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How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Interested In You Again (How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back After She Lost Feelings For You)

Isn't it frustrating that you have to spend your time trying to figure out how to get your ex girlfriend interested in you again, when it seems like everyone else is walking around happy and in perfect little relationships. How has your search gone so far for solutions for how to get your ex girlfriend back after she lost feelings for you? It's important to note...

By Kayla EdenPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Interested In You Again (How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back After She Lost Feelings For You)
Photo by Tani Eisenstein on Unsplash

I remember going to pieces after breaking up with my girlfriend. I felt awful. Everything reminded me of her. I didn't even understand what exactly had happened to kill our relationship. My heart did not know what to do, and my brain was frozen in neutral. Life seemed all wrong and bent out of shape, like those funny mirrors at the carnival show. I sensed that my ex had left large, heavy footprints on my heart, but I did not know what to do next.

Does this describe you?

What I should have done is take a deep breath, some time, and a big think. I wanted my girlfriend back, and you probably do, too. But is that a good thing to do? If you were in a toxic relationship before, will it work any better the second time around? It might. It just might, maybe with professional help or counseling.

Then a friend gave me the following quiz. It gave me some perspective on the whole situation, and where things had to change. I hope it helps you as much as it helped me. Answer each question as honestly as you can. It will give you a good idea whether you should even try to get your girlfriend back, or if you might be better off finding someone new.

1. Has the closeness and intimacy vanished in your relationship? Has the affection all but disappeared? Do you rarely touch anymore?

2. Are there long periods of silence between you? Is it difficult to talk about even simple things? Do you get impatient with each other when you do try to discuss something?

3. Do you fight and argue more and more? Are your arguments getting worse? Is there physical or verbal abuse, or do you sense that this is coming?

4. Do you fight over money, or your finances? Are you staying together till debt do you part?

5. Do you find it hard to recall what on earth actually attracted you to your mate, all that time ago?

If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, you need help. Before attempting to get your girlfriend back, seek help from a friend, priest, rabbi, doctor, etc. Talk things over and think things well through, before contacting your ex. All is not lost, far from it. Remember this story of the young boy at the Little League baseball game.

His team was down 11 - 0, but the lad was happy and cheerful. A passer-by asked him how he could be so optimistic, given the score at the moment. The boy replied, "My team hasn't been up to bat yet".

If you recognized yourself in any of the above 5 points, your former relationship needs some sort of help to be repaired. These kinds of situations usually get worse with time, if not attacked vigorously. Anger and resentment set in, and soon become fixed and permanent. Read this article to the end, so you can get ready to get her back. Your turn at bat is coming. You must be ready.

It may be hard to do right now, but try to stay positive. A pleasant, upbeat attitude will get you far in life, and may in fact get your girlfriend back for you.

The Best Way to Get Your Girlfriend Back - Use This Guide to True Love

Is it all over between you and your ex? Situation hopeless? Do you feel like you wound up on the wrong end of a bulldozer? Yup, I have been there, and done that. In fact, most people have, at some point or another in their lives. The good news is, you can get your girlfriend back. Most relationships can be saved; few are really as lost and hopeless as you think yours is, right about now.

The bad news? There isn't any. I just want to talk a bit about love itself, what it is, why we run after it so much, and how to make it work for you to take back your love as fast as possible. This is not a quickie 6 step guide to getting your ex back. Those seldom work anyway. What does work is thinking about yourself and your relationship just ended, to find what went wrong and what went right. Then you will be all set to go get your girlfriend back.

When love goes bad, it can be painful and confusing. It can leave you feeling that you had your guts ripped inside out. You feel like you are going through hell, and so you are. Well, Winston Churchill once said, "If you are going through hell, keep going". That is the only way to actually survive it and come out the other end.

Never give up, never say die. Why not? Because when love works, when it goes right, it is the most wonderful, powerful, magical feeling in the world. If you have ever been truly head over heels in love, you know what I mean. If not, you will, sooner or later.

When we come out of a bad relationship, we feel spent, broken, empty, even furious. For example, if you broke up with your girlfriend because you discovered she was cheating on you, you were probably very upset and angry, in addition to feeling many other emotions. But here is the important point. After some time passes and you calm down, you will realize that you are stronger now, wiser and more experienced.

You are much better prepared to get your girlfriend back and keep her, or move on and find someone new. After I broke up with one particular girl whom I really, truly loved, I wallowed in self-pity for a good while. When I finally finished wallowing, I found that I had learned some valuable lessons about love and life.

Lessons like, do not fall in love or trust someone too quickly. Use your head as well as your heart, no matter how much in love you are. Ask the important questions early on, like how many children does she want, does she get along with my friends and family (and do I get along with hers), do we have similar interests, tastes and outlook? Do we communicate effectively? And so on.

If I had asked myself these questions earlier in some relationships, I could have saved myself a lot of grief and anguish. And wallowing. So hide under a rock and brood for a while, if you like. Sooner or later, you will need to pick yourself up by the scruff of your neck, give yourself a good shake, and let go of the past. Time to get back in the game.

Get your girlfriend back with some patience, sensitivity and flowers (or chocolates!). We are built to have relationships, to connect with someone. If we do not, it leaves a big hole in our soul, and an ache in our heart. And the longer we live alone, the wider and deeper that hole becomes, and the harder it will be to fill it.

It is sometimes difficult to think clearly when you are hip-deep in a relationship. It is just as impossible when you have recently broken up with your ex, and are trying to win her back. So take the time you need, until you sort things out in your head. Then go win back your girlfriend with some passion, love and true feelings.

But do not wait too long to take action. She also wants true, lasting love, closeness and affection, same as you. With time, however, your ex becomes more and more indifferent and distant towards you. This makes the job to get back with her harder. Remember that no one can go back in time and make a fresh new start. But you can start from now and make a fresh new ending.

These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? It doesn't stop here, though. What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Don't throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. To read the shocking revelation that holds the final key to get your ex back visit: Ex Back Guide

If you would like to learn more about the psychology behind breaking up, and if you feel that you need a step-by-step plan for winning your ex back, then head to Ultimate System to Get Your Ex Back Fast


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