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How to Seduce any Man

The art of seduction is a delicate one

By KianPublished about a year ago 5 min read


It’s said that seduction is an art, but here’s the truth: it’s much more of a science. There are many ways to be seductive, but at their core, they all have one thing in common: they require you to make your target feel amazing about himself. And who doesn’t want that? So if you’re ready to learn how to attract men like bees to honey (without being too obvious), read on!

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Stay away from his friends.

The best way to seduce your man is to make sure that he’s comfortable with you.

When it comes to making friends with his friends, this can be tricky. If they’re not into you or if they think you’re too much of a threat, then things could get ugly very quickly.

You should also avoid competing with the boys in any way — this includes showing off (like trying out new tricks on the skateboard), being too cool (too much sarcasm) and being too nice (being overly accommodating).

Make him laugh.

In order to seduce any man, you must first make him laugh. The easiest way to do this is by being funny yourself. Don’t try too hard though — the key is finding the right balance between being serious and being silly. If your jokes are too corny or lame, he’ll think of them as a sign that you don’t take yourself seriously enough; but if they’re too over-the-top or weird (think: “I’m on fire! Oh wait…that’s just my hair”), then he’ll think that maybe there’s no point in pursuing anything further with someone who acts like such an oddball all the time!

As long as you find that sweet spot between funny and serious, no matter how strange things may seem at first glance (or even second glance), trust me when I say that eventually everything will work out for both parties involved — and hopefully lead up toward something better down road than what had already been planned originally.”

Show him you’re smart.

Men love smart women. They don’t want to feel like they’re smarter than you, but they do want to be able to have a conversation with someone who is on their level. If you can show your guy that you are smart and confident in what you know, he will respect that and be more attracted to you as well!

Be confident in your knowledge: If he says something wrong or asks a question about something that isn’t clear, don’t be afraid to correct him. This shows that not only are you interested in what he says, but also confident enough in yourself (and/or your education) so that when someone challenges one of your beliefs or ideas, it won’t scare them off because they know there’s no question about whether or not those beliefs are true.* Don’t worry if this makes him uncomfortable; just keep doing what works for both parties involved!

Don’t talk about sex.

You might think it’s a good idea to let him know how much you want him and how much you enjoy the act of sex, but this is actually counterproductive. In fact, by saying anything at all about your own sexual experiences or what turns you on, he may feel less inclined to pursue things further because he’ll assume that everything has already been done before. Instead of talking about sex at all (even in passing), let him do all the talking! He’ll be more likely to initiate an intimate encounter if he thinks there’s something new and exciting waiting for him when he gets home after work each day — and if not? Well then maybe he isn’t worth seducing anyway.*

Ask him questions about himself.

The first step to seducing a man is getting him to know you. To do this, ask him questions about himself. You should be interested in what he has to say and genuinely want to learn more about him. Ask about his interests and hobbies, family history, job title and responsibilities (if applicable), favorite places to visit or eat out at — anything that gets your conversation started!

Don’t ask too many questions at once though; give him time between each one so it doesn’t feel like an interrogation session where he feels pressured into answering everything immediately without thinking too much on the answers beforehand like: “So…what’s your favorite food?”

There’s nothing wrong with accepting an offer of refreshment from your suitor, but there’s also no need to make it seem like he’s paying for all of your drinks on account of his generosity alone. If he buys you two rounds at the bar and then asks what else he can get for you — as if this were his duty as a gentleman — you should politely decline and tell him that one more round would be great! Then, order another round yourself (or ask him if he wants another). He’ll feel good about being able to contribute financially while still ensuring that everyone has fun together throughout the evening.

It’s not as hard as you think!

Seduction is a delicate art. If you don’t know what you’re doing, it can backfire in ways that make it seem like your target man has been put under a spell by an evil witch. You might think he’s just being polite when he says he likes spending time with you or that he wants to see more of you — but in reality, he’s just trying not to hurt your feelings while secretly wishing he could get away from this person who keeps talking about their feelings all the time!

And then there are other times when things go right: Your seduction worked! Now what? How do we keep our man on his toes and keep ourselves interested in him? In this article we’ll explore some options for keeping those fires burning bright between two people who really want each other…and maybe even love each other someday soon!

In this article, we have covered the five best ways to seduce any man. We hope that you have found some useful tips and tricks that can help you improve your seduction skills. Just remember: don’t be afraid to try something new!


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