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How To Fix An Unhappy Marriage and Make It Better (When You're Stuck In An Unhappy Marriage)

If you're wondering how to fix an unhappy marriage and make it better, then you're probably going through a ton of terrible stress right now. It's not fun, and I'm truly sorry for what you have to go through. Here's what to do when you're stuck in an unhappy marriage.

By Zoey MilaPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Are you living an unhappy marriage? If you think you are not as happy in your relationship as you should be, you are not alone. Surveys carried out have shown that not everybody is happy in their marriages but that is also a very subjective issue because it really depends on how you measure happiness.

Definitely you cannot compare the time after now with the period when you were still newly weds. During your courtship and honeymoon periods, your relationship is bound to be full of romantic activities and your spouse is likely to take time to give you lots of surprises. However, as time evolves, you will both be very involved with building your own careers so you have less time to plan for a romantic evening or for surprises.

Thus, it does not mean that since you are in an unhappy marriage now, your relationship is destined to fail. As long as you still love your marriage or have other reasons for not wanting your relationship to end, you can always save your marriage. In fact, for many couples who have been married for a long time, they find that it gets even harder to be romantically involved with each other as most of the time, you are more concerned with your kids and paying the bills. If that is the case, how do you rekindle the old flame in your relationship then? Below are 5 tips to help you bring back the love.

1. Reminisce the past together

Remember the good old courtship days when both of you were so in love with each other? Whatever has happened to the love between you? Now is the time to reflect on the joyous old days together. You can revisit the places you used to go together, play your old time favorite songs or even go on a getaway to a romantic island. Just remember to go on your own; without any other friends or kids. Do this frequently and you will find that both of you will feel more love towards each other.

2. Giving small gifts

This might not be a new idea but it is definitely one that works well. You do not have to buy a very expensive gift because the intention is to show that you care and that you want to thank your spouse for being there for you so a small gift occasionally to surprise your spouse will do wonders to your relationship. You can even add short love notes to these little gifts and place them in places where your partner is able to find on their own. That will make it more romantic and fun.

3. Love notes

This can tie in with the above tip or you can simply use it on its own. Instead of giving a little gift every time, you can also leave a short love note around for your spouse to find. Place such as on the bathroom mirror, on the door of the refrigerator, in the car or on the computer screen will be great for a start.

4. Surprise meals together

For this tip, you will have to be careful not to catch your spouse in a busy period. You can plan for a relaxing picnic together without letting your spouse know about it in advance. Just appear with a picnic basket and set off to the park for a romantic and quiet meal together. The important thing is to spend time enjoying each other's company in a relaxed mood.

5. Evening walks in the park

When was the last time you took an evening stroll in your nearby park or even in your own garden with your spouse? It is vital that you spend time alone with each other, just holding hands and strolling along. This will help to bring back the old flame and love you have been feeling for each other.

If you want to get out of your unhappy marriage and improve your relationship, you have to give these tips a try. Without taking actions, you will not be able to achieve anything, so just start off with a light kiss when you greet your spouse in the morning. That will be a good start to a better relationship.

Easy Ways to Dramatically Improve Your Marriage

If your marriage isn't working for you, maybe you aren't working enough for it. A marriage is a relationship; and no ship will steer its own course - or stay afloat very long without maintenance. If your relationship is feeling more like a "slave-ship," or a "war-ship," here are three-things you can do that will make it seem more like a "cruise-ship" - and help you turn your marriage into a dream vacation:

1. Listen. Listen to your partner; and listen to yourself. Communication is essential in a relationship; you aren't really in a relationship without it - even if you live together. And, without learning to listen to - and discern - the different voices within you, you can't truly know yourself. Without knowing yourself, how can you introduce yourself to another person? Listening is such a rare skill that you will receive "bonus points" in any situation where you are caught actually paying attention to your partner as if they really matter to you; most people don't - which is why most marriages end in divorce.

2. Learn. Learn to listen, learn to communicate, learn to be a better partner (we can all stand to be better), learn who your partner is, learn compassion, learn emotional self-management, learn to take personal responsibility, and learn from the relationship and the things that happen in it rather than blaming your own personal problems and "short-comings" on your relationship, or some other person - especially someone you supposedly love and honor. "Learn" can also be interpreted as, "Grow up." Personal growth is essential for a happy relationship - or a happy life. Knowledge is power; gather it and use it wisely.

3. Love. Love is all we need because love is all there is. Everyone has it; though some aren't aware of it, or don't understand where to "find" it, how to use it, or what love truly is. If there are conditions, it isn't love; it is some form of attachment. Learn to love unconditionally. Your only other choice is to continue suffering until you do. Spend time thinking fondly of your partner, and thinking of ways to express your love. In order to have a better relationship, you must visualize, or imagine, the kind of relationships you want, and then love your relationship as you watch it transform one step at a time.

Do you want to reawaken a committed and loving relationship in your marriage? There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you overcome conflicts and breathe life back into your marriage. This is a plan you do not want to pass by. Click here to see the proven steps on how to save your marriage.

Thinking about regaining the status of "Happily Married"? It is possible, and is not difficult if you think it is not. But exactly how you do so? If you would like the source most couples used to revive their relationship, strengthened their marriage, regain trust and love in the marriage and not giving up then visit this Helpful Site.


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  • sabrina mark2 years ago

    I will be forever grateful to Priest Adu at {s o l u t i o n t e m p l e . i n f o } {[email protected]} he did a reunion love spell and my husband came back to me. I will forever be debated to him he has really brought back peace to my marriage I really appreciate for what you have done for my family.

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