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Meet Karma's sister...."Justice"

By Jessica BurkPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

Some people say Karma is a bitch. In reality its Justice that's the bitch.

We go through this thing called life, not giving a care in the world about who we hurt along the way. Not caring how we hurt some along the way. And it's not always on purpose. Sometimes we get caught up in how good something or someone feels! How magical the moments are, and how in this world of war and no peace, we want our little slice of heaven, no matter the cost.

Or we get caught up in the excitement of winning at all costs! The rush of the big payoff we see coming, so we step on everyone and everything to get there! No matter the cost.

But in matters of the heart, in relationships, there is always a cost. We may not have to pay that cost until years later. But "Karma" always sends "Justice" to collect.

Now here comes the part where people say, "well not always!" And they seem to think they have gotten away from the long spindly reaches of Karma.

But she doesn't always come in the form in which she was dished out. I have come to find out that's what most think, so that's what they are looking out for so they can avoid it.

Enter Justice. She is very patient. She is coy. She waits until your guard is down. She entices you with her song and dance lowering your guard even more. No man nor woman can resist her. We don't even know we are being taken on this ride.

We call it "Unfair" and "Unlucky". No... her name is Justice.

So here is the part where we lose a lot of people. In order to reveal Justice in all of her glory, we have to be honest with ourselves. Many will not do that, so they will not ever truly see her for what she is.

When I say be honest, I mean own up to that heart you broke purposely because the object of your affection became free.

Own up to knowing that certain someone was married and a mistake happens once, not time and time again.

Own up to knowing you were only saying what they wanted to hear to keep them holding on to a shimmer of hope because you wanted their attention and showers of affection a little longer.

Own up to the fact that your boy or girl toy didn't know that's all they were ever going to be, but you knew from the first "hello" .

Karma herself can sometimes be quick and in your face. Justice is quite different. She slides in and turns your world inside out and you had no clue what was going on or how you got there.

You can recover from Karma's blow. Justice not so much, she can be lenient sometimes and other times you just have to learn to adjust to your new normal. You have to learn to live and move forward with the gaping hole in your soul.

Most of us will never admit that we took an unsuspecting dance with Justice. We are to ashamed to say it out loud, because then others would know how much of an a-hole we have been in life. Because after all, that's what Justice likes, an a-hole is just her cup of tea.

But for those of us who learn the lesson, well, we become a little more humble.

Life is never the same but we learn to navigate and we become better humans for it.

And we never forget, Justice is her name.


About the Creator

Jessica Burk

Writing is my way of getting the movies that play in my head out into real life. I welcome any and all critique! I am an Alabama native. Mother of two wonderful boys and one fur baby girl! I love to draw, paint, sew and travel!

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