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My Husband Says He Wants A Divorce But Says He Loves Me (My Husband Left Me But Says He Still Loves Me)

Alright, so you're saying my husband says he wants a divorce but says he loves me, and you're hurting. It does hurt, I know that. You're feeling like your world is falling apart. You're wondering how you're ever going to be able to live without him again. If you're in a situation where you're saying my husband left me but says he still loves me, then you'll want to read every word of this article.

By Logan JacobPublished about a year ago 5 min read

If your husband said he wants a divorce, two things probably happened. One, you probably immediately felt panic. Two, you probably also went back and forth between wanting to rip his head off and feeling desperate to fix the situation. After all, how could he leave you? How could he leave your life and your home and your family? What was he thinking?

This kind of situation requires finesse. If your husband said he wants a divorce and you don't want one, getting him back and interested in you again needs to be priority number two. What's priority number one? Your first priority needs to be your happiness. That's right, even if you feel like a divorce would be a huge mistake, if you are not happy, then getting him back is an even bigger mistake. Even if you have children, staying married should not be your priority if you are unhappy. Your children will be happier and healthier if you are happy and healthy.

So are you happy with your marriage and relationship? If you are, then let's move on to priority number two: getting your husband interested in you again. How do you do this? Well you start by taking inventory of your relationship. Why did your husband say he wanted a divorce? Is he cheating on you? If he is cheating, can you forgive him if he tells you he wants to stay married and stop seeing the other person? Once you know the real reason behind your husband wanting a divorce, you can start to look at your role in the relationship.

Again, this is where you need to decide how happy you are with your marriage. Have you let yourself and your wants and desires take a backburner to your marriage or your children? Have you made your relationship with your husband important in your life? One of the biggest reasons men want a divorce is because they don't feel like they are wanted anymore. Not just wanted physically, but emotionally, financially, and even socially. If you do everything for yourself and never let your husband feel like a hero, he will look elsewhere for someone who makes him feel important. This isn't your fault, it is just that life happens. So sometimes it will take a concentrated effort on your part to make sure your husband feel like you need him, even though you feel like you show him that everyday just because you're married to him.

How To Stop Your Divorce Before It's Too Late

A break up is tough enough when you're just boyfriend and girlfriend. But when you're a married couple, a break up becomes a devastating divorce.

If things are going south in your marriage, it's normal to want to know how to stop a divorce as soon as possible.

Hopefully, this short "how to stop divorce" guide can help.

That said, here are the 5 steps to help save your marriage...

How to Stop Divorce Tip #1

What is your reason for wanting to save the relationship? This is highly important, for two reasons. The first is that knowing the reason why will help you decide whether or not it's worth the effort to stop divorce in its tracks. The second reason is, that if you do decide to learn how to stop divorce, it's going to take some serious effort and work on your part AND your husband's part. So having a powerful reason why is what will keep you going even when it seems like you're not making any progress.

How to Stop Divorce Tip #2

Now this is where the rubber hits the road. You need to figure out why your husband wants a divorce in the first place. Is it a rash decision on his part? Or has this been a long time coming? Either way, you need to discover the reason for wanting a divorce. Figuring out why your spouse wants the divorce is going to help you figure out the RIGHT solution for your particular situation and relationship. Sometimes the reasons can be plenty... maybe your husband has let stress of everyday life get in the way... or maybe he feels unappreciated and not loved... or maybe you're not giving him enough attention.

How to Stop Divorce Tip #3

Now that you know the motivation for your husband to want to break up the marriage, it's time to implement a few solutions. The first, is going to be good communication. You're going to have to be honest, sincere, and open with ALL your feelings. What's more, you're going to need to be a good listener who doesn't get upset or defensive when your husband starts listing all the things that you're doing that's making him upset. This takes maturity... and a dose of humbleness. So how do you communicate? Sit down and talk to each other. Let each other know what you're feeling, what you're thinking, and why things are on the verge of divorce. Believe me, if you give your spouse free reign to tell you how he feels - without you getting defensive or upset - he's going to tell you EXACTLY why he wants a divorce. And this is good news for you, because you'll know precisely what to do to stop it.

How to Stop Divorce Tip #4

Once you know the reason why your spouse wants or is thinking about a divorce, it's time to get busy. You're going to have to start taking LOTS of action. Stopping divorce is going to require that you SHOW your spouse that you're changing. Don't just tell him you'll change. Show him through your actions. As cliché as it sounds, actions do speak louder than words. So start changing your behavior and doing the things that will improve the relationship.

How to Stop Divorce Tip #5

If, at this point, you're still not seeing progress, then it's time to go see a marriage counselor. Sometimes a third part is needed to make the conversation and communication flow smoothly. Plus, a marriage counselor knows certain techniques and methods that can help stop divorce faster than you could on your own. This can be an expensive option, but if you want to save your marriage, it's worth every penny.

Hopefully these five tips will help you on your quest to learn how to stop divorce. And remember, don't just read about it and move on. Take action immediately!

It's all up to you! If you don't take this action to save your marriage, then who will?

To learn how to save your marriage alone, then check out this plan of actions that is 100% guaranteed. Over 60,000 couples were able to save their marriages by doing the very same series of steps that you will be doing. If they saved their marriages, then you can too! Click Here to see how it's done…

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your spouse back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Save The Marriage to find out more. All my best to you and your spouse!


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  • ashley drita11 months ago

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  • maybelle helen12 months ago

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