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Mystery Date

The coffee Shop

By Ellie HouckPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

I was walking home, smiling like a Cheshire cat when I heard my best friend behind me yelling wait. I stopped turned to look at her over my shoulder when she came running down the street! Kate was her name. She said I heard you have a date! I said indeed I do. She said oh man, been a minute for you. I glared at her and laughed. She went on, so who’s the lucky guy. I said I don’t know him very well, met him at a coffee shop and we just kind of hit it off. She said what’s his name, Ellie?! I said, Brian.

When I made it home, I started to get butterflies in my stomach. On my day off I meet this complete stranger, who’s attractive and mysterious but what if he’s a complete psycho?! What if he’s not? The stuff that flies through my overthinking brain. Well I’ve gotta figure out something to wear. I went to the closet, looked through and thought casual but not too casual, I need to look like I made some effort. I threw on some jeans and a nice red shirt, cute ballet flats and put my make up on.

Italian, is what we will be eating and what Brian claims to be. He does look Italian, no accent but hey we all can’t be perfect right? Lol. He was y’all, medium build and dark hair, ice blue eyes caught my attention. He told me my hair is what caught his! I do pride myself in my long hair that I do work hard to take care of. I looked in the mirror and thought well here goes nothing!

As the day turned into evening it was getting closer to time to meet up. I got in my car nervous but hopeful and drove on to the restaurant. It was a small buisness run by a well known family in the community with great food, The Hill was the name of the restaurant. I got there and there he was waiting. We did the usual greetings and went inside. We got our table and sat down.

He, was a stock brocker, go figure. I am a dog walker and whatever other side jobs I can come up with. We started talking about what we enjoy doing for fun, watching movies, going for walks, camping ect. He suddenly asked me what I wanted out of life? I said, I think to be happy. Just really happy. He paused and smiled, and I think he felt the same way too.

His family lives in Rhode Island, mine lives more in the south Tennessee. We both came to New York for a change and to go to school, which he recently completed and I’m finishing up. He seems full of life, enjoys the outdoors and activities. I enjoy the outdoors as well but can be at home with my crochet needle and be just as happy.

We both decided to go with spaghetti and meatballs, and of course a glass of Merlot! As we were sipping our wine and making small talk, the waitress came over and said sir, there is a lady here, insisting that she is your wife and you need to cut your work dinner short and come home now! He turned to look at the woman at the door to which he said I don’t know her and have never seen her in my life!

I looked at Brian, picked up my merlot and threw it in his face. Left the money for my part and left. As I was getting into my car, someone jumped into the car seat next to me. Kate, it was Kate. She said well, how did I do? Playing his wife and all, I said perfectly, you did perfect, lol. See Brian was in fact married, and what he didn’t know was I saw his text to the wifey on his phone at the coffee shop before he came over to talk to me. And yes it actually said, the wifey...

Was this all a bit much to prove a point. Sure, a little unnecessary, probably, but you did just read it and it left you a little speechless here at the end... and Ellie went home to her animals content in knowing she was still single but happy to be in quiet pleasant company.


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    EHWritten by Ellie Houck

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