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Navigating The Benefits And Risks Of Dental Implants

Dental implants South East London

By LucypettersonPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Why dental implants? You’ve done the research, and you are ready to make a decision. But is implant dentistry right for you? Before committing to dental implants, it is vital that you are well-informed. You need to understand all the pros and cons of dental implants before making a decision. The health benefits of dental implants are extensive and wide, and they can benefit your oral hygiene as well as your overall health. Here’s an extensive list of benefits and risks of dental implants covered in depth in this blog.

What Exactly Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants in South East London are a type of prosthesis, or artificial replacement, for missing teeth. This surgical procedure involves the placement of a titanium post into the jawbone underneath the gum tissue. An abutment, made of crown material, is attached to the end of the post, and a removable crown is placed on top. The implant is then connected to denture teeth via surgical gum attachment, or osseointegration. This process fuses the implant to the jawbone, providing stability and a close substitute for natural teeth.

Dental implants in South East London can help to restore dental health and function by providing a strong foundation for dentures or crowns, allowing them to withstand oral trauma such as chewing and smiling. Implants can also aid in tooth restoration after dental surgery by acting as a bridge for healing teeth or crowns prior to attaching them permanently. They come in many shapes and sizes, so dental implant specialists will carefully determine which one best suits each patient's needs and preferences. In short, dental implants are an effective way to replace missing teeth and provide oral health and stability for patients who need them.

Advantages of Dental Implants

● Dental implants are a treatment option for missing teeth that offers improved appearance, speech, chewing ability and oral health. They’re a long-lasting treatment that do not require removable appliances.

● Implants offer superior jawbone support and allow natural tooth movement. This can lead to improved dental health and jawbone regeneration.

● This treatment is suitable for people who want the stability and longevity of a natural jawbone replacement, with the aesthetic benefits of dental crowns or dentures.

● Dental implants have a minimal invasive surgery approach and provide stable jawbone support for natural teeth. They are an affordable, effective way to restore oral health and function of missing teeth.

● The implants can be made of titanium, osseous, or ceramic material. Their shape, size, and position can be customized to fit your mouth perfectly.

How Successful Are Dental Implants in South East London?

Dental implants in South East London have a success rate of up to 98%. Implanting titanium osseointegration into the jawbone is a viable treatment for missing teeth. Proper care, such as good oral hygiene and regular checkups, can help ensure implants last a lifetime.

The success of dental implants depends on a number of factors, such as patient health and oral hygiene before and after implant surgery. It also depends on the surrounding jawbone healing properly following surgery and having sufficient bone to support the implant. For more information on dental implants and their benefits, contact The Mindful Dentist, an emergency dentist in South East London.

Can Anyone Get Dental Implants?

Yes, anyone who is healthy enough to undergo a routine dental extraction or oral surgery can be considered for dental implants. A dentist will conduct a thorough exam and health assessment of the patient before deciding on the correct treatment option.

In most cases, dental implants are suitable for people with healthy gums, jawbone, and teeth. However, patients with oral conditions such as chronic jaw pain or severe gum disease may not be good candidates.

Where do I get this treatment?

A successful dental implant should consider certain points during its development and usage. These include choosing the best dentist and dental implant surgeon to ensure proper patient care and outcomes, making sure the tooth root is in good shape before implanting it, and following post-operative care instructions carefully.

At the Mindful Dentist, they have a high level of expertise in implant dentistry in a whole variety of forms to suit every budget. For more information on dental implants, speak to SE19 dentist, an emergency dentist in South East London. They will help you decide if dental implants are right for you and answer any questions you may have about this treatment.


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