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Love More -- Ubi You

Ubi is pronounced "You Be."

By Lorre BlackPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
May I give you shade?

Temperatures soared into the 90's. It was the hottest day of the year so far. June 29, 2019, was also an historical day in my small farming community in Ohio. Organizers made it happen: The first Pride Celebration in Fayette County.

Fayette County, Ohio, is not known for supporting diversity. But on this day, we surprised ourselves. People joined together to include people who might otherwise be excluded.

We had speakers who shared their stories. A vendor came promoting "Citizens for Equality." Large paintings by local artists splashed color in the alley. We even had orange and blue snow cones.

My niece Peyton and Sister Kerri

At the last minute, my sister, niece and I borrowed a red wagon. We filled it full of my green and pink Ubi Umbrellas. I grabbed some old cardboard and spray painted "Ubi You" on it. That day we expressed LOVING MORE!

We were actually continuing the mission of my Ubi Umbrellas: To foster kindness throughout the world and to spread the blessings of giving and receiving.

Our mission that day: Ubi YOU! We support unity, love, acceptance, kindness and the right to be You!

Jr. High kids LOVING MORE

In this time of stress and confusion, I like to visit my "The Gift of the Ubi Umbrellas" Facebook page. My posts are intended to encourage MORE LOVE all the time -- especially now during this pandemic. I hope it will motivate people to show kindness one on one when we can actually touch again in public.

My picture blog shows the genesis of my "Umbrella Movement," and works in tandem with my Facebook page. Friends of mine have actually offered umbrellas to friends and strangers in other parts of the world. These pictures bring happiness and motivation for me to keep going.

Les in New Zealand giving in the spirit of "The Gift of the Ubi"

I have been giving umbrellas to strangers walking in the rain for 25 years.

First "official" Ubi Umbrella given to a stranger

I look for opportunities all the time to LOVE MORE with my Ubi. It is my heart's desire to bring others joy.

For this reason, I wrote a sweet little modern-day myth called THE GIFT OF THE UBI. It was a gift to me -- a co-creation with the Universe, as I like to call it. Born as a result of my eccentric way of showing others that they matter, it is designed "to help people dip into their own intrinsic autonomous reservoir of kindness" -- beginning with the Ubi. (Peyton is the illustrator!)

Available on Amazon

An eerie thing happened when I wrote this book. I consider it a synchronicity so strong it cannot be ignored. Listen to this!

My "umbrella man" or mentor, to whom I dedicated my book, suggested I write a "modern-day myth" to explain my connection to umbrellas. The book would help me to define my small philanthropic business. This story would be the impetus to create and manifest my Ubi Umbrella(s). I left his side, went home and wrote THE GIFT OF THE UBI in about ten minutes. Remember, I consider it to be a "downloaded" gift from the Universe. I then went to my niece, Peyton for the illustrations.

In keeping with my story, I told her I wanted hands coming up from Mother Earth and down from Father Cosmos. I showed her a picture as a guide, but gave her complete freedom to draw whatever came to her heart.

Peyton's "Hands"

While this was happening, Frank Turner was minutes away from my home performing songs from his new album. I had no idea who Frank Turner was (do you?) or that he would be writing a song that eerily goes with my book and umbrella.

In the meantime, my "umbrella man" had ordered a CD to give to me. He had researched songs about kindness. Before he gave it to me, I told him I would like to find a song about kindness to go with my book. "Your wish is my command," he said. He handed me Frank Turner's BE MORE KIND.

Album Cover

Look at the Hands! My jaw dropped when I saw the cover! Goosebumps covered my entire body when I listened to the title song, BE MORE KIND for the first time! Tears flowed down my cheeks.

Further research about Frank Turner ensued. That's how I discovered he was only minutes away from me when I was writing my book, and Peyton was drawing the "Hands."

I contacted Frank and told him the story. Peyton and I traveled to Cincinnati to give him my book, more drawings and a note. (My Ubi Umbrella had not yet been manifested.)

Me and Peyton at Bogart's in Cincinnati where Frank was playing

I eventually mailed two Ubi Umbrellas to him and his wife, Jessica Guise, as a wedding gift. Sadly, we've lost touch. Perhaps with the help of Vocal we can reconnect and collaborate to LOVE MORE and BE MORE KIND! C'mon, Frank, what do you say, Mate?

My small philanthropic business (getting ready to take off, but still looking for the people looking for me, too) promotes the belief that the collective consciousness can be raised in MORE LOVE by:

Fostering kindness

Enriching the lives of the givers and the lives of the receivers

Growing and developing altruism, humanitarianism and or beneficence

Understanding the spirituality and science of giving and receiving

Experiencing the power of NOW.

In closing, Listen to this! Here is Frank's Song BE MORE KIND. It will give you the chills and lift your spirits in this unusual time. May rain and sun and Ubi Umbrellas and your own intrinsic autonomous reservoir of kindness inspire you to LOVE MORE!


About the Creator

Lorre Black

Writer who recently discovered her well of creativity is infinite.

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