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By mark mugoPublished 3 months ago 3 min read

Alright guys so you want to know how to levitate for at least 5 minutes it is so cool guys this trick seriously will make you think that you are actually levitating in the air basically flying it's gonna be insane all you have to do is make sure you watch through this whole video and if it works guys which it will like I tried this so many times and it worked each time and it is the coolest feeling so make sure you guys try this out it's going to be amazing I am doing an Amazon gift card giveaway all you have to do is be subscribed to the channel and comment below saying you're subscribed and that's how you enter so just make sure you are subscribed and then comment below super simple easiest thing to do and you basically can get free money but guys make sure you drop a like on this video and share it with your friends because this is gonna be insane like seriously probably just gonna want to re-watch this video 300,000 times because who doesn't want to levitate like it is the coolest thing so let's get right into it alright guys so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to play this video it's one of those illusion hypnotize videos and all you have to do is stare into the center of this screen and don't look away okay that's all you're gonna want to do is just stare into the center right into the middle dot alright so I'm gonna pop that up very soon and that is gonna play and we're gonna play some music for you guys hopefully some good music hopefully

I pick out some good music you know just some chill music I'm gonna play that for you guys you can't look away okay you have to keep looking into the center or it will not work okay you will not levitate I also don't think it'll work unless you drop a like like I heard that that's like a thing they have to do so definitely drop a like and then get started with this yeah I'm gonna start it right now just stare into the center of the screen do not look away I'm gonna play this for a couple minutes just stare in the side of the screen and then I will come back with my voice telling you guys what to do so you can levitate for five minutes at least guys alright so just stare in the center screen .

okay guys it has been playing for a little bit but now what you want to do is get up out of your chair and spin around two times so just try to spin around I don't know if you will be able to it might be it might be a little dizzy but spin around two times look down at your feet and then go on your tippy toes very slowly so go from standing flat foot to tippy toes very slowly and it will actually feel like you are levitating it is so cool this is one of the coolest tricks guys it actually feels like you are gonna float like it feels insane guys hopefully this worked for you if it did work definitely comment below if it didn't I'm sorry maybe you looked away for a little bit or you weren't paying attention just try it again I don't know but guys this is this is the craziest thing definitely it live like you guys want more types of videos like this.

I can definitely find it some more for you guys maybe I can find one where you can like sink into the ground or something like these are so cool so yeah guys definitely drop a like share this with your friends coz they'll definitely want to know how to levitate it's awesome guys definitely share this around and drop a like let's try to get 5,000 likes if not more that would be amazing guys wrote a 1 mil make sure you are subscribed to the channel we're gonna be hitting 800 K soon so that's awesome guys thank you guys so much for watching you can also go ahead and just replay this video if you want to you know levitate again it's very cool guys this is a really cool video so definitely drop a like but yeah guys I will see you guys tomorrow face.

scienceStream of Consciousness

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mark mugo

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  • mark mugo (Author)3 months ago


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