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How Effective Could the Positive Affirmations Be?

Not that much in my experience. I prefer two other ways when communicating with the Quantum Matrix!

By Myriam Ben SalemPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by FLY:D on Unsplash

I love the beautiful intention of the positive affirmations when used by intrinsically good people. Still, I am not into them.

Interestingly, I came to the realization that when they are not precise enough — a clear timeline such as ‘today’, affirmations can be wrongly or never interpreted by the quantum field.

It happened to me countless times when I used to exclusively rely on affirmations before my re-birth, which took place three years ago.

Gregg Braden said it best, “The words that we choose are the codes that direct our neurons to reach into the field of all possibilities, into the quantum matrix, into the divine matrix.”

Here is a sample showcasing the positive affirmations limitation: “I am ready to enjoy perfect health.”

What the Universe is hearing is, “Okay, you’re ready, and you’re ready, and you’re ready. We’re glad you are; let us know when you want it to happen!”

That is to say that, sometimes, we might feel desperate because we never manifest anything we thought we sincerely sent into the field.

The tricky issue is that we rarely apprehend that we have missed the most significant part of the affirmation: the outcome timeline. I used to be guilty of it all the time!

Hence, those are the tools I prefer to affirmations whenever I need to communicate with the Universe:


This tool is particularly effective when rewiring the subconscious program process is in the very beginning/during the early steps.

Questioning seldom fails because it is rooted in reality: proofs from our history tapping into existing potential and/or skills.

Let’s take an example, shall we?

I am feeling anxious before an important speech. Instead of saying, “It is going to be alright; I have what it takes” — and forget ‘now’ or ‘today’, I may remind myself of the last speech I gave, instead:

“Don’t you remember how well it went six months ago in Mumbai while it was your first time?”

Appealingly, I find questioning much more effective for a good reason. Unlike the conscious mind that understands human language, the subconscious one is a program. Accordingly, only capable of interpreting images and feelings.

Why is that relevant at all, one might ask? My anxiety is rooted in some limiting beliefs I still need to work on. When I find proof to the contrary, I may bypass them until I can eventually irreversibly destroy them at some point.

Feeling as if the wish has already happened and sending gratitude into the field.

Unlike the first method, it might be interesting to specify this way is not a workaround aiming to numb or even irreversibly re-write a limiting belief, should we have been consistent enough in repeating the same self-awareness exercise.

It is about manifesting something we wholeheartedly desire without it being blocked by our still twisted program. I am still a newbie when it comes to this area. Consequently, I will merely share my first experience:

I had a planned 4-hour ride for the evening. Given how challenging the last couple of months have been, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to give an intentional manifestation a try.

I felt the feeling of what it feels like to witness how comfortable my furry kid is because she appreciates the overall energy. I felt the feeling of how it feels like to notice she is liked by the driver and the other passengers. I felt the feeling of how it feels like to be grateful for her well-being. I felt the feeling of what it feels like when my prayer is already answered.

I took a minute when I was in a cab on my way to the BlaBlaCar rendezvous point. Because the cab driver was a cats’ lover; thus, my baby sensed it and stayed calm, I was able to be wholeheartedly immersed to tears.

When I joined the group and started realizing it was happening for real, my eyes sparkled, my jaw dropped, and, with torn eyes, shared with the passenger to my left who is fluent in English what I’d just done in the cab.

She smiled peacefully before adding, “I love those stories and believe in the power of our interconnection with the Universe as well!”.


About the Creator

Myriam Ben Salem

I'm a passionate grown kid, a writer, a storyteller, an edutainer (education & entertainment), a lifelong learner, a speaker, an unapologetic truth-teller, and a stoic life philosophy lover!

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