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My Fiancé Stabs Me Once a Week

I am rewarded with kisses and chocolate.

By CharlenePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Dear W from

Life can be real tough, and living with an autoimmune disease can definitely make things a lot more difficult. We must remember that the life we're given isn't our choice, but how we choose to maintain it, is.

Every day I wake up with either joint pain, fatigue, or I am just plain old exhausted. But then I think, who will conquer my day if I don't get my butt up? No one!

I have been with my fiancé for almost three years now. Living together for about two, and I thank God for her strength, her kindness, and her caring golden heart every single second of my day. She is an absolute angel sent from the heavens above.

Now I will be honest, I was managing my life well before her, but it seems now having someone you love so close by your side to go through this tough journey with it makes things so much more easier. It calms my anxiety. Life has so much more meaning, not just for myself but for my family.

I am eating more anti-inflammatory foods, exercising more, and I have tried all of the teas out there. Every day is still a struggle, but every day I continue to push harder.

Autoimmune diseases will tear you down if you don't take care of yourself. Take your meds, and keep your body moving! Go to your appointments and never lie to the doctor! They are there to help you.

I have Lupus, an autoimmune disease that targets your joints, skin, and some of your main organs. I am following all the rules and yet I still get really bad flare-ups. But unfortunately that comes with it. Sometimes medications will work, and others absolutely nothing works but patiently waiting it out. You must remain strong!

It was about over a year into my diagnosis when my doctor decided to have me give Benlysta a try, it is an auto-injector that helps with Lupus patients. Usually patients have their dose at the doctors office or they have a nurse administer it in their home.

My wonderful fiancé stepped up and started giving me my doses. Yup, she stabs me once a week in my abdomen. And some weeks I cry, others I suck it up. But every single week she consoles me, she helps me breathe in and out, and tells me to keep my eyes open so I don't internalize the pain. She gives me lots of chocolate, and hugs, and kisses.

She gives me hope for better days. She hates it, but she knows I need it, and she will do anything to try and keep my pain low. Her calm energy is what I need in order to keep grounded. I am forever grateful for her level of strength, because she may not see it, but her strength is what helps me get through every second of it.

Sure, I have Lupus, but have you ever had such a love so pure and so deep and genuinely rich that something so bad can actually feel normal on most days? That's what I have. My pain will be forever, but the medicine she offers through love will always keep me at ease. I just try to make sure I don't exhaust her, I know I can be a lot, and she needs her strength to live her own life. She deserves the world.

Life is unpredictable, but love will forever save you from your struggles, just as long as you work together as one and keep each others cup full.

Original Story on Medium


About the Creator


she/her Creative Writer, Poetry, Blogs, Short Stories, Articles. Thoughts become letters, letters become words, & it all forms sentences that turn to magic!

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