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How To Get Your Ex Back When You Broke Up With Him (I Broke Up With Him And He Won't Take Me Back)

If you're wondering how to get your ex back when you broke up with him, then you're probably going through a ton of terrible stress right now. Well, every man-made problem has a solution! Firstly, you have to understand that men behave differently when they get dumped. If you're in a situation where you're saying I broke up with him and he won't take me back, then this might be the most important thing you've ever read.

By Ivy JadePublished 2 years ago 5 min read
How To Get Your Ex Back When You Broke Up With Him (I Broke Up With Him And He Won't Take Me Back)
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Generally the person that wants to get back with his ex is the one that was thrown by the surprise of the breakup and would have chosen a different way to fix problems before breaking up even enters his mind. However, there are people in your case, too, that broke off a good relationship but now want to get back their ex. Whatever your reason for breaking off your relationship, you still have a chance of getting back with your ex.

To be honest, you're in a better situation than if the roles were reversed. Being the one to call off the relationship means your partner may still want to get back with you and never wanted to be separated in the first place. However, if you hurt your ex's feelings, you're going to have a bit more work to do because he might have decided to just let you have your time and move on. Much of the advice for you is the same as for others, though, so you still have the same chance of getting back your ex.

Take some time to cool off those heavy and heated emotions. Now is the time to decide where you stand in this relationship and how you can fix any of the problems that made you feel you needed to break things off in the first place. Basically, just put yourself together again and figure out how you're going to patch up your relationship.

Apologizing to your ex is necessary. You're going to have to humble yourself to admit to being wrong and make your ex see that you sincerely want him back. You might have to do some convincing to get your ex to want you back. Remember: you hurt him by just giving up. You're going to have to prove that you're not just going to give up again and that you're willing to work towards a better relationship with your ex.

Don't, however, become weak or desperate. If your ex says he still needs some time, don't start begging or pleading. Just accept that this was your same decision when you broke things off. Let your ex see that you're willing to let him have what he need to make things better between the two of you.

It's easy to make mistakes and often you'll pay for those mistakes. There's a chance that when you decided to give up, so did your ex but it's also likely that your ex is just waiting for you to come around again so he can make you happy again.

How to Text a Guy You Broke Up With

Trying to figure out how to text a guy you broke up with? You and your boyfriend decided to call it quits but now you want him back. You're uneasy about calling him because you're afraid he might hang up so you'd like to try texting him.

Is it the right time?

When it comes to "how to text a guy," more specifically your ex boyfriend, timing is very important. If you do it too soon then it might ruin your chances of getting him back. Remember, the no contact rule is essential in a breakup. You might annoy him if you contact him too soon or he might feel pressured. It would be best to wait a while, maybe a week or two, before you contact him. That way, your emotions would have cooled down and you would be able to think clearly.

Don't write a novel

You need to be thoughtful when you text him but don't make it too long. You're not writing a book, you're just texting your ex. It's better to keep it short and sweet and don't go to lengthy discussions about your entire day. He might not be interested in knowing every little thing that happened to you. You can write casual things such as "hope you're well. Remember that movie we watched about this guy, etc., etc. I saw that on TV today and I know how much you loved that movie."

Don't text your ex all the time

Even though he may reply to your messages, don't get too excited and bombard him with messages every day. Things may still be a little tense around you and you never know if he's just being nice to you. Or maybe he's already taking advantage of you because if you keep sending him messages, then he can have you back in his life without being obligated to see you again. It's like you're his backup girl and you don't want that, do you? Just send him a few messages every now and then but don't make it a regular thing.

Ask him out

If you feel that you're both comfortable talking to each other again, then you can try to ask him out for a cup of coffee. You can send him a text and ask if he would like to meet with you sometime and discuss things. Or maybe the two of you can just hang out and try to be comfortable around each other again. Whatever you think is appropriate and whatever works for you.

Leave him alone

He may or may not reply to your messages but don't go into panic mode. If he doesn't reply, then just let him be. Maybe he's just not ready to talk to you yet and he needs more time to himself. If he replies but you feel like he's not really interested in talking to you then don't get discouraged. As mentioned, when it comes to "how to text a guy you broke up with," it might take time before he feels comfortable talking to you again.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Ex Back Secrets


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