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By wealth masteryPublished 13 days ago 3 min read
Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash


Mordor is a real place its location, however, is a bit different from what we've read in Tolkin Works Mordor is the home of Saon the evil antagonist in The Lord of the Rings novels and movies and while JRR tolkin Middle Earth was a work of fiction Mordor is a real place according to USA Today it's a dark and mysterious area on Kon one of Pluto's moons that often looks exactly like an old or dried red blood stain and yes the creepy red spot was named after the novel not the other way around


The Moon is moving away from us while I'm discussing celestial bodies let me tell you something interesting about our Moon we all know that the moon circles the Earth but not everyone knows that the distance between the Earth and the Moon is increasing as the comparatively small Celestial body continues it is planetary spinning it drifts 1.48 is farther away from the earth each year which is roughly the same rate at which a human fingernail grows this means that the moon was much closer to us in the past scientists believe that when the moon was first formed it was only 14,000 Mi away today it's about 250,000 M away


Some people are mind blind are you the type of person who can recall specifics about things that you're trying to remember but can't see in your mind's eye most people can picture a loved one's face or the best meal they've ever had but other people's minds go blank when they try to do the same this condition is known as aphantasia can be summarized as the inability to have visual memories when thinking of things in their absence people with a Fantasia can't picture how characters look or visualize the settings they're in while reading books they may also have difficulty remembering the face of a loved one who has passed away


Your feet can taste garlic if you're one of those people who hate garlic don't ever step on it scientists recently revealed that you can taste the distinct flavor of garlic through your feet well you can't taste it your feet are still supposed you place garlic under your feet, in that case, the molecules responsible for Garlic's Aroma allisin can penetrate through the skin getting into your bloodstream and travel to your mouth and nose where you quickly start to recognize the taste of garlic chemistry does wild tricks with food even changing the way you taste it literally


Ladybugs are vicious cannibals I'm sorry to tell you this but every coloring book first-grade storybook Disney movie and Pixar animated film has Li d ladybugs aren't cute sweet bugs that we should make wishes upon they are vicious cannibals and adult ladybug devours approximately 50 aphids sap drinking bugs that all gardeners despise every day however when there isn't enough food available they will eat ladybug larae and even other young ladybugs both of which have shells that are tender enough for an adult ladybug to chew


You could be one of the people with no inner monologue you know that voice in your head that goes through your thoughts and emotions no well as it turns out not everyone has an internal monologue during 2020 a lot of people were astonished to learn that some people don't have an internal monologue while those who didn't have it were surprised to learn that other people do these people simply have quiet tranquil Minds for the biggest part of their days when asked if they ever get songs stuck in their heads one said yes it's probably the closest they get to having one and while they may not hear an internal voice they still read in their heads

Stream of Consciousnesssciencehumanityfact or fictionCONTENT WARNING

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wealth mastery

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