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Is there a solution to reduce number of beggars around the world??

Street begging is a noticeable serious social issue in some countries

By Enas El Nemr Published about a year ago 4 min read
A video shows the cheating patterns in beggars’ approach of soliciting donations

Street begging is a noticeable and reported serious social issue in some countries than in the other. Therefore, there should be a solution to curb begging behavior that impacts negatively any society. Beggary increases the number of jobless people who just survive on someone else’s income while they are useless to their societies. In addition, there are some people beg to buy alcohols and substance addictions so giving them quick easy money would encourage them to keep doing this.

It is not a must that the reason for begging is due to the bad economic condition of this beggar’s country but there are other different reasons we must take into consideration to know how to deal with beggars.

The majority of beggars don’t want a livable income but they aim to be rich. They know that if they just fly begging signs into the streets, they would pool a lot of money instead of working hard in a menial job for a low money return. This reason is enough to encourage beggars to not stop begging.

The responsible citizens in any society are themselves a key solution to curb begging behavior. Before they give money to the beggar, they should take a quick glance at him, if they see a man who is able to work instead of begging so they wouldn’t give him money even if the beggar is illiterate; he can find some jobs don’t require education certifications.

For example there is always need for uneducated people who can help in construction, cleaning, fishing works so if these people are organized to handle their finances effectively, they would live well without resorting to beg.

The other reason for begging is due to wars and starvation happen in certain countries resulting in increasing numbers of refugees who are resorting to beg. The difference here is that these refugees are educated; they had job but they lose it in their destroyed countries. For example, Syrian refugees are resorting to beg into Egypt’s streets while other ones succeed to make projects in Egypt so in this case all countries should not discard refugee beggars as useless people but help them to be self-reliant in earning a decent livelihood by offering them job opportunities through projects and businesses made around the world.

There are tragic stories behind some homeless people, they are once a day educated and hardest working people before staying on the streets and begging, they are subjected to psychological traumas such as they are highly negatively affected by the death of their fathers or mothers or deceived by someone who steals their whole money or they are emotionally abused. Here the responsible citizens have a big role to help this category of beggars by getting them to the nearest housing associations and charities that would study these beggars’ social status, give them a place to stay, support them psychologically and medically to retrieve their normal life, return to their jobs, family, friends and neighbors.

What about child beggars?

Don’t give them money, give them food instead because most of them are deprived by their unscrupulous parents from eating well to look weak and attract public’s pity so they can get more money. You should also call child helpline allocated by your government to give care and protection to these child beggars who may be kidnapped and forced to beg.

If there are volunteers help in educating minors who beg into the streets, these minors will in turn educate their peers, and learn the proper way to live life well then the cycle of child begging may be closed.

Street begging is not a new phenomenon, it is an age long activity but with the advance of technology and development of life, beggars succeed to cheat public and there is a video here released by YouTube shows you the cheating patterns in beggars’ approach of soliciting donations. Check out it.

Some countries today have a lot of beggars; an Arabic country like Egypt is one of them. Egyptian government offers, its people who are unable to work such as disabled citizens, elderly aged more than 65 and patients with severe health problems, a monetary support named “Takaful and karama” which means dignity and solidarity as well as Egyptian law penalizes beggars who beg in public roads and transportation but unfortunately, the punishment and governmental monetary support are not enough to curb begging behavior.


If you aim to wash away your sins by donating to beggars so you help in flourishing this effortless easy-money making business while poor families who work hard with low salaries in need of your extra monetary support. Preferably you give your alms to charities you trust which support destitute people and vagrants to assist in your turn these charities providing those unfortunates with what they really need.

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About the Creator

Enas El Nemr

I'm Egyptian writer. I have many inspiring ideas and interesting stories to share with you here on this great platform.

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