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Let teenagers be vocal


By Shubhangi GuptaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Let teenagers be vocal
Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

Teenagers are a valuable asset to our society and their opinion should be heard and taken seriously. All too often, adults make decisions without taking into consideration the perspective of the younger generation. It is important to recognize that teenagers are often more capable of understanding certain issues than adults might think and that their opinions can be valuable in shaping policy and decisions that affect their own lives.

As teenagers, young people should be given the opportunity to be vocal and express their opinions. Teens often feel unheard and ignored by adults, and having a platform to make their voices heard can be empowering. Teenagers should be encouraged to take part in conversations and be given the proper guidance and support to do so.

First and foremost, it is important for adults to listen to teenagers without judgement. By listening without judgement, teenagers will feel comfortable to express their opinions and feelings without fear of criticism. As teenagers often feel misunderstood or ignored, it is important for adults to create a safe space for them to express themselves. Adults should also be willing to discuss difficult topics with teenagers, such as mental health, sexuality, or racism. By having meaningful conversations about these topics, teens can gain the skills and knowledge to become informed and engaged citizens.

Teenagers should also be given the opportunity to participate in decision-making processes that affect their lives. This may include giving them a seat at the table when making important family decisions, or involving them in school-related decisions such as school policies or curriculum changes. By giving teenagers a say in decisions that affect them, it shows them that their opinions are respected and valued.

It is also important for adults to support teenagers in advocating for themselves and their peers. This could include teaching them how to write letters to elected officials, or how to organize a rally or march. By equipping teenagers with the necessary skills to advocate for themselves, they will feel empowered to make their voices heard.

It is also important to ensure that teenagers feel comfortable speaking out if they have a different opinion from the majority. This can be done by encouraging teenagers to express their views and by not shutting down their ideas. It is also important to provide support for those who choose to speak out, as this can help to create an environment where everyone is comfortable expressing their opinions.

In order to create an environment that encourages teenagers to be vocal, adults should strive to create a welcoming atmosphere. This could include providing teens with resources such as books, magazines, or websites that discuss current events or topics of interest. Adults should also create an open dialogue with teenagers, asking for their opinions on different topics and listening to what they have to say.

Finally, adults should recognize the importance of teenagers being vocal. There are many benefits to having teenagers express their opinions such as increased self-confidence, improved communication skills, and the development of critical thinking skills. By allowing teenagers to be vocal, adults can help them become engaged and informed citizens.

Allowing teenagers to be vocal is an important step in creating a more equal and equitable society. By doing so, adults can ensure that young people feel like their opinions matter and that their voices are heard and respected. This not only allows teenagers to have a say in their own futures but also helps to create a more inclusive society where everyone’s views are taken into consideration.

In conclusion, teenagers should be given the opportunity to be vocal and express their opinions. Adults should create a safe and welcoming environment that encourages teenagers to speak up, and provide them with the guidance and support they need to do so. By doing so, teenagers will feel empowered to make their voices heard and become engaged and informed citizens.


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