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Kate Silvia Psychic Sensation


By Canuck Scriber L.Lachapelle AuthorPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

The topic of psychic ability has been around for centuries. The nurturance of doubt or the exemplification of skills of the mind. The output is enormous in extenuating circumstances because these skills are not the norm. Perhaps that is where the interest is — for those unknowing, there can be a range of emotions from doubt to downright skepticism to genuine interest and admiration.

I empathize. I like to believe that human beings are good-natured, but without realizing it can cause hardship where no confusion should lie. Therein lies the crux of treating this as a sport, or regarding it as a glowing adventure of obtaining truth.

I know many weary souls, and I know those who strive in hope. An interesting hand of reasoning. Whether to judge the individual is not the question. Do they speak the truth, is there accuracy to their purpose? There always is.

Katie is a genuine Psychic Medium reader and makes no bones about it. She speaks from the hip and is gentle and wise. Her fan base is in the thousands, and I am sure there will be many more. I first saw Katie online on a Facebook Live. She and her Mother were a delightful duo in readings. Both factual, engaging, and entertaining and know their skill and career. I personally got a reading from her that was spot on. Katie Silvia of the stunning eyes, knowledgeable mind and accuracy profound.

I am happy to introduce you to Psychic Katie from the UK:

Q) At what age did you know that you were psychic?

A) I was ten years old when I started seeing, hearing and dreaming of Spirit. I didn’t know what it was or what it entailed back then, but I was scared about it all nevertheless. I used to have vivid dreams of passed loved ones, and they told me about the future in my dreams. Then I started to witness spiritual activity around me, such as the sound of footsteps down the stairs. No one was coming down them, and visitations where I saw my deceased Grandfather sitting downstairs in the living room chair, smoking a pipe and reading a newspaper. I remember standing there with my heart pounding, and I was so scared. That was the first visitation I had, and it was like ‘a sign’ that there were more spiritual sightings to come.

Q) Did you start doing readings right away or wait a period of time?

A) I didn’t give out public readings until I was nineteen years old. I wanted to develop the readings stronger, and doing a reading for a loved one and a stranger is very different as you have to travel to their homes and be secure in their environment. The more readings I completed one-to-one, the more it built up my reputation. I received more people who came forward for a reading. I never used to offer tarot card readings back then. I only used my natural gift of Medium Clairvoyance. Before nineteen years old, I studied Palmistry, Tarot Cards, and Reiki. I loved anything which could enhance doing other readings for people, and it just grew as my interests which I was interested in developing later on in my life.

Q) Do you consider psychic ability a gift or a skill that can be developed? (there is no wrong answers for this or any question)

A) It is a gift. When and if you do have a Spiritual Gift, it is up to the person whether or not they would like to pursue it or not. A few years ago, there was more stigma around the legitimacy of readings, and this has been one of the many facets of people coming forward and having one done for themselves or not. There are so many fakes and charlatans in today’s World that it paints a bad picture for those like me. Who are born with the gift and want to help others with their spiritual paths with enlightenment and confidence.

Q) Do you think interest in psychics and that brand of spiritualism is growing or declining?

A) People will always be curious about things they don’t necessarily understand. I think it is part of the Human Psyche. In my opinion, there are more fakes out there now than ever as they can get immediate attention and recognition from social media. This is so sad because Social media is a great source of connecting people on a wider scale.

Q) Do you think social media has helped or hindered the profession?

A) Social media has helped and also hindered the profession. More fakes can appear behind a fake name and photo. Although, those truly wanting to deliver peace and enlightenment from a passed loved one in Spirit are affected by this as they may be tarnished with the same brush. It is hard for anyone to trust a social media creator in this day and age because they don’t know if the creator is authentic. As a Psychic, social media is a positive thing as it can enable you to connect to others from different parts of the World and still help those who need it.

Q) Do you prefer “cold” readings or rather have the client present for the read?

A) I prefer having the client present with me. Although with all of today’s chaos, that is sometimes impossible. Also, if I have a reading to do with someone in the other part of the World, doing a face-to-face reading is not always possible.

Q) Does mediumship, and psychic readings go hand in hand, or do you see them as different qualities?

A) I see them as two different qualities because one person could be a Psychic. Yet, the other person could be a Medium. Or you can get a Psychic Medium who can hear, see and smell Spirit with Psychic abilities. One of such as obtaining the sense of just, ‘knowing.’

Q) Is psychic ability a choice, or is it a predestined path?

A) I feel that Psychic ability is a predestined path and a choice. Because first of all, you have to have the Psychic Ability in the first place to choose whether you would like to pursue it or not. Sometimes you may have a sense that you have to be a Psychic, and sometimes, your thoughts kick and can give you a sense of self-doubt. In this profession, you have to be sure about what you want for your future and set goals as it is a very hard gift to have. It drains you physically, mentally, and spiritually. Being a Psychic is more of a Traditional profession, and in today’s modern World, we are classed as a Novelty as not many people can do what we do.

Q) Can you describe a profound or life-changing reading? OR What advice would you give to a person who thinks they are psychic?

A) If you are Psychic and want to pursue it, go for it. Get yourself out there. Share your values and personality. Do not follow the crowd, be yourself, and don’t let anyone tell you what to do. Other than yourself. Follow your heart and dreams. I had a reading with a lady who lost her daughter a few months before her reading, and understandably, she was heartbroken. I gave her a reading, and her Daughter’s Spirit came forward with messages that her Mother needed to know. It gave her peace and enabled her to move on with her Daughter’s love. She confirmed that the reading changed her life, and she would stop blaming herself from then on. Just imagine being able to communicate with a loved one from the Grave and your loved ones’ Spirit coming forward to give you messages of healing and importance. It is one of the greatest gifts of my life — the ability to touch a wounded soul and promote healing and peace.

Beautifully put Katie. I especially like how you example and hold to the spiritual of the gift and how it is help and support to others.

If you are interested in contacting Kate Silvia here is here website:

OR her newer group page on FB

This interview is part of my series Spiritualists and Artists Move The World.

More of Lachapelle’s work HERE.


About the Creator

Canuck Scriber L.Lachapelle Author

Published Poet and Author. Making rainy days feel like Sundays with words.

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    Canuck Scriber L.Lachapelle AuthorWritten by Canuck Scriber L.Lachapelle Author

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