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"Meeting Emily: A Lesson in Acceptance and Kindness."

"Learning to Embrace Differences and Spread Compassion Through a Chance Encounter."

By Bryan DaugPublished about a year ago 3 min read

One small moment in my life that had a big impact on me occurred when I was a teenager, around 16 years old. It was a sunny day in the summer, and my family and I were at a community pool. My younger sister and I were splashing around in the shallow end of the pool, while my parents sat on the edge of the pool with their feet in the water, chatting with some friends.

As I was playing in the water, I saw a girl about my age walking towards the pool. She was wearing a swimsuit and a cover-up, and she had a towel draped over her shoulder. I noticed that she had a prosthetic leg, which surprised me because I had never seen anyone with a prosthetic limb before.

The girl walked over to the edge of the pool and sat down on a lounge chair. She took off her cover-up and her prosthetic leg and set them aside. Then she grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her waist.

I couldn't take my eyes off her. I felt like I was being rude for staring, but I couldn't help it. I had so many questions running through my head. How did she lose her leg? Was it hard to swim with a prosthetic? Did people treat her differently because of it?

As I was watching her, she caught my eye and smiled at me. I smiled back, feeling a little embarrassed for staring, but also relieved that she didn't seem upset or offended.

A few minutes later, my sister and I got out of the pool and went over to the vending machines to buy some snacks. As we were standing there, the girl with the prosthetic leg walked over to us and struck up a conversation.

She introduced herself as Emily and asked if we wanted to hang out with her for a bit. My sister and I looked at each other and then back at Emily, surprised but also excited to have made a new friend.

We spent the next hour or so hanging out with Emily, talking about school, music, and all sorts of other things. She told us that she had lost her leg in a car accident a few years earlier, but that she didn't let it stop her from doing the things she loved. She was on the swim team at her high school and was even training for a triathlon.

I was in awe of her bravery and resilience. I had never met anyone who had gone through such a traumatic experience and come out the other side so strong and determined.

As the day wore on, Emily and her family had to leave the pool, and my family and I said goodbye to her. But that brief interaction had a profound impact on me. It made me realize that people who are different from me are still just people, with hopes and dreams and fears, and passions. It also taught me the value of kindness and acceptance, and how important it is to make connections with people who are different from us.

From that day forward, I made a conscious effort to be more open-minded and inclusive. I started seeking out people who were different from me, whether it was someone with a physical disability, a different ethnic background, or a different personality type. I wanted to learn from them, see the world through their eyes, and broaden my own perspective.

That experience also inspired me to get involved in volunteer work and community service. I realized that there were so many people in the world who needed help and support, whether it was someone with a disability, someone, who was struggling with mental health issues, or someone who was experiencing poverty or homelessness. I wanted to make a difference in their lives, even if it was just a small one.

Over the years, that small moment at the pool with Emily has continued to shape my life in countless ways. It has taught me


About the Creator

Bryan Daug

Good day! As a writer, I strive to create engaging and thought-provoking content that will captivate my readers from the very first sentence. Whether you're looking for inspiration, entertainment, or information.

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