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How to Make Money With Your Book: For 7-Figure CEOs, Coaches, Consultants, and Executives- P 2 of 3

Your book has the potential to make a lasting impact on the world

By Rick MartinezPublished about a year ago 6 min read
Photo by Stephane YAICH on Unsplash

How Can Your Book Get You Attention?

That's the burning question, to say the least.

In part one, I talked about and shared some legit info on how to think about your book not only as a heartfelt offering but rather as leverage to create even more revenue.

I'm going to explain all the ways you can monetize a book, but first, you need to understand how the "book as a marketing tool" works.

Remember what I said earlier:

A book is a multi-purpose marketing tool, or "leverage," with distinct abilities to create attention that you can turn into sales and hence, more money.

Or displayed in a wicked simpler way:

Your Book = More Eyeballs = More Money

A book is a powerful form of content marketing and inbound marketing. It's like both of these on jet fuel.

So how does a book capture attention?

It's funny you should ask because there are 4 main ways:

Having a book establishes authority

Not only authority but credibility as well.

A friend of mine said that her book became her business card. I tend to disagree. A book is a thought leadership publication that takes time, effort, and hard-earned knowledge to complete. A business card can be ordered online and shipped to your door in 48 hours.

There's an ocean of differences between the two. And this is what makes a book so valuable - it demonstrates to your audience an expertise and experience that not everyone has.

Do you know what's more valuable than a BS, an MBA, JD, or a Ph.D.?

A published book.

Some folks think what I just said is poppycock and even blasphemy, but times have changed massively. How we create wealth, fame, income, and sustainability dramatically differs from what it was a few decades ago.

A book is tangible proof that you can start and finish something, as well as evidence of your knowledge of a particular subject.

Remember how there was a huge college admissions scandal not too long ago? Do you recall that? Some big Hollywood types were buying their kid's test scores and bribing their way to college completion.

Well, guess what?

You can't pull that kind of stunt with a book. A book is real, and it's touchable. You either do the work, or you don't.

Whether you write the book yourself or hire a ghostwriter like me, the frank fact is that the knowledge, experiences, and wins that comprise the book are yours and yours alone.

So when you have your book out in the world, you're suddenly playing in a whole new sandbox.

Pro tip: if you want to gain the attention of major influencers, your first step is having a book. It's like picking up the phone and dialing their extension directly.

Your book makes you highly visible in places you never were before

You can turn on FOX news, CNN, or MSNBC and likely find a talking head.

Those talking heads are usually viewed as experts in their field or craft. And you know how they know someone is the expert or the go-to?

Because they wrote the book on it.

Think about it. If you're an expert in a field and have a book that explains it clearly, people will naturally think of you as the go-to person.

Of course, writing the book alone is worthless. But when coupled with even more effective marketing tactics such as speaking events, advertising, guest blogging, or podcasts and radio interviews, you're suddenly in a whole new realm.

You'll start to see more reach and attention from your ideal audience, and they will quickly understand that you are the expert they need to help them solve their problems.

This is because the media want to talk to experts, and they judge expertise by who wrote the book on the subject.

Many years ago, a fellow entrepreneur and close friend of mine wrote a book called 'The 40-Hour Work Year'. And yes, he wrote it long before the Tim Ferriss book about the '4-Hour Workweek'. But look, the point is that Scott's book led him to speaking engagements, specifically to entrepreneur groups, all across the US.

And to this day, he still makes a killing off those gigs and subsequent clients who emerge as a result of his talks.

It's not fair, but it's true: more people will pay attention to your colleagues who have written books than those who haven't.

Pro tip: this is why I'm a personal fan of not only niche books but micro-niche ones. Niches so that when you write your book, you then OWN that space!

A book helps people find you

Nowadays, we go to Google whenever we need to learn, search or find out about stuff.

But you know what is always pretty close to Google, nipping at their heels?




Your book is there, and it's easy to find because you can search for terms such as a niche topic or even your name. People will start searching for you, your work, and the subject of your book. And when they do that?

They'll find you.

The same will happen when speakers bureau, media, or journalist is looking for expert sources. They'll see your book and know you're the real deal. The bottom line: a book can help people find you in two key ways - via search engines and, of course, word of mouth.

A great book is a perfect way to introduce potential clients to your work and attract them to your brand.

Pro tip: 'Static leverage' is the beauty of a book on Amazon. Once done, your book becomes a searchable and findable tool to generate eyeballs and income for your bottom line.

Bird, bird, bird…bird is the word

In 1963 a group called 'The Trashmen' released a song called 'Surfin' Bird.'

That song has been played in movies and concerts, and as I type is playing in my head. One line sticks out repeatedly, and that one is… "bird is the word."

Look, word of mouth is one of the best ways to get your book out there. People telling people. Friends telling friends. The results can be exponential.

There's nothing better than word-of-mouth marketing, and when it comes from someone we trust, we're more likely to listen. If you have a tool that helps others talk about your business, then use it! It will be the best marketing decision you make.

When you've created a good book, then people tell people, and people repeat your words, phrases, ideas, and concepts to other people. And you know what tool is the catalyst for creating a word-of-mouth firestorm?

Social media.

Social media is the modern-day "word of mouth," and if you're not using it, you should be. One great way to use social media for word-of-mouth marketing is by sharing your book and encouraging people to leave reviews on Amazon or Goodreads.

Pro tip: consider the power of word of mouth when spreading the good news about your business and your book. Bird is the word, and social media is the tool to make this happen!

In this article, we've talked about the importance of having a book and how it can help your business in many ways.

We've also looked at some pro tips for making the most out of your book. So what are you waiting for? Get writing! And when you're done, let us know so we can help you get published.

The final word

A book is a great way to introduce potential clients to your work and your expertise and attract them to your brand.

Whether you're writing a niche book, a micro-niche book, or simply sharing your expertise in an industry via your own words, it can be a powerful tool to grow your business and attract new clients.

Wanna start a book, or are you stuck with your current one?

Maybe you have a lot of ideas for your book but can't find the time to write them out, or perhaps you're frustrated with how slowly the writing process is going. Or better, when you look for advice, people tell you, "It's all about discipline," and you should just set aside time to write every day.

Easier said than done, right?

What happens next is you get old, never finish your book, and the folks you wanted to impact never hear your message. And worse, you hear how it sucks to die with that book still in you.

It doesn't need to be this way. Here's a wicked simple solution for you right here.


About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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