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Moments Series

A Moment of Clarity

By Jennifer KentPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

The moment I saw the change in her eyes was probably the scariest two seconds of my life. I thought we were having fun while we were being playful until her eyes got round and her pupils dilated. She was out of her seat so fast that the chair crashed to the ground. The next five minutes passed in a complete blur. After I calmed her down, as well as I could, I paid the bill and ushered her out the door.

Now on the drive back to her place a million questions are running through my mind but I can’t bring myself to ask her any of them for fear she may get worked up again. Which I could totally handle I just can’t bear to put her through that again. The second we pull up to her house she is out of the car before I even put the car in park and she slams the door in my face right as I step up onto the porch.

I decide giving her a little space is probably the best thing to do so I turn around to walk back to my car when I hear, “I hope you won’t give up on her, Landon.”

Looking to my right I see an older woman, who I can only assume is her Grandmother. “I appreciate the vote of confidence but how can you be sure we didn’t have an argument?”

Patting the seat next to her she says, “Have a seat.” After I sit down, she continues, “I know she seems very sweet but let me tell you if you two had an argument it wouldn’t be over. Or if it was she wouldn’t have been running away from you.”

Laughing in admiration, because I can totally see that about her, I say, “Yeah, that looked pretty bad, didn’t it? But I assure you I’m pretty sure it was embarrassment that had her fleeing from my car.”

“What did she have to be embarrassed about?”

I quickly relay what happened at dinner then add, “It was pretty scary actually. I didn’t know what to do for her. Even now I don’t want this to end because she is embarrassed or doesn’t want to explain what happened. I don’t want to push the issue but I really like her.”

Closing her book, she takes off her glasses and looks me in the eye. “When she called me, out of the blue, and asked me if she could stay with me while she worked on her Master’s I got nosy and called her mother. Emily and her father are thick as thieves so I knew he would never tell me but her mother can always be persuaded.” She says with a wink then adds, “Now she wouldn’t tell me exactly what happened just that she had a bad breakup and to let her tell me in her own time.”

That I could work with. As long as she trusts me enough to see me again, we can work through this together. “So, what you’re saying is not to push her.”

“She has always been a very independent and strong girl. If you try and force it out of her I fear she would completely shut you out.” She says with a sad smile.

“I definitely don’t want that.” Staring out into the front yard, I lean forward, put my elbows on my knees and think of the best way to get her to see I won’t give up so easily. “I’m pretty patient.”

“That’s good to hear, dear. Because just so you know my independent and strong girl is also very stubborn.”

Laughing I look over at Emily’s grandmother and say, “Well, that’s something we have in common then because I have no intention of giving up on someone that I have been enthralled with from the moment I first saw her.”

“Emily did say you are very romantic.” Patting my knee, she continues, “That’s something she sorely needs after her last relationship. I’ve a feeling she had less of a bad breakup than a necessary one.”

That had me immediately seeing red because if there was a chance the guy before me screwed this up before we ever had a chance... I don’t really know what I would do. All I know is that I have to prove to Emily that I am nothing like him. “Okay, that is good information to have.” I say as a lean over and kiss her on the cheek. “Like I said, we will figure this out. As for tonight I’ll go and give her some space.”

“You remind me of my late husband. You seem like you’ll be very good for Emily.” She says with a wistful smile.

“I sure hope so. I have a good feeling about us.” Standing up I walk towards the stairs but turn back to her before I descend and walk to my car. “I really appreciate our talk. Thank you.”

Before she gets the chance to answer Emily pushes the screen door open and steps out onto the porch with us.

To be continued... Back to Emily's point of view


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    Jennifer KentWritten by Jennifer Kent

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