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"Harsh Words, Renewed Determination: A Pakistani Student's Journey"

Overcoming Insults and Challenges in Pursuit of Education and Success

By rabwa munirPublished about a year ago 3 min read
"Harsh Words, Renewed Determination: A Pakistani Student's Journey"
Photo by Antonio Lainez on Unsplash

Mehmood had always been a hardworking student, committed to his studies and determined to make a better life for himself and his family. He had grown up in a small village in Pakistan, where education was highly valued but often out of reach for many due to poverty and lack of resources. Mehmood had worked tirelessly to overcome these challenges, studying late into the night by candlelight and often walking for miles to attend school.

Despite his best efforts, Mehmood had struggled with a particular subject - English. He found it difficult to understand the grammar rules and to construct coherent sentences. Nevertheless, he refused to give up, determined to improve and excel in this area.

One day, Mehmood's English teacher, Ms. Fatima, gave the class an assignment to write a short story. Mehmood put all his effort into the task, spending hours researching and crafting a story he hoped would impress his teacher. However, on the day the assignments were due, Mehmood was unable to submit his work. He had fallen ill the night before and was unable to attend school.

When Mehmood returned to class the following day, he expected Ms. Fatima to understand his situation and give him a chance to make up the assignment. However, as soon as he entered the classroom, Ms. Fatima began to berate him in front of the whole class.

"Where is your assignment, Mehmood?" she shouted. "Why did you not submit it on time? Do you think you can just skip assignments and expect to pass this course?"

Mehmood tried to explain that he had been sick and had not been able to complete the assignment, but Ms. Fatima was not interested in hearing his excuses. She continued to belittle him, calling him lazy and incompetent.

The other students in the class watched in silence, afraid to speak up or defend Mehmood. He felt humiliated and embarrassed, wishing he could disappear from the classroom altogether.

After class, Mehmood approached Ms. Fatima and tried to explain his situation once again. This time, she listened, but her response was far from sympathetic.

"I don't have time for your excuses, Mehmood," she said coldly. "You need to take responsibility for your actions and learn to manage your time better. I don't want to hear any more excuses from you."

Mehmood left the classroom feeling defeated and discouraged. He knew he had worked hard on the assignment and had done his best, but Ms. Fatima's harsh words had made him doubt himself and his abilities.

As he walked home that day, Mehmood thought about his future. He knew that education was his only way out of poverty and that he needed to do well in school for a better life. However, he also knew that he could not do it alone. He needed support and encouragement from his teachers, not insults and criticism.

With renewed determination, Mehmood resolved to work even harder on his English studies. He sought help from his classmates and spent countless hours practicing and studying. Slowly but surely, he began to improve, gaining confidence and feeling more hopeful about his future.

Years later, Mehmood graduated from university with a degree in English literature. He became a teacher, determined to provide his students with the encouragement and support he lacked during his education. Whenever he saw a struggling student, he remembered the pain and humiliation he had felt in Ms. Fatima's class and vowed to never let his students feel the same way.

In the end, Mehmood's hard work and perseverance paid off, and he proved to himself and his teacher that he was capable of great things.


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