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Is It Moral To Kill or to Murder via Nature’s Eagles vs Human War

A country cannot simultaneously prepare and prevent war. I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. Albert Einstein

By Annemarie BerukoffPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
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I agree, undisputed morality of death has distinctions understood between right and wrong or good and bad behavior whether Nature’s laws apply for survival or war’s rules still murder innocent people.

So, what do you think when you see a picture of a chicken attacked and killed by an eagle?

What do you think when you see a body…man, woman or child, lying dead on the street killed by a flying missile or at the hands of a cold-eyed soldier?

What threads of pity, tragedy or useless morality enter your mind? Sadly, some persons may lack the empathy to see humanity outside themselves.

The eagle as an apex predator kills to survive or feed his eaglets dependent on family food for their first few months. The killing is part of an integral role in balancing the ecology in their environment. It is not an act of murder.

In Ukraine, the Russian invaders kill as commanded by a ruthless war monger for his self-glorification. They leave open graves for generations of pain, sorrow and hate. These are acts of murder.

How did the human race build such wrong systems compared to the justice scales of Nature’s order and balance? Nature’s life cycle suffers death but with residual benefits at various ecological levels from food chain distribution to more fertile soil decomposition.

Impossible that an army of self-directed eagles on the course to kill every chicken, fish and rodent because it can as a magnificent aerial attacker. How many killings before the realization their disappearing food threatens their very existence?

Our chicken community has such beautiful birds wandering the lawn, barn yard and garden, constantly pecking for bits of grass, grubs and occasional worm; feathers gleaming in the sun, industrious, productive, entering the coop to lay fresh nutritious eggs and seeking safety as darkness encroaches.

A large eagle with its nest visible in a far poplar tree attacked two chickens in four days. The first one faced a terrible death carried partly to a field where it was dropped wounded to be further attacked by ravens until it was picked up flown to the nest for further digestion. When he attacked the second chicken his mission was interrupted by the farmer leaving the bird behind as pictured.

Imagine the terror in this peaceful happy flock about their business as the large swooping eagle’s shadow with outstretched talons and hooked beak overwhelmed and crushed one of them.

Now switch the scene to a peaceful Ukraine village, people going about their business, shopping, driving, cooking, playing with children, riding a bicycle. The villagers were aware of impending war in their country but never prepared for the shock of air missiles, homes exploding, torture, rape and murders of innocent civilians filling mass graves.

For what all-mighty purpose except to gratify the insanity of one demagogue with war weapons capable of slaughtering millions of innocent people in his quest as dominant predator not for survival but murderous ego.

Yes, war is murder as defined, denounced and prosecuted in our societies as the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

And humanity has no protection even after centuries of civilized efforts to respect human rights, co-operate and rationalize international contracts to protect against such inhumane destruction by an abomination of nature destroying his own species, even blood brothers?

There are no residual benefits of war except for the military industrial complex to stay financially endowed and vigilant for the next encounter with superior weaponry.

Nature’s morality as eagles kill chickens

Eagles are at the top of their food chain, all carnivorous, monogamous, raising a couple eaglets every year. They can be large up to 10 pounds with wing spans of 6 feet and their prey consists of preferably fish and small animals. They need 1/2 pound to 1 pound food daily where they can store up to 2 pounds in their crop if food is scarce,

The bald eagles have suffered their period of near extinction because of a pesticide chemical called DDT that was sprayed in the 1950's and 1960's to kill and control mosquitoes. But it soon became noticeable that their population was rapidly decreasing because their eggshells were softened by the poison and cracked when the mother eagle sat to keep them warm. The unborn eaglets couldn’t survive and extinction beckoned without a reproductive life cycle.

However, the government took action and banned DDT, thereby saving the bald eagle from extinction, restoring and respecting natural order.

To this day, it’s illegal to “pursue, shoot, shoot at, poison, wound, kill, capture, trap, collect, molest or disturb” a bald eagle in the US.”

The big question to ponder is IF governments have rights to stop and appease extinction then why the world’s international authorities can’t have some jurisdiction to control the potential genocide of the Ukrainian people?

Strange, you can’t shoot an eagle but it’s ok to shoot innocent people in the name of a savage monster.

Can rules of war overwhelm the laws of nature?

The classic elements of war continue as once described as “a total phenomenon (with) dominant tendencies … composed of primordial violence, hatred, and enmity… ; of the play of chance and probability… ; and of its element of subordination, as an instrument of policy, which makes it subject to reason alone.” Carl von Clausewitz in On War

Herein, there is predation for incarnate evil by amoral powerful psychopaths to destroy humanity and earth itself. There is no succession for cooperation and peace but the will to survive with hatred, cruelty and inhumanity.

How has human nature evolved to this?

The laws of nature represent an intrinsic orderliness and a necessary conformity for reasons and connections to cause and effect for survival. A common statement is that the strongest survive but strength is never used to annihilate the weakest. There is no natural succession by a military tank crushing a family in their car or one missile destroying a village.

It is also theorized that it’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but one that is most adaptable to change in their environment for coexistence.

In the name of the Universe, how can natural evolution prevail for the human race if we have to adapt to any environment where the power of war weapons and insane mega maniacs prevail.

How can Earth survive when ONE super ego can destroy a country of 44 million people with the threat of nuclear annihilation in the name of liberation?

A final word about eagles and chickens

The eagle is a survivor and continues to symbolize strength and magnificence of spirit. He will kill a chicken but not as an act of terror but to preserve his kind. A chicken is lost to a flock without destroying the flock’s continuity in their daily functions with a greater awareness of large sky shadows. No crimes are committed. Normalcy and peace will prevail.

Nature’s shock and grief may be momentary. But war is still murder, terror and hate forever.

Annemarie Berukoff

By Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash


About the Creator

Annemarie Berukoff

Experience begets Wisdom: teacher / author 4 e-books / activist re education, family, social media, ecology re eco-fiction, cultural values. Big Picture Lessons are best ways to learn re no missing details.

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