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How To Be More Confident When Dating Your Ex

"Focus on enjoying each other's company right now without worrying so much about whether or not he wants a relationship with someone else in six months' time (or five minutes from now)."

By Courtanae HeslopPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

When you're dating your ex, it's important to remember that your relationship didn't end because of something you did or didn't do.

It's also important to remember that the reason your relationship ended in the first place was probably out of both of your control.

You might feel like there are lots of questions about what happened between the two of you and why things went wrong, but don't get too caught up in those details if they aren't necessary at this point in time - especially if you're still trying to work through some feelings about what happened before (and how it impacted) this new phase in your life together".

Remember your ex chose you once.

Remember your ex chose you once. That's right, we said it: They chose you and they obviously saw something in you that attracted them to begin with, so don't be so hard on yourself!

Think back to the reasons they liked you in the first place. You know what they were because they probably expressed those things before. Think of their compliments and how much they loved being around you (and if it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, remember how much better off everyone is now). Don't think of yourself as an entirely different person than when they were dating or married to you; instead, think of how far along in life each person has come since then - you're a better version of yourself than ever before!

Remember that people grow up and change over time, but their core character does not - so don't expect someone else who was attracted by certain traits about YOU twenty years ago will suddenly find those same traits impossible for a partner today (unless there was substance abuse involved).

At first, it might be tough to remember those details, but it gets easier the more you think about them and the less time has passed since you two were together.

At first, it might be tough to remember those details, but it gets easier the more you think about them and the less time has passed since you two were together. Think of your ex's good qualities - they're there somewhere! Maybe they love animals or know how to fix cars or have a great sense of humor. Maybe one of their favorite things was staying in and watching Netflix with you on the weekends, or going out dancing with friends at night. Or maybe they were always so nice to your family members when they visited from out of town.

Think about what attracted you to them in the first place: What did they do that made your heart flutter? Remember all those little quirks that kept coming up every time you hung out together - maybe he did this funny thing where he'd take his shoes off when walking inside someone's house; maybe she used an adorable voice when making fun of her dog; maybe he always smiled whenever he saw puppies (or kittens!).

You may not see any immediate results from thinking like this, but eventually - if done correctly - it will help remind yourself why this person was such a good fit for your life back then, which will make reconnecting more natural once again over time!

If your ex seems insecure about how long it took you to come around to this new relationship, short responses may be your best bet.

If your ex seems insecure about how long it took you to come around to this new relationship, short responses may be your best bet.

If they don't want you to meet their family, it may be because they are afraid of what others might think when they see the two of you together again. It could also mean that they still feel angry towards you for breaking up with them and want some space from the situation. Try not to push too far into their personal space if this is the case and give them time before trying again. If a connection did exist between the two of you, then maybe being patient will pay off in spades!

You're not interested in a step-by-step breakdown of what happened and why.

You're not interested in a step-by-step breakdown of what happened and why. You know your ex isn't the best person for you, but now you need to be able to express that without feeling like it would be a slap in their face if they heard it from you.

That's where the third and final component comes into play: being able to communicate with them.

Only focus on the future (and all of the potential that holds).

When you're in the midst of a breakup that's left your heart battered and broken, it can be difficult to imagine yourself happy again. But if you can get past all of the pain and hurt, there is a lot of potential for your future together.

If you find yourself focusing on what could have been or what might happen in the future (and all of these good things), then it'll be easier for both of you to move forward with confidence - because at least one thing is certain: You're going to get through this together!

Like you would with any new fling, just try not to ask too many questions about why things went the way they did when you were last together - especially if your ex tends to overshare.

Like you would with any new fling, just try not to ask too many questions about why things went the way they did when you were last together - especially if your ex tends to overshare. "There are so many reasons why relationships end," says Dr. Paul Hokemeyer, a New York City-based therapist and author of the book The Secrets of Surviving Infidelity. "It's not always what we think it is."

But there are some questions you can ask yourself (without consulting your ex) that will help guide this new beginning: Do I want to keep in touch? Do I want to date them again? Or do I just want closure and an explanation for how things ended previously? If it's the latter, then don't worry about getting into details about why things didn't work out between the two of you last time around. It may be better off left unsaid anyway!

You don't necessarily want to know every single detail, because that can quickly get messy.

You don't necessarily want to know every single detail, because that can quickly get messy. Yes, you're going to be nervous and over-analyze everything. You'll want to know what happened before, what may happen next, who they were with after you got together and are now married but who was first their lover before meeting you in the past. You'll think about the future too much and be consumed by it (or lack thereof). But try not to get too caught up in this stuff - it's important not only for your own mental health but also for your ex's peace of mind.

If you keep these things in mind throughout the process of dating your ex again as well as during any other relationship milestone - whether it's a first kiss or marriage proposal - you'll find yourself feeling more confident during those times when others around you aren't so sure about themselves yet have already made up their minds about how things should go down ahead of time anyway (not unlike how many people think about dating their exes).

Try focusing on the now rather than being consumed by what happened before and what may happen next.

When you're dating your ex, it can be hard not to focus on the past. You'll want to talk about all of the good times that you had together. You might wonder if they miss the same things that you do and whether there's a chance they will want to get back together again someday. And while it's okay to reminisce and think about what could have been, focusing too much on the past can make you feel anxious or depressed instead of confident and optimistic about your future together as friends.

If this happens to you, try focusing on the now rather than being consumed by what happened before and what may happen next. Focus on enjoying each other's company right now without worrying so much about whether or not he wants a relationship with someone else in six months' time (or five minutes from now). Don't ask too many questions; don't be over-analytical; don't let these thoughts take control over how comfortable either one of you feels around one another!


Remember that this person is still an ex for a reason. You are not going to get back together with them again, so you shouldn't waste time trying. Instead, focus on having fun with them and enjoying the moment without worrying about what could happen next or what happened before.

PS: Hi! I am a freelance writer with a passion for writing. I am open to most genres, but my primary expertise is in content and blog writing. If you would like to discuss any upcoming projects please feel free to contact me by email at [email protected]

Read this article to be more aware of Modern Dating: How to Appear Interested Without Overdoing It


About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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