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Is Divorce A Problem Or A Solution?

What do you think?

By Daisy ThunderstrikePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Is Divorce A Problem Or A Solution?
Photo by Claudia Wolff on Unsplash

Sometimes a divorce can't be avoided, but there are some steps you can take to help improve your marriage and strengthen your marriage.

1. Maybe you shouldn't move in with him

It is fashionable, so to speak, for young people to live together for a while before marriage, to test how they understand each other in private.

However, researchers believe that those who stay together before marriage tend to file for divorce more easily.

2. Don't rush, but don't wait too long!

Researchers believe that for a couple involved in a medium-term relationship (2 and a half years), the chances of getting a divorce are very low.

Things are not so rosy, not for those who are in a hurry to get to the altar, but not for those who are just in a hurry to get to the marital status!

3. Wait for the right age

Statistics show that if you take the big step after 25 years, your marriage will last much longer than in the case of those who get married before this age!

Statistics show that the divorce rate among those who marry before the age of 20 is 48%, while for those who marry after the age of 25 it is 24%.

4. OK, argue, but with your head down!

Arguments are normal for any relationship, and if you don't argue, it doesn't mean that you love each other to the fullest!

On the contrary, it means that there is a communication problem and that, in addition, negative energies are not released from the body! On top of that, it is not the quarrels that lead to a final breakup, but the way you quarrel!

Researchers say that divorce can be assumed depending on how the partners treat each other and how constructive their interactions are during heated discussions.

You must avoid criticism, contempt, and rejection of the other person's opinion. Calm the spirits with jokes and nice words, even if it may seem difficult at times.

5. Share activities and hobbies!

You both have qualities, flaws, interests, and things that you especially like! However, if you exaggerate, you will end up not supporting each other and feeling lonely in two!

Learn to strengthen your union by discovering common hobbies and activities that you both enjoy!

Share both the heaviest activities, such as washing dishes, cleaning, or cooking, but also the pleasant activities, especially in intimacy, such as massage and sweet whispers! However, if you go too far, you will have a completely separate life.

Learn to reconnect by participating in a hobby or activity that will please both of you.

6. Respect yourself, be as flexible as you were in the beginning!

Let's be honest!

Sometimes we treat the people we love the most with little respect and don't even realize it, just because we're sure they'll always be with us and love us, especially when you're tied to that marriage certificate.

Some say it doesn't change anything! Don't you think it would be nicer to say "please" and "thank you" than to reproach or offend?

According to the statistics of the Superior Council of Magistracy, in the first place among the reasons for divorce is violence? It is about violence in various forms: verbal, physical, sexual, and psychological (blackmail, denigration, ignorance, abandonment, isolation)

7. Problems? Ask for help!

Maybe one of you has problems at work, suffers from depression, or has gone awry! If you do not take these little hops seriously and you are not responsible at the couple level, but only at the individual level, you will take some steps towards divorce.

And yet, if I'm divorced, how can I get over depression?

Divorce is the separation from the person that until recently you believed your half but also the separation from a part of your past!

No matter how strong you are, for now, it's a loss and a shock. It is human nature to consider more valuable what you have had and lost, than what you could gain in the future because you do not have a clear representation of your future.

Post-divorce depression can occur when you can't cushion the loss you have suffered and inadvertently block the path to any method of rebuilding your present.

It is also true that women do not have psychological resources similar to men, so they tend to fixate on the past of the relationship, where they look for reasons, possible causes, mistakes, and problems that have not been resolved in time. 

Because of this, women are the perfect candidates for depression.

However, there are some more aggressive women in behavior, who want to put obstacles in the life of their ex-husband and who reproach and accuse, transferring tension to the opposing camp, just to protect themselves from depression.

Unfortunately, every woman is attacked by depression after a divorce, even if to a lesser or greater extent.

One of the best solutions for a newly divorced woman is to focus on herself. The most important measure is to restore emotional balance, by rejecting all the dissatisfaction and emotional remnants of the former relationship, no matter how full of memories they are.

It is good that the analysis of the former relationship is done in a moment of peace and lucidity, not in a moment of nervousness or emotional instability. It is very important to learn from your own mistakes and to realize what led to this rupture, to know in the future what to correct and what to avoid.

Divorce can also be a solution, not just a problem!

Think about the fact that you are a mature man, responsible for his actions, so if you get divorced it means that it is a decision you needed, taken at your own risk!

Do not try to blame yourself, especially since the divorce occurred because the relationship and the couple could not persist in a serious and annoying situation for both partners!

Divorce can be a solution, not just a problem! It can be a solution to a quieter life, to a new beginning with a person who deserves you, and the opportunity to face cruel truths that strengthen you and aspects that need to be corrected in your life and behavior!

Heads up! You are a strong, determined woman, with a lot of love and beautiful moments to offer!


About the Creator

Daisy Thunderstrike

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