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Life Can Be tough At Time

For Everyone

By Narghiza ErgashovaPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

Life can be tough at times for everyone, and it's often easy to feel like the world is out to get you. So when life throws a curveball your way, instead of asking yourself “why me?” try saying “try me!” Those three simple words can have so much power behind them - they are an invitation to face challenges head-on with resilience while developing strength every step of the way. Workflow background information #Kindness, self-#Communication and criticism, and self-imposed #Expectations all contribute in large part towards how we approach life’s unexpected events.

Life is full of unexpected events and challenges that can easily make us feel overwhelmed or defeated. However, our perspective plays a crucial role in how we navigate these situations. The hashtag #GlassHalfFull reminds us that our perspective determines whether we see the glass as half empty or half full. I recently had the opportunity to discuss this concept with Narghiza E., the founder of The Golden Ritual, and her insights shed light on the power of perspective.

Narghiza shares a personal experience that changed her perspective on retirement. Initially, she dreamed of retiring early and escaping the demands of work. However, an encounter with an older gentleman selling investment opportunities challenged her perspective. The gentleman, who had once shared the same dream of early retirement, expressed gratitude for remaining useful, working, and engaging with younger people like Narghiza. His daily dose of meaningful social interactions kept his mind active, and he found joy in both the work itself and the financial rewards it brought.

This encounter caused Narghiza to reevaluate her perspective on retirement. She realized that staying active, engaged, and connected with others can bring a sense of fulfillment and purpose that might be missing in an early retirement. Rather than viewing work as a burden, she started seeing it as an opportunity for personal growth, learning, and continued contribution to society.

Narghiza's experience highlights the importance of examining our own perspectives. It's natural to desire a life free from stress and work-related responsibilities, but it's essential to question whether that perspective truly aligns with our values and long-term fulfillment. Perhaps the challenges and interactions that come with work can offer unique benefits that we might overlook if we focus solely on the idea of early retirement.

This shift in perspective extends beyond retirement. It reminds us to approach all aspects of life with an open mind and a willingness to embrace challenges. Instead of asking, "why me?" when faced with difficult circumstances, we can adopt the mindset of "try me!" This change in perspective empowers us to tackle challenges head-on, learn from them, and grow stronger in the process.

Kindness, self-communication, and the ability to handle criticism are crucial elements that shape our perspective. By practicing kindness, both towards ourselves and others, we cultivate empathy and understanding, allowing us to see situations from different angles. When we communicate effectively with ourselves, we gain a deeper understanding of our thoughts, emotions, and reactions, which helps us make more informed decisions. Additionally, viewing criticism as an opportunity for growth rather than a personal attack allows us to learn and improve.

Moreover, our perspective is heavily influenced by the expectations we impose on ourselves. Unrealistic or rigid expectations can create unnecessary pressure and limit our ability to see the positive aspects of a situation. By being aware of our self-imposed expectations and adjusting them when necessary, we can free ourselves from unnecessary stress and embrace a more positive outlook.

Ultimately, adopting a positive perspective is a choice we can make. It requires conscious effort and a willingness to reframe our thoughts and beliefs. By embracing the #GlassHalfFull mindset, we open ourselves up to new possibilities, personal growth, and a greater appreciation for the present moment.

In conclusion, Narghiza's encounter with the older gentleman selling investment opportunities serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of perspective. Our perspective shapes how we approach life's challenges and unexpected events. By embracing a positive mindset, practicing kindness, improving self-communication, handling criticism constructively, and managing our self-imposed expectations, we can cultivate a #GlassHalfFull perspective. In doing so, we empower ourselves to face challenges with resilience, find fulfillment in our work and relationships, and embrace the opportunities for personal growth and learning that life presents us with.


About the Creator

Narghiza Ergashova

Founder of The Goldern Ritual Pty Ltd / OffshoreGeniX

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