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My Red Pill Horror Stories

Don't take the Red Pill…it's full of cyanide…

By Coke FrancisPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
My Red Pill Horror Stories
Photo by Jakayla Toney on Unsplash

"Men ain't getting laid as much as they think they should! And that's a problem for EVERYONE!" This guy's article was trying to convince me.

It was an apocalyptic event and he assured me I should be concerned.

The entire future of humanity was at stake.

"Because then no children will be born. And the CORONA VIRUS WINS!!"

Riveting though his argument was, I couldn't help but chuckle. Women still have sex with men. At least those who are pleasant to be around and aren't playing stupid PUA games.

And as for the men who live deep in red pill culture…

**Vogues as she speaks**

"You - mean - to - tell - ME - men - are - SURPRISED - that their RED PILL BULLSHIT - isn't getting them - -LAID!?"

**Gasp** Honestly, guys? lmbo!


I'll tell you what the end result of the age of Red Pill rhetoric has been from a woman's perspective: Many dating horror stories and deep appreciation for being single.

Some of these are horror comedies. Some of these are horror mysteries.

But they all have one thing in common: "Needy Kruger," the "owfa male" nightmare monster.

He will chase women around abusing them, and then when he's hanging with Michael Myers and Leather Face, be like:

"I don't know why women are always running from me! They just can't appreciate a nice guy like me! They all want BAD BOYS!"


Let's begin:


By Nsey Benajah on Unsplash

Story 1: The Comedian

In high school, he was funny, seemed a decent guy, and was even Haitian American like I was, so we had that culture in common.

He never asked me out though, and while I liked him, there were other guys I liked even more. So, neither of us really pursued the other.

After high school, we met again when he invited me and another friend, Patty, to a comedy club to watch his standup routine.

I couldn't believe my goofy friend from High School was a stand-up comedian; I was so proud of him! And he was hilarious!

The best part of the evening was on the train ride home, when a strange guy walked in and out of our train car. Just based on this, my friend (let's call him "Q") had the entire train car in tears with laughter, making jokes about the incident.

Over the years and deeper into adulthood, we met up here and there, but it was always as friends and always with other people.

I don't know, we just never tried one on one for whatever reason.

And even though I'll always remember the good times we had, later events will make me glad that we never spent much time alone…

By Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

"He threatened to RAPE ME," Patty told me over Facebook.

Me and Q never hung out alone, but he did get together with other friends from high school.

"No! Q?!"

"Yes! Q! Stay away from him girl. He's crazy!"

And another homegirl of mine, we'll call her "Daphne," had also briefly dated him and confirmed he was indeed crazy. She was standing with Patty 100%.

"He's just kinda off, girl." Daphne said.

That's 2 against 1, but I still couldn't believe it. I was closer to Q than I was to Daphne, but Patty was my best friend. While she could be kinda wild, she'd never made an accusation like that before.

She-Squad loyalty dictated that I would not talk to Q anymore to support my friend, even though I had no idea if what she was saying was true. He threatened to rape her? The last time we all hung out together, Patty was actually bullying Q. This girl loved to push his buttons, so I was kind of torn between what to do.

But a threat of rape was too heavy to ignore. And then I had Daphne confirm he was a little loco too, but their problem seemed like general dating issues, and she admitted she didn't hear nor see Q actually threaten Daphne.

In the end, even though it kind of crushed me to do so, I stopped talking to Q and wouldn't return his messages. I basically just cut him off, and so did Daphne and Patty.


Over 10 more years would pass, and I missed my friend Q and wondered if I did the right thing. But it was two girls' words against his, and I couldn't ignore that.

By the time I was in my late 30's and had moved back to Brooklyn, I started seeing Q from time to time whenever I was out and about in the Downtown area. We chatted amicably when we met, and by that time, I had had a falling out with Patty. Now me and Daphne weren't talking to her. It wasn't just Q's buttons she liked to push.

Around my 40th birthday, Q asked if he could take me out to dinner. At that point, we were back as Facebook friends, and I didn't have anything else going on for my birthday, so I figured "why not?"

When I get to the restaurant, he calls to tell me he's running late. He calls every 20 minutes or so to tell me he will be there in 10 minutes.

By like the 3rd time, I realize I'm being toyed with and recognized this was possibly some kind of stupid PUA tactic.

Just as I was about to leave, he shows up, well over an hour late. He offers no apology either. The cavalier way he was acting, the lack of apology, and the smirk he had on his face all confirmed for me that this was some PUA garbage he was pulling.

He offers me some compliments about how I look, and by the way his eyes lit up when he saw me, I felt he meant them.

But then it's like he flipped a switch and decided he was sounding like a simp or something, so he started trying to "neg" me for the same reasons he had complimented me for originally.

I wanted to give him a pass. He was my old high school friend number one, and I had basically ditched him when the issues with my girlfriends happened. I still didn't know who or what to believe about that, and when the topic was brought up, he just kind of dodged them still being secretive.

But then again, he was a comedian, right? It should be expected he'd poke fun and take a few shots at me. Maybe I just needed to give homie a break?

And maybe I would have if he didn't spend the entire dinner bitching and moaning about other women from his past.

He tells me how women took advantage of him, how he was always trying to help their careers, but then they jump over him and get ahead of him.

Then there were the stories about how every woman he dated cheated on him, and it sounded like all or most of them left him for another woman.

He even starts watching porn on his phone at our table while we were in mid-conversation. I knew for sure that this guy was "shit testing" me, to use PUA's own language.

Finally, he refused to pay for my dinner, which I know isn't generally a big deal these days, but HE asked ME out for MY BIRTHDAY!

So yeah, that was the end of that for me. Somehow, we get on the topic of M.G.T.O.W and I accuse him of being one. He didn't accept or deny the allegations.

"Men Getting The (Fuck) Out (The) Way," I said with a snicker. He didn't seem to like my redefining MGTOW but I didn't care. I was done with him by that point, and I had some jokey jokes too.

Hell, had he been anything but an old friend with whom I had some good memories, I would have already walked out on his simple ass.


By Nsey Benajah on Unsplash

"Told you he was crazy!" Daphne said.

"Yeah, but that was like 10 years ago. You'd think he would have gotten some help or something." I said to her, feeling sad. I didn't like what the world had done to my happy-go-lucky friend from high school.

Whatever the world had done to him, he should not be taking that out on us women. We've got enough problems without any of this red pill garbage to pile on top of it.

Q actually had the nerve to text me soon after wanting to hang out again. I respectfully declined, and he got angry with me. Not immediately, he tried at least 2 more times to ask if we could hang out before I had to tell him in no uncertain terms NO, with a little base in the voice to make sure he gets the message.

Too bad. I still remember him as my nutty friend from high school, who used to do the craziest things to make me and the women around him laugh.

But the red pill cult got their filth into him.

Now he'd rather hurt women and make them angry. So he's damned to "creepy asshole" hell for all eternity…

(Or until he grows the hell up and cuts out the foolishness)


Part 2: Red Pill Horror Stories Double Feature:

"The Sacrifice" and "The Baby's Daddy"

…Coming soon…


About the Creator

Coke Francis

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    Coke FrancisWritten by Coke Francis

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