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Hugging Is the Healthiest Form of Communication.

Here’s Why!

By Amira ReynoldsPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Hugging Is the Healthiest Form of Communication.
Photo by Igor Érico on Unsplash

Do you want to reduce stress, sleep better, and feel happier? Then hug as hard and as often as you can!

A hug to a loved one (or even a stranger) is one of the best things we can offer. A good, strong, warm hug can sometimes be more helpful than a visit to a doctor or psychotherapist - and you don't have to go to the hospital for that. And it is one of the most effective types of communication in the couple.

When someone hugs us, we feel a sense of comfort, care, love, understanding, and many other feelings, but not all of them can be described in words. So why don't we all set ourselves a simple but very useful task - to hug each other at least once a day? That would be a great idea.

Especially since in hugs, he hides much more than he seems in his external manifestation. When we hug or hug someone, certain observable and measurable processes appear in our body that scientists have done.

The physiological changes that occur in our body when someone hugs us evoke feelings in us that we rightly considered one of the best manifestations of humanity and happiness.


1. Balances the nervous system

When you hug someone, you start restoring your nervous system balance.

How and why does it work? The answer to this question is provided by scientists - as it turned out, the small receptors located in our skin are connected directly to the brain through the vagus nerve. The sensation of touch is transmitted to the brain with minimal delay.

And when, during hugs, the heat, pressure, and electrical potential of our skin affect the other person's skin receptors, it directly contributes to the balance of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Just imagine that - no procedures are needed in clinics and long meetings with specialists because they can only be replaced with a strong, warm, and passionate hug!

2. Reduces stress levels in the body

When you hug someone, you immediately and fairly effectively remove a fair amount of stress from that person's shoulders. We usually underestimate the power of touch.

When someone hugs us, the level of cortisol (a substance often called the stress hormone) in our body drops significantly - so much so that it is observed by the results of a blood test.

This means that our mind proves to be able to calm down and start thinking without the influence of stress on it. So immediately embrace a loved one as closely and passionately as possible!

3. Improves the general mood

When you hug someone, you increase the production of serotonin and this is exactly the chemical compound on which your positive mood depends. It also improves your self-esteem.

Moreover, one of the causes of depression or loneliness is often the extremely low level of serotonin. When you hug someone tightly, the brain begins to produce more serotonin and endorphins, which, circulating through the circulatory system, contribute to a feeling of pleasure and reduce sadness and anxiety.

4. Relax the body

Hugging can relax the muscles, eliminating excessive tension that we can't even suspect.

When someone hugs us, the muscles in the whole body begin to relax and that feeling is simply wonderful. And this is another reason why we should hug each other as often as possible.

5. Strengthens the heart and slows the pulse

Hugs have another curious effect - touching can slow down your heart rate.

A study by the University of California at Chapel Hill found that the heart rate of volunteers who had less contact with their partners at the time of the study was about 10 beats per minute more often than those who were allowed to be with their partners. almost all the time.

And, as we know, the lower the heart rate, the lower the predisposition to heart disease.

In other words, we need to hug every day and as often as possible if we want to be mentally and physically healthy - and, of course, happy.

Do you want to reduce your stress level, sleep better and feel happier… without medication and visits to a psychotherapist? Of course, yes! Well, then hug as hard and as often as you can!


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    ARWritten by Amira Reynolds

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