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If you want to conquer a woman and satisfy her two "desires", it's basically done

No matter what kind of women, they will have their own desires, which is the basis for developing feelings with them.

By jasherPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

From this level, if a man wants to pursue a woman, it is best to satisfy her desire, so that he can enter her heart smoothly.

In fact, this is the skill of attacking the heart. If you want to catch up with the woman you like, you must use appropriate methods to break through her heart defenses in order to quickly capture her heart.

In reality, many men think that it takes a lot of money to pursue a woman. In fact, this is not the case. As long as you can impress a woman, she will favor you more and accept your pursuit.

In fact, women's desires are generally reflected in emotional and spiritual needs, which cannot be compared with materials.

When a man pursues a woman, he must satisfy her from these two aspects, so as to gain her favor and establish a smooth relationship with her.

In the end, if you want to conquer a woman and satisfy her two "desires", it's basically done.

1. Satisfy a woman's emotional desires and make her feel safe

What does a woman desire most in a relationship? It is nothing more than emotional satisfaction, accompanied by a man who truly loves and cares for her.

Therefore, when a man pursues a woman, he must learn to meet her emotional needs and truly care for her and care for her from the bottom of his heart.

As long as you favor a woman and keep her in your heart at all times, you can make her feel safe.

Some men think that giving a woman a lot of money will make her feel safe, but that's not true.

If a woman does not get your love, even if she has a lot of money, she will not be happy, and even worry about gains and losses.

What can really make a woman feel safe is to care for her emotionally, to accompany her, to take care of her wholeheartedly, and to give her a stable life.

Therefore, if a man wants to conquer a woman, it is best to start from the emotional aspect, and truly regard the woman as the most important person.

When interacting with her, you should always care about her, spend more time with her, make you feel at ease, and thus gain her favor.

Whenever a woman asks for companionship, you must find a way to satisfy her. Only with warm companionship can a woman feel the quality of love.

As the saying goes: "Companionship is the longest confession of love."

Whether a woman will accept you depends largely on whether you can give her the company she wants, which is an important means of conquering a woman.

No amount of money can compare to warm company. Only when you are with a woman can she feel at ease and decide to be with you.

In this way, she will not feel lonely, and will regard you as the most important person in her life, and will naturally fall in love with you willingly.

2. Satisfy a woman's spiritual pursuit and let her see your actions

Someone said: "Women are eager to find a man with a tacit understanding to jointly pursue the future life."

Indeed, no matter what kind of women, they hope that men will be in sync with their own thoughts, have common topics, and common pursuits.

In this way, she will feel that she has a spiritual connection with you and is a real natural couple, so she will have a better impression of you.

Women are very concerned about their spiritual pursuits. They will think about their future life in advance, and even make certain plans.

If you can't keep up with a woman, she'll be disappointed, feel like you're not on the same channel as you, and naturally won't accept you.

The basic material is not the factor that decides a woman to choose you. What really makes her fall in love with you is nothing more than your tacit understanding with her and the spirit, and the common pursuit.

Therefore, if a man wants to conquer a woman, it is not just about paying for her. No matter how much money you give her, but you can't keep up with her thoughts, and their actions are inconsistent with each other, she will definitely not like you.

Money is the foundation, and spiritual understanding is the key. When you and a woman have reached a spiritual understanding, she will naturally choose you firmly.

In reality, some men pursue women, like to look like a rich man, and spend money for women, hoping to impress women's hearts.

As a result, not only did women not accept you, but they felt that you were frivolous, and even more unwilling to associate with you.

In fact, women don't need men's money in their relationship, but they value your self-motivation and comprehensive strength more.

If you are an excellent man, your thoughts and vision are higher than ordinary people, and you have a very high pattern. Even if you don't spend a penny, women will give you a favor.

Therefore, if a man wants to catch up with a woman he likes, it is best to actively improve himself, try to keep up with the pace of a woman, and satisfy her spiritual pursuit. I believe she will soon establish a relationship with you.

To sum up, if you want to conquer a woman and satisfy her two "desires", it is basically done, and it has nothing to do with money.

Satisfy a woman's emotional desires and make her feel secure; satisfy a woman's spiritual pursuit and let her see your actions.

In short, to pursue a woman, you must learn to attack her heart. Only by truly touching her heart can you successfully develop feelings for her.

If you try to impress her with money, you may be disappointed, not all women care about money.

On the contrary, women pay more attention to a man's self-motivation, character, and whether it resonates with his own thoughts.

I hope that men can find the right way and find the right direction, so that they can be more confident on the way of pursuit.

When you interact with a woman, take the initiative to maintain a tacit understanding with her, keep pace with her, and believe that she is more likely to fall in love with you and accept your pursuit.

In the end, if you want to conquer a woman, you don't need to spend much money at all, but to give her sincerity and satisfy her emotionally and spiritually. This is a good way to make her willing to fall in love with you.


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