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Ignoring Ex Girlfriend Who Dumped Me (Ignoring An Ex Girlfriend That Dumped You)

So you're thinking to yourself is ignoring ex girlfriend who dumped me a good idea. If you've been thinking a lot about ignoring an ex girlfriend that dumped you then it's important that you read ever word of this article. This is a breakup advice that you can't pass up if you want to get your ex back...

By Kelly LaceyPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Ignoring Ex Girlfriend Who Dumped Me (Ignoring An Ex Girlfriend That Dumped You)
Photo by Ethan Sykes on Unsplash

Sometimes when we are embroiled in the middle of a break up we can't see how much the other person means to us. This often happens with dating couples and by the time the dust has settled one or the other partner realizes that they've made a huge mistake. If you're a man who has come to the painful conclusion that your ex is really the woman you love, you have probably spent at least some time trying to figure out how to get a second chance with her. Calling and begging for forgiveness might seem like the logical thing to do but if you really want her back, your best move is to ignore your ex girlfriend.

This seems counterproductive. If you want to woo your girl back how are you supposed to accomplish that by not talking to her? As surprising as it seems, it actually does work. There are several reasons why it's best to ignore your ex girlfriend if you want her back and the first has to do with giving her space.

Most of us make the wrong assumption that unless we're constantly around another person they'll forget about us. The opposite is actually true. If you are always within reach, if you call your ex every day, text or email her, she's never going to have the opportunity to miss you. You need to stop contacting her so she can see that without you, there's a void in her life. No amount of talking or begging or crying can ever convince her of that. You have to show her and to do that you have to cut all contact.

Another reason why it's so important to ignore your ex girlfriend if you still love her is that you want her to start questioning your feelings. If you have made it known that you are willing to wait a lifetime to have a second chance with her, she may take you up on that offer and prolong making a decision about getting back together. In the meantime she may be out enjoying herself with friends and maybe even a new man while you are sitting at home waiting for the call from her that will bring your relationship back to life. Never put your life on hold after a break up. Instead go out and have fun. If you and your ex have mutual friends word will get back to her that you're enjoying your life. This won't sit well with her and it will instantly make her question the break up. You want this to happen, so resist every temptation to sit and wait for her. You'll accomplish much more by continuing to enjoy your life.

Exactly How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

Perhaps nothing can be as depressing, leave you more confused, and shatter your ego as much as a breakup with a longtime girlfriend. Relationships are certainly one of the most important aspects of life, but can also be the most fragile. And when one ends, you may find yourself saying, or even screaming, "help me get my ex girlfriend back!"

If you find yourself in this situation, you are likely feeling confused, depressed, angry, frustrated and even desperate. However, if your desire is to get back with your ex girlfriend, you do not want to act out of these feelings. Acting on impulse pretty guarantees that you are going to do the wrong things. And remember, not doing the wrong things is just as important as doing the right things, if not more so.

You may feel the impulse to run back to your ex girlfriend and get on your knees, begging her to take you back. You may even feel like want to cry in front of her, and profess your undying love, and promise all sorts of changes that are not realistic. Don't do this - it makes you look needy and desperate. Neediness is not attractive. Desperation can be downright scary. Despite how badly you want to beg and plead, you must not do that.

In fact, your best bet is to minimize communication with your ex girlfriend to begin with. Yes, this is hard to do, and may seem like the opposite of what you should be doing. But, if you run back immediately, without any sort of plan, you are going to blow it. Believe me. I've done it.

So take some time to let yourself calm down and plan your next steps. Make sure you are in control of your feelings before you contact them. And be sure you have a plan when you do. How long should you wait? There is not definite answer for this, but a couple hours is not long enough. It could be anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Of course, if your ex girlfriend contacts you, you should be civil - don't be rude. But try to avoid any deep conversations about the relationship at first.

While you are waiting and developing your plan, it is important that you don't isolate yourself. Get out with friends. You don't want to sit around and mope during this time. This doesn't mean you should start dating to try to make your ex girlfriend jealous - this will backfire every time. But you should hang out with your buddies, catch a movie, go fishing, whatever - just get out of the house. Sitting around thinking about how bad you feel will only keep you feeling bad. So have a little fun, laugh a bit, and interact with other people.

Take some time for yourself. Is there a project you've been wanting to do? Now is a great time. Start that exercise program you've been taking about. Fix the things around the house you have been promising yourself you would do. It is uplifting to accomplish something positive. Also, you are allowing yourself to think about something other than your ex girlfriend.

By spending time with friends or focusing on other projects, you can "clear your head" somewhat. You need to be thinking clearly to have a plan, and you must have a plan if you really want to get your ex girlfriend back. Running blindly into this, or on sheer emotion, is bound to fail, so don't do it. Focus on other things to help get your thinking right, form a plan, and take you time.

These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? It doesn't stop here, though. What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Don't throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. To read the shocking revelation that holds the final key to get your ex back visit: Ex Back Guide

If you would like to learn more about the psychology behind breaking up, and if you feel that you need a step-by-step plan for winning your ex back, then head to Ultimate System to Get Your Ex Back Fast


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    KLWritten by Kelly Lacey

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