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My Husband Is Always Against Me - My Husband Never Defends Me Around Other People

My Husband Is Always Against Me - My Husband Never Defends Me Around Other People

By Nish@nt Raikw@rPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Have you been trying all your feminine wiles on a guy you like, but wondering if he even notices? Have you been using all the techniques your mother taught you - being submissive, hiding your intelligence, showing off your domestic skills - without much success?

If you really want to make him adore you, you need to forget the old ways of attracting men and learn what it is that the modern man seeks in a woman. In the 1950s, a man was looking for a woman who would be able to keep a good home and be a good mother. They were taught that it was a man's place to be the head of the house, while the wife should be a "helpmate" - letting her husband make all the important decisions while she concentrated on household affairs.

Today, it's a little more complicated. Men are less interested in homemaking skills than they are in finding a partner who is self-confident, financially independent, intelligent and has a good sense of humor. This makes it a little more complicated for a woman seeking to impress a man - she has to have a much greater understanding of what makes a man tick. In fact, she has to figure out what makes a particular man tick since attraction is really an individual matter.

Of course, men are still attracted to women who take pride in their appearance and do their best to make themselves as attractive as possible. A beautiful figure, a pretty face, shiny, sweet smelling hair and a seductive manner all work to attract a guy's attention. But once you have his attention, it is up to you to study your guy and figure out what will keep him interested.

What does he enjoy doing? Does he have a good sense of humor? Does he enjoy an intellectual challenge? Is he thoughtful and aware of your feelings, or does he just expect you to cater to him? Does he communicate well, or is it up to you to draw him out? Guys tend to expect their girlfriends to understand them, even though they don't always understand themselves!

It takes a bit of work, but once you have developed a good understanding of what makes your guy tick, you are well on your way to making yourself indispensable in his life. You'll soon find that showing a man you truly understand him goes a long way in your quest to make him adore you.

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My husband is always against me - My husband never defends me around other people

Marriage problems caused by women who are too assertive do occur every now and again. In general, assertive women are not as common as assertive men, so in the event that a man does find an assertive woman, they're usually quite attractive simply because she's so uncommon and also because she's a confident individual. Having said this, being assertive in a marriage isn't always the best trait to have. At certain times, it's actually better for the wife to be a bit more subservient and not be so headstrong in her opinions. Here are three problems caused by women who are too assertive.

1. Cutting Off The Man

Marriage is all about mutuality. You and your man have to share the same feelings, thoughts and beliefs about certain things. In essence, the more things you share together, the stronger your connection will be.

If you're assertive, you usually would only believe what you believe and leave no room to accept opinions of other people, such as your husband. This is not conducive to improving the marriage.

2. Poor Communication

Communication is all about trying to transmit an idea across through language and getting through to another person in the way that you understand it. Sometimes, there is "noise" which makes the message harder to understand.

For women who are too assertive, their "noise" would be their own beliefs. Even if men were keen on communicating with them, their noise might impede the entire message such that nothing gets through to the wife.

3. Less Love Overall

If a woman is assertive, it's harder for her to be humble and to learn how to accept other people's views. This is because she either doesn't agree with them, or doesn't have the patience to try and understand them.

If you don't have the patience to learn about why your man feels so strongly about his views, then why are you even married? You've got to learn to accept your man for what he is. Only then can he love you in return.

These marriage problems are caused by women who are too assertive. Don't get me wrong, it is a good quality to have in women. However, if you let it get in the way of your relationship with your man, don't expect him to hang around for much longer. I know that sounds harsh, but it's the truth. Step down and you'll be doing your marriage a favor.


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Nish@nt Raikw@r

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