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Money Magick

An Occult Perspective on Wealth

By Carlton BurnsPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
Money Magick
Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

When you clicked on this article, were you expecting to learn how to make money? Perhaps learn some secret technique that the hundreds of gurus on YouTube (I've seen plenty) use to pitch their ideas? I'm talking about the ones selling a get-rich-quick scheme; not those who provide practical methods that brings results.

I will share information from an occult perspective that deals with the mentality one must have to bring wealth and riches into their reality. And at the end of the article will be resources for everyone to research and explore so that you can learn more for yourself.

Allow me to begin.

What Is Money?

As mundane as the question is, it's an introspective question at heart. What is money to you, is the real phrasing. Money is important in almost any facet of life for basic survival needs and luxuries, but its also seen as an obstacle for many who are in desperate need of it.

More-so what it could do for their situation, understandably. And that's not to make light of those struggling to make ends meet. I'm here to provide a perspective that has helped me open opportunities to build wealth and riches, so that it may in turn help many of you in the long run.

Back to the point, money is seen as an obstacle for many reasons. The main one being a person's own mindset towards it. If you have studied the Hermetic Laws, then the overall gist of this article is straightforward. For those who've yet heard of these laws, I highly suggest you research them.

(I do plan to write an article on these laws one day, so stay tuned!)

By Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

There are seven laws in total, but I'll just be mentioning the first one, since that's the most important one to remember. It is the Law of Mentalism, which states; 'All is mind, universe is mental.' Pretty much, your mind is the ultimate dictator of your reality.

Yes, your mind is the universe and each and everything you experience is by your own subconscious. Which is very important to know, especially in this day and age of subtle programming by many forms of media.

In the context of money, the way you perceive it is the exact way you'll experience it. I'm sure everyone has heard of the saying, 'rich get richer, poor gets poorer', and that's especially true due to those individuals' subconscious perception of money.

Basically, if you believe and feel money is hard to get, keep, maintain--you are accepting that as a reality you've created. I get those who say just believing you can make money doesn't seem realistic, but that's all perspective.

Think of a time you talked yourself out of an opportunity or business venture just because you didn't see any instant results. Now research successful business owners who've experienced the same failures--but continued pushing on until they struck gold.

By Jingming Pan on Unsplash

The main reason they achieved the success they have is because they stayed focused on their desire of being successful, and, didn't second guess their faith in the process. With that burning will and mentality of being successful--all is mind, universe is mental!

So the cause brought about the desired effect when all things were said and done, at the right time. There is, without a doubt, a problem with mental health--and doubly so, after learning about the Hermetic Laws. So it goes without question, to be conscious of your own internal voice.

Your Inner Voice

Back to the question earlier about what money means to you. Using my own experience, I come from a Christian background. No ill will against anybody's beliefs, this is just an observation. Growing up Christian, I've heard many times money (and greed) is the root to all evil.

Knowing what I know now, I've realized that was a psychological block for me, and perhaps many of those who still hold on to this belief. Money itself isn't evil since its just an object used as currency. There are people with ill intentions though, that's not to be ignored.

But accepting that money is subconsciously evil, in turn, prevents it from ever making its way abundantly. And it can be many subconscious beliefs that limit it too, so keep in mind your own mind! The main point, similar to what I explained in the example, is that some do talk themselves out of more money.

By Vivek Sharma on Unsplash

Gods and Goddesses of Wealth

If you read this far into the article, I'm grateful. Truly. I do my absolute best to make these articles engaging and informative--so without further ado I can start getting into the more fun ways to magnetize wealth and abundance.

Building from my last point, people do talk themselves out of more money or opportunities to make money. And that may be for many reasons, however, if you desire wealth--you can't be afraid when 'wealth-building opportunities' come knocking.

Whether that may be through a new career, investment opportunity, cultivating talents and in rare cases--a winning lottery ticket. That is, of course, if you play to win instead of playing for the sake of gambling. Reading the subheading, I'm sure you're wondering how deities are involved with wealth.

I will say that studying different mythologies to understand the context in which these deities (energies) interact in the story is good for your personal understanding. The myths these deities exist in is of course not meant to be literal, they are symbolic of divine qualities found within.

In the context for this article, a goddess of wealth--such as Lakshmi--would be a good goddess to research and learn the qualities of. Though she's a goddess of wealth, she's not the only goddess as there are literally thousands you can find on your own.

(Check resources at the end of the article)

By Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

But there are thousands because energy doesn't stagnate. For all the physicists reading, one of Einstein's quotes,..."energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another." Holistically, every goddess or god is similar in essence to the others. The difference just being the name and characteristics (expression).

It's also important to look at the perspective these cultures had of their gods, as their own mentality on things--such as wealth--could have been an entirely different meaning we have today. But a modern mindset is required with ancient concepts.

As I've mentioned, these deities are just an expression of our own divine nature. I do not treat them as entities above me, rather as a form of my own divinity. You'll come across many who do worship these energies but--to each their own.

The key to working with these deities is to realize they aren't disconnected from you. They're a reminder of what you already are. Wealth isn't something that's distant from us, unless we create that reality for ourselves. So invoking different gods and goddesses is akin to realizing aspects of your divinity.

Put simply, you become wealth so that no matter what happens in day to day life, money will never be an issue. This is a tough concept to understand at first, but once you do, its definitely a blessing.

By micheile dot com on Unsplash

Yes, that is the secret to bringing more wealth and abundance. Its to become it! Because all is mind, and the universe is mental. So once you accept in your own mind that you are abundance itself, that reality opens up for you.

The Gods and Goddesses are just tools to help you in your spiritual journey of self mastery. Too simple to be true right? Not quite. The most simple of answers are the best, no matter how hard it is to comprehend at first. Besides, who wants a complicated and over convoluted answer? I damn sure don't!

One last thing before I end this article. Having common sense with your money is equally as important. Learning to budget, invest, and find ways to make money work for you is all included. To close, a quote from an author who you'll find in the resources below:

"Magic is a supplement to common sense and hard work, not a replacement for them." -Kenaz Filan

Thank you everyone for reading, I really appreciate it. I know this article was kind of long, but very necessary for the times we are living in. Hopefully this answers some questions. If you enjoyed, please like and share with friends and family. Perhaps a coworker or two if you're feeling generous!


  • Vodou Money Magic - Kenaz Filan
  • Hidden Power - James K. Van Fleet
  • Encyclopedia of Spirits - Judika Illes
  • The Power of your Subconscious Mind- Joseph Murphy
  • Visual Magick - Jan Fries
  • Never Belittle Your Greatness - Aubrey Sturdivant
  • Ancient Future - Wayne Chandler
  • Woke Doesn't Mean Broke - Billy Carson


Brother Panic -

(Warning not for the feint of heart)


About the Creator

Carlton Burns

Writing has been one of the ways I’ve been able to express my thoughts, maybe as a form of self-therapy. In a sense I’m able to reflect on lessons learned and many mysteries uncovered on this journey of life.

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