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How To Stay In Love In Marriage (Can Love Be Rekindled in a Marriage When All Seems Lost?)

If you're wondering how to stay in love in marriage, then you're probably going through a ton of terrible stress right now. If you're asking can love be rekindled in a marriage when all seems lost then you'll want to read every word of this article.

By Amora StevPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
How To Stay In Love In Marriage (Can Love Be Rekindled in a Marriage When All Seems Lost?)
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Making a marriage work isn't easy, but it is absolutely possible. The best times in a relationship shouldn't end after marriage, but that is exactly what happens to many unsuspecting, optimistic couples. Will you do what it takes to prevent this outcome in your life?

Marriage should be a happy, lasting union of two people who love each other until the end of their days. Some people experience exactly that, but more people find that satisfaction with a lover is harder to come by after marriage. Of course, this doesn't happen without reason.

Relationships before Marriage

Before marriage, couples often enjoy a period of infatuation, discovery, excitement and surprise. It seems that there is always something to look forward to.

You learn about each others' lives, what you have in common, what makes you laugh. You're frequently doing something together that you've never done before, so there's always something to look forward to.

There's the first date, which leaves you eager for the next date and the next one after that. Then comes the first kiss and the first night of making love. Eventually you meet each others' friends and parents then start talking about moving in together. The future seems so bright with possibility that you're swimming in positive expectation.

With early dating out of the way, there is still so much to look forward to. The proposal, the wedding, the honeymoon, the kids. Life moves right along and the newlyweds are glowing-at least for a time.

After Marriage Relationships

After marriage, when the honeymoon phase is over, things change. You realize that making a marriage work isn't as simple as you thought. All of the exciting events you looked forward to have come and gone. You found someone to share your life with, you got married, you see that person every single day. What now? Arguments about toothpaste, dirty socks and running out of toilet paper? You wonder what's left for you to look forward to.

The distant future is something every couple should think about before rushing down the aisle. Over the course of a few years after marriage, many relationships begin to fall apart. Husband and wife begin to resent each other, often making thoughtless decisions that threaten their sacred bond.

Making a Marriage Work

Don't wait until it's too late to maintain that premarital glow. Prepare yourself to create excitement with the one you love long after the wedding bells stop ringing.

Instead of hoping and praying that your marriage will be among the lucky ones, realize that there are no lucky marriages. There are marriages that work because people make them work, and there are those that fail because people let them fail. Decide to build a lasting, vibrant, inseparable bond. Decide that making a marriage work is top priority in your life.

Importance of Communication in Marriage

The most essential element of success after marriage is communication. Talk openly with your spouse everyday about what you feel, think and expect. If you're the type who holds in your feelings, you must learn to get them out to save your marriage from eventual demise. Couples must share their joys and fears, desires and uncertainties, expectations and efforts.

No matter how nervous you are about openly expressing your emotions, find the courage to do it anyway. With a little effort, you can do so in such a way that your wife or husband knows you have good intentions. And there will come a day when communicating with your spouse won't seem difficult at all.

Keep it Youthful & Fresh

Another ingredient in making a marriage work is to stay young together. Of course you can't stop aging, but that isn't what it means to stay young. Long after marriage, you and your spouse can remain young at heart. The way to do this is to have fun, try new things and exchange far-fetched ideas together. Make your life as a married couple as exciting as humanly possible.

When you find yourselves spending less time together, working too hard, or focusing all of your efforts on the kids-take a step back and make your marriage a top priority. Take off work, get a babysitter, cancel other plans. You absolutely must remember to make each other feel important.

Marriage can be a beautiful thing, but you get out of it what you put into it. Plan ahead to give it your all, so you won't end up with regrets.

Living life to the fullest is just as important after marriage as it was before marriage. If you find yourself getting discouraged, reach out for relationship help to save your relationship.

Can Love Be Rekindled in a Marriage When All Seems Lost?

One of the saddest things in life to witness is the breakup of a marriage. To see something which started out so beautifully and so full of promise, wither and die is a tragedy not only for the couple but those close to them. When a marriage hits a hurdle, does it always have to end in divorce or can love be rekindled and the marriage saved?

A close friend of mine was in that exact same position a few years back and his marriage looked doomed and ready to head to the divorce courts. I spoke with him at the time and he was adamant that he did not want his marriage to end. So rather than call it quits and walk away, he learnt how to fall in love again and if you ask him today "can love be rekindled," his answer would unequivocally be yes.

On the other hand, another friend of mine was granted his divorce last week. It was a bitter sweet experience - he was glad that the divorce was through but really sad that his marriage ended that way. He would much rather have been able to make his marriage work but unfortunately, that was impossible in his case.

Can love be rekindled in a marriage even when all seems lost? Yes, it certainly can in the majority of cases. If you are asking this question, then I feel for you as obviously, you are going through a tough time at the moment. There is no better time than now to start the process of falling in love again. The first step is for the both of you to get together and have a serious heart to heart session to try and figure out what is wrong in your marriage. Be honest with each other and agree to have this session without either of you getting uptight or angry. Your aim is to learn how to fall in love again and to do this; you must identify any obstacles in your way. Once you have cleared the air, list what the issues are even to the extent of writing them down. Once you both agree that these are your problems, work together to find solutions. By doing this together, you will both appreciate each other's feelings and will be more inclined to make the necessary changes to make your marriage better.

Once you have done this and know what you need to do to make each other happy, get ready to start loving each other again. Make some romantic time for just the two of you like a movie, dinner or even better, a night or two away for a romantic interlude.

Can love be rekindled in your marriage? It will, if you work with each other and commit to making changes to ensure that your marriage is full of love, respect and understanding.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick that will make your spouse love you for the rest of their lives even if they are this close to walking out the door. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will save your marriage and get you back to that place you once were - in love, committed, and excited about the future - within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Thinking about regaining the status of "Happily Married"? It is possible, and is not difficult if you think it is not. But exactly how you do so? If you would like the source most couples used to revive their relationship, strengthened their marriage, regain trust and love in the marriage and not giving up then visit Secrets To A Happy Marriage


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