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How To Make Your Boyfriend Come Back After A Fight (Boyfriend Not Talking To Me After Fight)

Want to know exactly how to make your boyfriend come back after a fight? Of course you do. Now you're the one left nursing the broken heart and saying boyfriend not talking to me after fight. Here's what to do...

By Henry JosephPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
How To Make Your Boyfriend Come Back After A Fight (Boyfriend Not Talking To Me After Fight)
Photo by Kate Kozyrka on Unsplash

You used to be happy with your relationship until one day you can feel that your relationship is beginning to fall apart. Your boyfriend suddenly acts very cold towards you and his sweetness changed to bitterness. You're always in a heated argument and you're afraid that the relationship will end anytime. If you want to stop a break up, here are some of the things that you can do, rather than seeking relationship counseling because this will just cost you a lot.

When you notice that your partner is acting cold towards you, it means that you've done something that he didn't like. You need to know what you've done wrong and tell your ex that you are very sorry for what happened. Be sure to be sincere with your apology and not just doing it for the sake of saying sorry. Your partner will clearly see through his heart how sorry you are and he will be happy to accept your sincere apology.

You notice that your boyfriend doesn't send you text messages at night just to say goodbye or his usual sweetness suddenly changed. This can happen because maybe you are not paying attention to him while he was doing it before or you're taking his actions for granted that's why he got tired of exerting efforts. If that is the case, then it would better if you will initiate doing the things that your ex used to do for you, such as sending messages at night or calling him saying sweet nothings.

A heated argument can't be prevented especially if both of you are angry and you would like to defend your side. At these times, the best way to do is to listen. Listening is very powerful and it can help in cooling down your angry boyfriend. When your boyfriend is angry, let him vent out his feelings and don't answer back. Once he's done, let him cool down first before you calmly explain your side.

These are simple ways that can greatly help in preventing a break up in a relationship. Keep in mind that if you really want the relationship, then you have to do all means to save it before it completely falls apart.

To Get Back Your Ex Boyfriend Read These 5 Simple Tips

Sadly for us it isn't easy to get back with our ex boyfriends after we breakup. However luckily for us there are a few things we can follow to actually win him back again! It's frustrating, so many people don't seem to succeed in winning their ex back! It's understandable though, we are never given a simple book when we first hit the dating scene that laid out exactly how to handle a break up, never mind a book telling you how to get someone back just after you have broken up. If you are trying to get your ex boyfriend back then hopefully these 5 easy steps will help you win his heart back:

1. First things first, get your head on straight. Just after a break up is a very emotional time, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and get rid of any negative thoughts. You have to be willing to be strong before you can get your ex back.

Push through the depression and your emotional state, in order to get your ex back you have to keep your mind clear. Any negative thoughts are going to cause problems!

2. Move on from the past, you have to understand that your relationship as you knew it was over. No matter how many times you relive the past it will not change how things are now so do yourself a favor and look at the past, learn from it and then move on.

Once you realize that your old relationship wasn't ideal you are already heading on the right path to getting back with your ex boyfriend. In your memory you will gloss over a lot of the bad things, think carefully about why your relationship ended (it didn't break in a day) and how you can fix that.

3. Leave your ex boyfriend alone. I know this one sounds super tough, there are times when all you want to do is hear his voice on the phone or see his face, even from a distance, but the truth is guys hate it when you obsess over them (especially if you are an ex gf). If you really want to get back with him then hold off contact for a while, you want to give him some space to realize he made a mistake. He will probably even start missing you! If you spoil this time it is going to be harder to get him back in the long run.

4. Make yourself gorgeous. I know you are beautiful already but why not make yourself a true object of desire with some new makeup, new clothes and a new hairstyle! Hit the gym and eat right, feeling good on the inside does wonders to your outside! If you are happy and confident you will project this to the people around you too! Men (and your ex) will be chasing you before you know it.

5. Slow and steady wins the race - If you have stuck to the above 4 tips it is only a matter of time before your ex boyfriend contacts you. If he hasn't already seen the new you from stage 4 then he is going to be really sorry that he spilt with you to begin with! If you do see him try and keep any physical contact to a minimum.

Once he sees how you have changed and paired with your confidence and happiness, he is going to desire you hardcore. Keeping your distance is going to drive him crazy but it will also ensure that you don't rush back into things only for him to proclaim it was a "mistake" and you are back to square one.

Some of these tips are going to be hard to follow at first, the phone is always tempting when you want to see him but make sure you fight the urges. These tips will help you and your ex boyfriend get back together again.

These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? It doesn't stop here, though. What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Don't throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. To read the shocking revelation that holds the final key to get your ex back visit: Ex Back Guide

If you would like to learn more about the psychology behind breaking up, and if you feel that you need a step-by-step plan for winning your ex back, then head to Ultimate System to Get Your Ex Back Fast


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