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Hi! My name is -

So, I'm trying to be... something. We'll see how this goes.

By Diamond C.Published 4 years ago 5 min read
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash


My name is Diamond.

I am nineteen years of age, as of the tenth of this month and… I don’t quite know what I wanna do with my life.

Ahem, now that the overdramatic opening is over, we can actually get into the thick of this, yeah? Now, even though my name is Diamond, feel free to call me Dia. We’re all friends here, aren’t we? Now, back to that foreboding comment on my life, about me not knowing what I want to do, let’s delve into that a bit, shall we?

Obviously I must have some kind of interest in writing as here I am, typing this on my laptop at 8pm on a Thursday. And yes, actually, I love writing. Of course, my main expertise has come from writing fanfic and creating a multitude of characters that I use to act out scenarios, as practice. (I know, brave of me to mention fanfic in a ‘serious blog post’ and still expect to be taken seriously.)

And at this point in time, I am considering myself a freelance writer/microblogger, having primarily used my Instagram as microblogging platform until I grew a pair and actually decided to branch out onto a proper blogging platform, like Medium. But, I still feel… conflicted, as to what I want to do with my life.

Also, I want to get into YouTube and become a YouTuber. Which, going by how things are looking on that platform, is a brave endeavor indeed. But, as for that, I’ve been on YouTube for over ten years, so it only makes sense I wanna be a part of it. Of course, at this point in time I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that being a YouTuber won’t be my main career venture, a side hobby at most as it’s not very… sustainable. If you don’t know what I mean, I envy you. What must it be like to not get sucked into YouTube every waking moment?

I also have a desire to be an Instagrammer. By that, I mean grow a following and make money doing sponsored posts. What can I say? I have an ego and I love taking pictures of myself. Stick around long enough and you’ll probably see that. This is going… okay. I have a very strong 300 followers from when I last checked which, considering the current atmosphere surrounding Instagram and just how hard it is to grow a personal page, I think it’s pretty damn good if I say so myself, which I do.

So, those are the three ventures I’m currently interested in. To summarize for those who have mentally checked out and whose eyes have gone glazed at all the words:

1. I want to be a freelance writer. (Working on it)

2. I want to be a blogger. (Working on it now.)

3. I want to be a YouTuber. (… Eventually I’ll get to it.)

4. I want to be an Instagram Influencer. (It’s… Working in it, okay?)

Now, I know I said that I had no idea what I wanna do earlier, right?

That was kind of a lie, actually.

I wanna do all four of those things.

At the same time.

Will it be a lot to keep track of, most likely? Yes, yes it will.

Do I still wanna do it? Yes, yes I do.

And this is my logic: I wanna do all of these things, yeah? And the hardest part is making any of them work for me and become sustainable enough for me to make a living out of it. So, instead of picking just one, putting all my effort into it, only for it to then fail would… be annoying, to say the least. SO, considering all of them are pretty flexible, why not do all of the things I wanna do and just try and make it work for me? Sure, I may lose one or two of those overtime (I’m looking at you, YouTube.) BUT it can’t hurt, right?

Worse case scenario? I end up failing at all of these things and have to then come up with something new to do with my life which… would be devastating and it’s a fear that sometimes keep me up at night but… let’s stay positive, yeah?

So, what is my blog gonna be about on here? What is the point of this all?

Well, it’s to document my life and experiences, of course! I’m freshly nineteen years old, living at home with my mom. I have a supportive boyfriend, freedom and time to figure out all of my crap as my mom has no plans to ever kick me out. I have worked one job in my entire life (Working the Seasonal Position at Party City which was… an experience, to say the least), have zero plans to go to college, and am a bit of an, oh what is it called, introvert.

So, to say the least, I have my work cut out for me. BUT, I am determined to make this all work! And I wanna take you all along with me. You gotta admit, this is an interesting idea for a blog, right? You get to follow me and see how I grow into an actual adult. How personal are we gonna get? We’ll just have to see! But, at this point, consider me your super flaky best friend who disappears for a week only to pop back into your life and fill you in on everything you missed. And you can feel free to sound off with any responses and I’ll get back to you and we can have this lovely conversation going on!

I have no idea how this is gonna work. Or even what I’m gonna write next. BUT, it’ll be about my experiences going through life and everything I have learned and will learn about it. So, maybe I can help those younger than me avoid all the mistakes I have and will make. And those older than me can look on with amusement as I do dumb things, and can get all nostalgic and we can all have ourselves a grand old time! Minus me, kinda, who’ll have to deal with all the mistakes personally… but ay, if me screwing up or making actual good decisions (a rarity, I promise you there.) amuses you or teaches you something, I think it’ll be worth it, yeah?


And that is all for now as I feel like I’ve rambled on enough! If you wanna follow my journey, you can! And if you choose not to, you suck — just kidding! (Or am I?) But, I wish you a good day regardless.

Catch you on the flip side.

Originally Written: 19 November, 2019


About the Creator

Diamond C.

Just an average girl trying to make something work for me, connect with others, and just have some fun!

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