAR deadline you want to complete it, and have an accountability buddy to keep you focus. And update your progress or create a new goals if you have achieve the previous one. Simple right? No need for a crazy resolution for that, be the change you want to see.

Now, new year eve for me it's a celebration for what to come and what have been. We tend to forget how lucky we are to see a new year, how we take that for granted, we make promises for a future we are not sure to see. You want to loose weight? Well, go for it, take a step by simply drink more water, switch your unhealthy snack with a fruit. That's your first step, resolutions don't need to always be big, don't fall in that trap of I'll do better for things you don't care about. Enjoy the moment, celebrate with your family, that yes if it was a crappy year at least it's over, you don't need to get to the mount Everest to prove yourself if it not your dream. Be in the moment should be your resolution already, happiness should be your resolution, be surrender by your love ones should be your resolutions. Don't pressure yourself for something you know you won't achieve, don't create expectation for things you don't to do. New year it the only time of the year where everyone on this planet share the same joy and hope for a better future, that's why it's my favorite holiday. And because of that, I hope you won't start that new year with an empty promise to yourself, because that's how you mess up your own progress.

Happy New year! Be safe, share love.


About the Creator

F.K. Aldon

I am an amateur writer, I wrote my first book "The single friend" 3 years ago and self-published and available on Amazon. I am thrilled to share some stories with you

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