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"Keep it 100"

by: Nerissha Hunt

By Nerissha HuntPublished about a month ago Updated 25 days ago 4 min read

Where did their information come from? This is a question we sometimes ask ourselves. We don’t always know the answer. Sometimes it’s a matter of its not what you know, its who you know. But then sometimes, its not. Jigsaw puzzles have different pieces for a reason.

People have a habit of telling you things but not revealing the source. That is quite aggravating. I cant stand the whole, “I have something to tell you but you didn’t hear from me” scenario. If I didn’t hear it from you, then who did it come from? Dumb question because YOU told me. If you didn’t want me to hear it from you, then you should have kept it to yourself.

I feel that as adults, if we say something, we should be willing to stand behind it. If I talked about somebody behind their back and the person I’m talking to sat and listened, this is an issue. Why would you want to sit around and listen to somebody destroying somebody’s name? Before I do it, here are 3 things I do. 1. If it’s a public conversation, walk away. 2. If I’m on the phone, I attempt to change the subject. 3. If that doesn’t work, I get off the phone. I cannot stand to hear somebody tear a person down because none of us are perfect and nobody sits that high but the Lord.

I think people need to get in the habit of minding their business. Everything you hear does not have to be repeated. There was once a time where people would hear something and keep it to themselves. But now, information beats people back home by the end of the day or back on their job the next day. The first thing you hear is: “I heard”. Or “somebody told me.” Ok, do me a favor. What did you hear and who told you?

You know that person’s character so, if you cant produce the information and the source, that makes you one weak individual. Yeah, I said it. I said it because a strong-minded person knows the source, the information and only repeats things that they know for a fact. People know your character.

Let's clear the air for a minute. An ex is an ex for a reason. If you and a person have children together, the primary focus should be the children. Neither ex should be disrespecting each other's boyfriend or girlfriend or trying to bring drama because it should already be clarified that there is no getting back together. If not, there are some unfinished terms somewhere. Secret is a brand of deodorant. Grown people don't hide things.

Im going to shift gears now. Some of us young women just don’t get it. Some of us get so competitive about a man its not even funny. All because he looks good. Okay, imma be real. Hypothetically speaking, he knows that you both want him. So, he may take one of ya’lls numbers but what you don’t know is: later on, he gets the other female's number. Before long, both of ya’ll are dating the same man and you don’t even know it. But when the s*** hits the fan, ya’ll are ready to fight and kill each other. But, blame yourselves, not him. Why? Because he told you both the same lie and you believed him. He sits back and laughs because he likes the reaction between you two because ya'll make him feel important, like he is king of the castle. Been there, done that. Never again.

But here is my issue: The double standard. This is something that may have flown over some of my readers' heads. I'll explain. This is a mental thing. We all have our fun. Some men feel that its okay to lie and cheat and its okay. But, as soon as a woman does it, she is every b**** in the book, a ho, and so many other words they can think of. This is because a woman is supposed to stay faithful and be submissive.

Being cheated on is for the birds. If you are unhappy, for whatever reason, leave the person. You don't have to lead people on. Unhappy=time to go.

To end my story, I say this: The news is world-wide information. Google can only tell you so much. 100 is more than a percentage or a number; break down the equation: If you can't tell the truth, then 1 stands for single and a set of zeroes means none, meaning you have no one.


About the Creator

Nerissha Hunt

Writing is not a talent; it's a gift. My stories are transparent. Not fact, not fiction. They are in a category to themselves.

You never know what to expect.

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