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By Gu Wei Di QiPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Catherine Kay Greenup on Unsplash

The long road of life, a grass a withering. Life is long, we will meet a lot of different kinds of people, life is very short, we can meet and know so many people.

In the sea of people, we meet, is the opportunity given to us by God, this is fate, and the depth of fate is from the number of our acquaintances.

When a sincere feeling appears, we love each other deeply. If a thousand words to each other, converge into one sentence, the most moving is not I love you, but: this life to meet you, enough.

01 Love has a purity


The origin of love is pure and unadulterated interest. It arises from two people's love at first sight, from the collision of two people's hormones, and the intersection of two people's brain waves.

Nan and Emu two met on the school field day. At that time, Emu was a judge, he saw a girl panting on the hot track, sweating like rain, but still gritting her teeth. Before the race, Nan also noticed the handsome Emu at the finish line and looked at him twice.

Perhaps the two did not expect that this was the beginning of their destiny.

Later, the two met and crossed paths more and more, and later, the seeds of love gradually took root and sprouted. They became an enviable couple on campus.

The two enjoyed a hot breakfast together in the morning, chatted together by the benches on the boulevard in their free time, had fun studying in the community in the afternoon, and strolled the playground hand in hand in the evening, watching the sunset and the neon rainbow come out on.

Campus love is the love of youth, the purest love, the most heartless love. In this kind of love, both sides of love are the most comfortable. What they can feel most is the sweetness that love brings to each other.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.

Nan responded: in such a small chance, we still met, always deep fate, naturally deep love.

The purity of love is no more than the depth of mutual love between the two sides of the relationship, the deeper the love, the greater the purity of love.

02 Love has a breadth

The perfect love is not never quarrelsome, nor is it all day long, but in daily life, small fights, at the right time to give each other separate space, independence, and passion.

The love between Nan and Emu has not always been smooth sailing. Emu's handsomeness has always been very popular with girls, and Nan is a possessive girl who is often jealous of other girls' attentiveness to Emu.

Nearing graduation, Emu was busy with his thesis and ignored Nan's feelings. As time goes by, Nan gradually loses her sense of security, and with Emu's popularity, she becomes even more afraid of losing him.

The first time I saw her, she was so anxious to spend time with him that any movement could touch her heart.

Emu was already anxious because of the paper, plus Nan's tight sense of oppression, he also lost his mind for a while, and the two quarreled. Once they agreed to refuse to fight cold after a quarrel. But when one is not calm, one leaves all that behind.

They had a cold war for half a month, and Emu still admitted his mistake first. His mistake was not noticing the change of emotions in Nan's heart and ignoring his feelings.

After Nan calmed down, she also understood that she was thinking too much and tried to pull off an apology several times during the cold war.

The beginning of a love affair is the hot period of love. The fact is that you will be able to get a lot of people who are not in love with you. This is love, such love requires us to always have breadth, trust each other, respect each other, give each other enough private space, can have secrets but not cheat.

03 Love has a thickness

Once I heard this passage: love over time, will become affection. But I do not fully agree. I think that when love becomes affection, love also becomes stale.

Real love has a thickness, it can be as close as affection, but it is more passionate than affection, it is not blood relations, is more intense feelings

Along the way, Nan and Emu's feelings became even deeper. After the two graduated, Emu decided to work in Nan's city. The two people who have entered society have long since shed their youthfulness and adolescence and now they are facing and planning more for their future with each other.

After working, the two could not spend all day together like before, after all, to prepare for the future life. But this does not affect the relationship between the two. They have seen each other not only as lovers but also as loved ones, people who want to walk hand in hand through life together.

Sometimes Nan would wonder why a good-looking person like Emu chose her, who was plain and unattractive.

Whenever this time Emu will hug her, gently telling her: meet you is not about others, just because you are you. Having you is the happiest thing in my life. This life to meet you is enough.

If you have a person around you who you love deeply, you may want to give each other some signals of your love for him in due time, tell each other.

I met you in this life, enough.

May the rest of my life, white heads never leave each other.


About the Creator

Gu Wei Di Qi

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