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Nappy New Year!

A guide to napping more this year.

By Natalie StoverPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Sweet Sleep!

I know. I know….cheesy title right? But I had to do it because it just fit all too well—and this is a guide on how to get in more naps this New Year. Yes that’s right, that painfully dreaded word, by anyone under the age of 18 that is. I remember being under eighteen—once. My parents would go on a much needed respite from parenting and leave us with our Aunt Monica. She was single and never had any children of her own, but somehow she “knew” parenting at best required every non-adult (that’s 17 and under) to take afternoon naps. Not sure what parenting magazine she was reading, but it was enforced like a cop on quota (no offense to cops…we all have a job to do)! It never failed and we always went down kicking and screaming. Now that I’m a parent, I understand the STRICT enforcement—it gives the “adult” (that’s me) a break…and maybe it does some good for the kid too! As you age and hit adulthood the NAP becomes a cherished and sought after thing. No longer are you going down kicking and screaming; you are kicking and screaming to go down, even if it’s for just 10 minutes. Crazy how things change…right? Or did they change at all?

Research shows that naps are needed for kids of all ages. They help kids’ cognitive learning—keeping their brains rested and recharged. Naps also aid in physical fitness—giving them the energy to stay active and make healthier decisions. Finally, we all KNOW first hand (in some way) that naps promote better/happier MOODS. Maybe your first hand experience has been with someone else’s children, but you witnessed it nonetheless. So anyway you look at it, a nap is about YOU. If you are the kid, it's about YOU— though they are the ones making you “take” it. If you’re the parent getting the break—it’s about YOU and your peace of mind. And finally, if you’re the adult lucky enough to “get” the nap it’s about YOU! In all reality, not much has changed—- in every season of your life naps have been about YOU—whether you are the one taking them or not.

So, what’s my point? Well the point is…that this YEAR should be about YOU! So bring on the NAPS. DO you know what NAP stands for? It stands for a Non-Agression Pact. When you enforce a NAP you are making a Non-Aggression Pact with yourself, your kids, your spouse and the rest of the innocent by-standers around YOU. Naps are about YOU being the best, peaceful YOU. So here’s your 2022 Guide To A Happier Nappier New Year!

making nap time a priority

Step 1: Schedule Naps: pick a time in your daily schedule where you can block off 30 minutes to take a Nap. Maybe it’s during a lunch break, right after school, or as soon as you get in from work. All you need is 30 minutes. Research shows this is the optimal amount of time to get your body results. This includes scheduling a time for the kids to take a nap. Start small if needed— get good at one nap a week. Then build up to two. Maybe it’s only possible on the weekend or your day off…too bad we don’t live in a “siesta” culture.

Step 2: Make it Nappy: turn off the lights, tv, electronics etc. Buy blackout curtains if needed. Whatever it takes to get your body in sleep mode. If possible choose the same environment you would sleep in. Maybe you don’t have that luxury… so settle for leaning your car seat back and placing a blanket over your head to block out the sun. Heck— invest a dollar in one of those fancy eye masks, or a couple hundred in one of those VR-looking eye massagers. Just invest and make time to discover the art of napping.

Step 3: Close Your Eyes: In other words, don’t live like Aerosmith—not wanting to miss a thing. It will all be there when you wake up…and if it isn’t, you probably couldn’t have stopped it anyway. So turn off the shows, the social media, and don’t worry about the laundry, the dishes or the oil change…just close your eyes and count sheep as you drift off to a better YOU!

Remember “They” (all of them) are counting on you to awaken to a…

Happier Nappier YOU!


About the Creator

Natalie Stover

I’m a mother of 5, wife and teacher. I love creating conversations with words. I believe words are powerful things that can inspire action. If you can’t “do”, you can still create action with your words!

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