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How To Stop My Husband From Divorcing Me (How To Stop A Divorce You Don't Want)

If you're in a situation where you're trying to figure out how to stop my husband from divorcing me, well you're certainly not alone. At the same time you certainly have some work to do, so you best get started now. The fact is that once a marriage goes to separation, it's a lot harder to rescue...but of course not impossible if you do the right things. This article will show you exactly how to stop a divorce you don't want.

By Everly NovaPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

Is your marriage on the rocks and you want to find a way to stop a divorce? Had you always dreamed of a marriage that would be stronger than anyone else's, but here you are just another statistic on the verge of a separation? Are you prepared to do virtually anything to save this marriage and stop a divorce?

Fairy tales never did give much details about that elusive "happily ever after." We flutter about on a cloud built of dreams of the perfect wedding day with the perfect cake, dress, flowers and more. But we don't often stop to think about what will come after the honeymoon; the work, compromise, sacrifice... and that's why so many of us struggle.

Here are a few tips that will keep your marriage on the straight and narrow and can ultimately stop a divorce.

Harmonious Living

For the most part, if women have a hard time adjusting to married life, it's due to the realization that a marriage is far from a fairy tale. Their husbands don't treat them like a princess and things don't always go as they want. The first lesson of any marriage is to learn to compromise.

Be willing to give into him at times. Though you'll never find a perfect balance - one partner generally sacrifices a bit more than the other - you should aim to be as fair as possible if you really want to stop a divorce. Few harmonious and peaceful marriages ever end up in divorce.

Admitting Guilt

Few people seem capable of simply and genuinely accepting their portion of responsibility in virtually any situation, and marriage is no different. We refuse to admit the other is right and we bull headedly push an argument to the point of no return. Admitting that you're guilty of wrongdoing shows not only how important this relationship is to you, but your degree of maturity.

Only small and petty people who've not truly matured cling to their desire to be right, no matter how much proof there is of the contrary.

Freedom of Movement

Women have fought for the right to join the workforce and they want the freedom to build the career they've always dreamed of. They want to be able to have a lively and fun social life with their girlfriends. And they want to be involved in the upbringing of their children. They have their views of what raising a child should be and it's important to them.

Yet, all too often, they turn around and keep their husbands from finding happiness in each and everyone of these aspects of married life. We criticize them for working too many hours, we begrudge them their night out with the boys and we harass them when they play with the children in a way that isn't exactly as we would.

So what if he dressed the kids a little differently than you would have? So what if he has a fun time with his buddies once in a while? Life isn't always about getting things done the way you would do them. Give him a break and allow him to be happy in this union if you want to stop a divorce.

Diagnosing Problems in Your Marriage

It is amazing to me, how we will spend so much time checking out the latest pair of jeans at our favorite store, or how much time is invested in finding, comparing and purchasing a computer with the best peripherals. But when you look at the amount of time or energy we spend exploring the health of our relationships, it is almost zero. We assume that things are fine, until there is a problem.

A good analogy for our behaviour is how we treat our cars. Some people hours and hundreds or thousands of dollars fixing up their car until it looks better than new. Then there are those who completely neglect their ride, they forget to change the oil, never go for a tune up, have no idea what an air filter is or does, and it hasn't been washed or cleaned in months or even years. The car looks much older and more worn out than it should.

So which owner do you think is going to have problems? Which car is going to run like new, and which one will you have to worry may not get you to next stop light? Just like a car needs regular maintenance, if you want your relationship to move along worry free, your going to have to put in some time and effort.

Relationship Advice

Time for a Check Up!

How do you do regular maintenance on your relationship? It starts with a game plan. You and your mate can decide to "check-in" once a week, every two weeks, or monthly. Whatever works best for your situation? Put it on your calendar just like any other important event. If you don't write it down, you may forget it, and forget it for a long time. This is as important as any event you put on your calendar, so JUST DO IT!

Plan to talk at least half an hour, with a 10 minute overtime, if needed. This will allow enough time to cover the important points so the woman are happy, and it's short enough that the men don't get frustrated. It's important time for each of you to really listen and give it your best No T.V. or radio. Send the kids outside or put them to bed. Don't answer the phone and ignore the doorbell. This is your time as a couple.

Game Plan

To start, do a check in exercise. Let your partner know the positive things you noticed in the relationship. Little things count - remember you are trying to improve your partnership. Studies have shown that there is a 5:1 ratio between positive and negative. That means that you can say 5 positive things to your mate, and then 1 negative will wipe out the 5 positive. Negatives have that much weight!

Next, move to areas that could be improved. It is important to remain positive if you expect to get anywhere. As an example, you might word suggestions like "I really appreciate how you're helping with the dishes; if you could help me with supper some nights, which would really help me out". You would not get the same result if you said "You're still not helping with the dishes; and I'm tired of being the one who always cooks!"

When you're ready, move on to some of the needs you may have. It's okay to tell your mate about your needs. We all have needs, and want them to be respected, and hopefully met. You do not have the right to demand your needs are met. However, how you ask will go a long way in getting them addressed by your mate. Asking "I" statements are really important. Something like "I would feel better if when I cooked supper, that you said thank you and helped me clean up". By not demanding, you allow your mate to process this information, and maybe come to a realization that these are important to you. He may not even know.

Finally, if you have had a conflict recently, this may be a good time to talk about it. However, if emotions are still running high about the issue, it may be best to wait until the next check-up time. It is important to deal with the conflict, and not leave it unresolved, as it never fails to come up again. It being dragged up during the next conflict can make the situation even worse.

Once you have an understanding of each other's perspectives, you can come to some kind of understanding or compromises. Sometimes, you realize that if you had seen it in the same way as your mate, there would not have been a conflict in the first place. Better communication between you is the goal of this exercise.

Finally, if there is time leftover, you might talk about things you want to watch for until your next check in. It is always good to be aware of things that may catch either of you of guard, and lead to future issues.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick that will make your spouse love you for the rest of their lives even if they are this close to walking out the door. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will save your marriage and get you back to that place you once were - in love, committed, and excited about the future - within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Now you can stop your divorce or lover's rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your spouse back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit this Helpful Site to find out more.


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Comments (2)

  • monika love7 months ago

    After seeing a post on the internet saying how she was helped by Dr. Iyayi, I also decided to contact him for help because I had no choice. All I wanted was for me to get my lover back and happiness. To my greatest surprise my lover came home on his knees that i should find a place in my heart to forgive him, I was truly astonished and shocked when my lover knelt down begging for forgiveness and for me to accept him back. I am really short of expressions, and I don't know how much to convey my appreciation to you Dr. Iyayi. You are a God sent to restore a broken relationship, And now I am a joyful woman. his contact details. Email: [email protected] or /

  • Alvin2 years ago

    I am from Texas, USA and I have been in a relationship with my girlfriend for 2 year now. We were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden she left me for another girl, i really love this girl and never can imagine my life without her. I further tried all my best to get her back but all my effort to get her back in my life did not work out. It was on this fateful day, I came across some comments on a website about this great spell caster called Dr Ekpen, so many people claimed that he helped them to renew their relationship and bring their ex back, i had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him on whatsapp and he assured me that in two days my girlfriend is going to leave the other boy and come back to me, It was a very great surprise to see my girlfriend coming back to me after two days. I am so very happy today that she came back to me and I achieved this with the help of Dr Ekpen, and I advise if you need his help too, you can email him on his direct email [email protected] or. contact him on whatsApp him + +2349096408855

ENWritten by Everly Nova

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