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How To Make Your Ex Boyfriend Realize He Made A Mistake (How To Make Him Realize What He Lost)

Isn't it frustrating that you have to spend your time trying to figure out how to make your ex boyfriend realize he made a mistake, when it seems like everyone else is walking around happy and in perfect little relationships. Learning how to make him realize what he lost can change the entire dynamic of the relationship and actually make him want you back.

By Jade AubrePublished 2 years ago 5 min read

You want to make your ex boyfriend sorry he dumped you. I don't blame you for feeling that way. Since the break up you've been lost in a cloud of confusion and anger. You love him and you really can't believe that he'd just toss you aside like that, right? It makes no sense to you given how close you felt to him all this time. Break ups are typically very painful for one partner. In this case it's you. What you need to do if you're tired of feeling this way is try to get him back. It's very possible. You just have to get focused on the task at hand and gain some insight into how certain psychological tricks can make him not only wish he never broke things off but crave to be with you more than ever.

As women we have a certain stigma attached to us when it comes to break ups. We're known for being the ones who fall apart emotionally. It's a fair label as you've probably already shown your ex that you're more than capable of crying and begging for him to come back to you. Men actually expect this kind of behavior and they're prepared for it. That gives them the upper hand which is never something you want when you're trying to win a man back.

Essentially you've got to go left when he goes right. Whatever he thinks you're going to do, you'll need to do the opposite of. It sounds complicated, doesn't it? It's actually not at all.

In order to make your ex boyfriend sorry he dumped you start by apologizing to him. You read it right. You're going to make the first move by telling him you're sorry. You can be sorry for what happened before the break up or sorry for the way you acted since. Just call him up and apologize. The apology isn't the most important part of the call though. Your demeanor during it is. You have to sound calm and in complete control of yourself. Try to sound cheery and upbeat. It may not seem all that important, but the fact that you're not crying will impact him directly.

Another of the psychological tricks that will make him want to be with you again is to reject him too. You certainly aren't going to be as obvious as he was about it. He already dumped you, after all. Instead, you'll hold your head up high and you'll walk away from the relationship and not look back. You can accomplish this by living again and not reaching out to him at all. Delete his number from your cell and stop driving by his house.

The best part of this plan is that you don't stoop down to the level of trying to plead with him to take you back. By ignoring him and moving forward with your life, you'll be making him feel that he can't have you anymore. Once a man feels that, the chase is on to get his woman back.

Tried Steps on How to Make Him Mad About You Once Again

Would it not be a dream come true, if your ex boyfriend becomes as mad about you as he was when he fell in love with you? But a dream can be realized if you know how to go about it wisely.

Remember the days when he fell in love with you. What was it that attracted him towards you? Was it your beautiful figure, intelligence, your behaviour or all the three assets in combination? While there is no doubt that these assets are the gifts of nature, it cannot be denied women make efforts to further nurture and enhance them. This is why they use make- up and wear ornaments. Some go a step further when they strike an attitude to appear more affable and attractive.

So did you when you made your now ex fall in love with you when you met him.

When you became assured that he had been won over completely, you became a bit lax about your figure, appearance and attitude. At least you gave up using the extra effort that you initially made to attract him.

Of course, it is true that it is difficult to maintain appearances over a long time. May be you thought that assuming attitudes and appearances contradict the importance of sincerity in human relations.

Another reason for the negligence of your figure might have been your professional obligations that probably left you no time for these minor superfluities. While you internally remained beautiful, you forgot that internal beauty like honesty should be made to be externally visible also.

Casual and untidy appearance tends to become boring and even repulsive over a long time. Remember, one reason why men ditch their women partners is that they get bored with them after some time. Then, they find excuses; magnify the minor lapses and leave them.

So, what should you do now?

Look into the mirror and then look at your photos of the time when you first fell in love with you ex. You may have much to blame yourself for the break up. So instead of ruminating endlessly over what has happened, you should find time to make a special effort to regain your lost beauty, vivaciousness and charm. Join a gym. Pay attention to your diet.

Above all try to enjoy your time genuinely without forcing yourself to do so. A genuine enjoyment of life will bring a bloom in your figure. A withered rose cannot attract.

Make yourself visible to your ex without appearing to do so.

Every young man wants the company of a woman and your ex is no exception especially when he has not found another partner so far. Egoistic as some people are, your ex might be looking for an excuse to come back to you. A glimpse of your old attractive figure and captivating smile is sure to ignite the desire and regenerate the dreams that had driven him towards you.

Do not be impatient. Wait for the fruit to become ripe enough to fall on its own. Only keep your lap ready to receive it. Keep up making subtle overtures and advances without looking immodest and over eager. He will take initiative and manipulate the circumstances to come back to you like perhaps he did when he fell for you the first time.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Ex Back Secrets


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    JAWritten by Jade Aubre

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