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My Ex Boyfriend Has A New Girlfriend But Still Talks To Me (My Ex Tells Me He Loves Me But Has A Girlfriend)

As someone who gives relationship advice, one of the things I hear from women is my ex boyfriend has a new girlfriend but still talks to me. Any woman saying this may be thinking that she's lost the man she loves for good. You can actually steal your boyfriend back from his new girlfriend if you understand how to appeal to him at this delicate time. If you're saying my ex tells me he loves me but has a girlfriend, then you'll want to read every word of this article.

By David HudsonPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Did your boyfriend break up with you and now you need help because you want your ex boyfriend back but he's moved on? Whatever you do don't despair! You may not have lost him forever. The following are some simple tips to help you learn how to get your ex back even if he has moved on and seems to be interested in another woman.

A.) - One of the first things you have to do to get your ex boyfriend back is to find a way to make him realize he still wants you. Unless you have found out that he wants nothing to do with you for whatever reason, then there are several options that you can try from this moment on.

B.) - It may sound too simple . . . but one of the best things you can do is to just be his friend. Turn him into a really, really good friend by showing him that you know him well and that you can still be in his presence without any drama coming up. Joke around with him, have a healthy, non-clinging relationship with him. This allows time to pass and the drama and stress of the breakup will have time to subside. He may then realize that he misses you and wants you again.

C.) - Be sweet and kind to your ex boyfriend whenever you talk to him. But don't be afraid to have a little bit of attitude. You want to make him want you but you've got to make him feel that he can't have you right now.

D.) - Play a little bit hard to get while at the same time hinting that you are available. Also, do a little flirting and hanging out with friends. A tiny bit of jealousy can work to make your ex start to have some interest in you again. Just make sure you don't go overboard because if he starts to think you are not available he may think you moved on and not be motivated to pursue you.

E.) - Make sure you don't come across as desperate at any time. Play it cool and make him think you are O.K. with everything that happened and that you are willing to move on if that's what he wants. If you act desperate it will close his mind to getting back with you.

F.) - Any time that you know he is looking at you, or if you feel like he is looking at you, look at him out of the corner of your eye. This sidelong glance will let him know that you are paying attention to him, but in a mysterious "you can't have me" kind of way.

G.) - When you are around him find a way to make him remember the good times you had together. Don't bring up anything negative because that will not do you any good. Only be pleasant and create a happy atmosphere when around him. That will make him want you more.

These are just a few simple ideas to use as you work on getting your boyfriend back. Follow your heart but use your brain and find the other steps which will effectively answer the question "I Want to Get My Ex Boyfriend back But He's Moved On - What Should I Do?"

Get Him Back And Renew The Love You Once Had

You've been thinking about him constantly! You want to get him back before your chances are gone. What can you do to repair this once perfect relationship?

First off, all women should know that a break-up doesn't necessarily mean it was their fault. It takes two people to start a relationship and two to end it. If one of you were unfaithful, there has to be a deeper reason that happened. Did you both become lazy in your appearances? Did you just stop trying?

Men and women are wired differently. Men want to be the center of their woman's universe no matter how unrealistic that sounds. Women want to be noticed as well, and cared for by a loving man. When both party's needs aren't met anymore, something is going to happen. One or both of you will look for that attention elsewhere or just stop caring all together.

This segment is going to be directed only at women because this is information and advice for women only. It by no means suggests that women have to take on all of the responsibility to keep a relationship fresh and alive!

Think back to the time you and your man met. You both did everything you could to look and act exactly like the other one wanted. You bought new clothes. Your hair looked beautiful. You were clean, smelled lovely and wore make-up too (unless you were just naturally beautiful). You were excited when you saw him, and your heart beat faster every time you were together. You did everything with each other, and even though many things weren't something you normally would have done, you did it anyway because of him! You participated with a smile and positive attitude!

Fast forward to today. How do you behave around him? Do you try your hardest to please him? Do you give him compliments, or just nag him because he lies on the couch and watches sports on TV? Remember, he needs work too, but we're focusing on the women right now!

In your ex's point of view, you've become a nag. You don't give out compliments. You berate him because he doesn't do the chores you want. You wear sweats all of the time. You get angry when he wants to go out with the guys. When he does go out (rarely) you give him the third degree about where he is going and when he will be back.

What you ex wants is a woman that admires him and thinks he's everything she could ever ask for. He wants a woman that has her own agenda (to a degree) and wants to spend equal time with and without him. She doesn't care if he goes out with his friends because she has her own friends that she loves to hang out with. She is confident, sexy, and shows no signs of insecurity. He wants a woman that is fun to be around and not a downer. He wants the old you back, the woman you were when you met each other!

If couples could remain the same (or almost) as they were when they met, relationships would likely remain wonderful and intact. That may be unreasonable after marriage and a family, but during the dating stage it should be doable. Living together is a whole different problem. I would advise against it.

By keeping the mystery alive, you're also keeping the spark alive. You don't need to be together 24/7. Date each other and see each other 4 days a week. By keeping the interest alive and by keeping your boyfriend wanting more of you, you can have a successful relationship.

Go back to being the woman he fell in love with, and you'll be able to get him back!

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within days. I have a set of hardcore field-tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don't leave getting your ex back to chance, follow a proven step by step formula to get your ex back today at: Complete Guide To Getting Your Ex Back


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