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My Husband Wishes He Never Married Me (My Husband Said He Should Have Never Married Me)

Alright, so you're saying my husband wishes he never married me, and you're hurting. It does hurt, I know that. You are probably beginning to doubt whether if your marriage is going to last. If you're in a situation where you're saying my husband said he should have never married me, then this might be the most important thing you've ever read.

By Daisy AylaPublished about a year ago 6 min read

What is it that every woman wants when she is in a relationship? She wants a close loving relationship with her husband. If you are wandering around thinking, "I want my husband to love me again," then something is missing in your relationship.

You do not need to stay in that train of thought, and if you want to know what steps to take to fix things so that you are back on track, then the following steps can help you.

No marriage is smooth sailing and each marriage has its own dynamic. Life brings with it all sorts of problems that couples need to deal with, sometimes on a daily basis. Because of this it is easy to lose track of each other and feel like love has been lost. If your husband acts like he does not love you, or has even told you that he doesn't, then you are the one who can change that. Even if he said it, but he is still with you, then he most likely still loves you but just does not want to admit it to himself. You can help him realize that he still does.

Men usually become distant in a relationship when his needs are not being met. They need to feel respected, admired, appreciated and loved, as do women. While you may feel that you do, he may not sense it. It is something that he needs to hear and see, and actions for men speak louder than words. Sometimes when he does things that cause you to feel hurt or disappointed it is then all too easy to build resentment and react in kind. There are some very effective ways to prevent that happening.

If your focus is on the children and everyday routines, then it is easy for your husband to feel ignored and unloved. He wants your attention too, which is why he made a commitment to spend the rest of his life with you. Agreed, your children are a priority for both of you, but it should not be to the exclusion of each other.

He needs your attention, because that is what tells him that he is important to you and that you love him.

Begin drawing your husband back to you, by showing him that you respect and admire him. He may be reluctant to change to start with, as he may not trust that you have changed. So, keep it up. Treat him as you would like to be treated, with love and kindness. Pay him little compliments that are genuine and sincere. Do not nag him about things around the house. Ask him once about something, tell him that you are leaving it with him, when he agrees to do it, and then do just that. When he does complete something you have asked him to do, show him that you are grateful. Thank him for it.

Remember to give him a hug when he needs one and even when he doesn't, but do not go over the top. Remind him of some of your good memories and what they mean to you. Even if he ignores you to begin with, keep on with it.

Remember to take care of yourself as well. Cultivate confidence and a good self-esteem within you, as this will change how your husband views you.

Things You Can Do to Keep Your Husband Happy!

A happy marriage is a marriage in which both spouses are happy. So, if your husband looks unhappy, it is time you learned how to make your husband happy - because simple discontent can turn into painful marriage problems very quickly. I know this from my own marriage - at first what seemed to be a simple "grump" towards life quickly turned into a full blown unhappiness and marriage troubles quickly ensued, bringing the marriage to the brink of divorce. I saved my marriage when I learned how to make my husband happy, and therefore I recommend you read the rest carefully.

First of all, if you sense that your husband is discontent with something, I know that the first thing you will think of doing (in order to fix this and to make your husband happy) is to openly talk to him about it, ask and insist on asking what was going wrong. Maybe you have done it, maybe you haven't. But it wasn't a good idea nevertheless - men are never as open as we are about their feelings. There are certain things a man can't even admit to himself, let alone admit to you and make it "real". On the other hand, communication is the absolute key to any happy marriage. So, in order to make a husband happy, what should be done is to make him know that you are aware of his unhappiness, and are willing to listen to whatever he has to say, if he has them. Make your husband know that you won't take anything personal and start blaming. If you can make him understand that you won't be aggressive, he'll share more of his feelings with you (and himself). This can be crucial in making your spouse feel better and make it a happy marriage.

In order to make my husband happy, I was taught to let go of certain things a married life makes you get used to. For example, unending criticisms of our spouses. If you want to learn how to make your husband happy, you must understand that you have to stop criticizing him for everything. Be positive instead of negative. You are your husband's wife and your outlook and approach on him can change his feelings and mood completely. Instead of taking note of his failures or mistakes, just make an effort on focusing on his good sides and making him aware of the fact that you adore him.

Even if both spouses love each other sincerely, at times they might find themselves getting more and more distant from each other and getting close to a divorce. But like me, you too can take some steps into saving your marriage and turning it into a satisfying relationship.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick that will make your spouse love you for the rest of their lives even if they are this close to walking out the door. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will save your marriage and get you back to that place you once were - in love, committed, and excited about the future - within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Thinking about regaining the status of "Happily Married"? It is possible, and is not difficult if you think it is not. But exactly how you do so? If you would like the source most couples used to revive their relationship, strengthened their marriage, regain trust and love in the marriage and not giving up then visit Secrets To A Happy Marriage


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