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Gusess Game?

Magic, Happens if you Believe in Density... NO.

By DamlaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Photographer by DG 2019

So Amazing people around the world where do you think I come from.

Hello everyone, how did your weekend go? I didn't even understand where time went from me knitting and watching DC - The Flash.. And been surrounded with hyper kids, lol …

Okay today's topic is about what do you see when you look at a person ???

So when you look at a human, How do you discover where in the world are you from?

Is it where you were born?

Your skin colour ?

Your Hair?

Your Looks ?

Where were you are born in?

The food you love or love?

How is your family lifes?

Your friends?

Hobbies you like and hate ?

Or how your family raises you ?

What you study or not ?

Clothes, where or not?

Style when choice to wear or have too?

Or people you choice to have in your life?

So the list can go on, especially in an Urban Cosmopolitan city like London?

Do you know why? Coz it took me half my life to discover that, in the 1970s England started invieting people from WorldWide, for one reason and one reason only in my opinion. To Learn from their EU skill set and to grow as a city and county too.

"Yet when I ask you what comes to mind when I say"

North - East - South - West and Century City too?

North London is mostly made from Turkish & Afro people?

East London is Mostly with Asian and Jews

South Lation and mixed Races.

West London is well known for its rich white and Arbics.

Century City London is filled with British, who live with EU cities.

So many I ask you one thing? Why do we have to be defined by our race or gender, when knowledge is power and skills are teached and everyone has their own uniqueness set skills, and we can travel the world with passports to see different parts of the world yet when it comes to our looks/styles…

We get told you are this and only become this and nothing more…

My story: I was born into an very old fashion traditional family in North london and not in my Families home country, do you no why because my mothers father was asked with a letter in 1960’ish to be invited become a CEO in an textiles factory of 7 floor and grown to teach the people around him too, so that London UK can help that Fashion world in here because they need tailors and handcrafts to grow and so on, yet it only last till around 2010, when everything went downhill. Yet if I told you I was born in Tottenham and raised and traveled 10% of the world, finished school, college to university and studied many different subjects to Art - Textiles - Fashion - Business - Psychology - Technology - Security - and now is living in South london, I’ve never had kids, but raised many and still do and don't have friends from around the world and love trying different types of courites traditions too. So tell me where I'm from and I'll like to see what you think of me then. Coz I’m nothing like my family nor the courtesies I'm from nor the people I keep around me too, I grow up on my own understanding that crama is amazing and if you don't fight you never see your resuites..


I'm on here for one reason to help others, by making them understand that you can still be creative and unique too and so I'm happy for you to contact me and ask me questions as you wish...

Stay in touch to find out what the next short story will be!


About the Creator


Ola everyone

Born North London UK

Keeping me promises to my Hero, me at 15

yes a lil surreal/narcissistic

Yet thanks to disney & movies I watched growning up

Gave me the ablite to hide my dyslexic self to be an Artist to step into the unknown.

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