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Good Deeds: Boy on the Balcony

A chance encounter with a young boy accidentally trapped on a balcony.

By Brandon VermeerPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Good Deeds: Boy on the Balcony
Photo by S Alb on Unsplash

Is it true that guardian angels track steps through this world? Are there holy beings watching over us, trying to keep us out of trouble? Shining up at the right moment or just in the nick or time. Maybe and maybe not.

What if it was just the right person being in the right place at the right time, to change someone’s life? In a big or small way. It might be that everyone has the potential to be a guardian angel for someone at some point in their life. You just have to have your eyes open, and be willing to follow a cry for help.

Okay, so the right person? In this situation that was me. Walking down the street to my Opa’s house on a lovely Sunday afternoon. I was supposed to meet my family there but decided to head over early. It wasn’t too far of a walk, so we’d probably still arrive at the same time. Little did I know they planned on having lunch first and wouldn’t be heading out the door for quite some time.

That wasn’t a big deal it was a beautiful late spring afternoon. The sun wash shining, creating speckled patterns of light as it was scattered through leaves and tree branches. Birds were singing in the air and the perfectly warm breeze was enough to break into song. If this were a Disney movie, I would have been joined in chorus with a menagerie of singing critters.

Unfortunately my life isn’t that magical and the walk to my Opa’s house, while delightful was uneventful. Upon arriving however I discovered my terrible fate. No one was home!

Oh well, I guess I’ll just walk back to my parents house and see what’s taking them. It’s a lovely day after all so no worries. It was on this fateful walk home that, as fate would have it, my fate would be intertwined with someone else’s. For the briefest of interactions. Then never again.

The right place, was outside the old red brick house, just two doors down from my Opa. Normally when I walked by the house I would reminisce swimming in the pool out back, or playing pool in the attic. After all the house used to belong to my Uncle. But that was years ago, new owners now occupied the house and they were making their own new memories.

It wasn’t a scary house by any means, but it was rather large and if a storm was rolling in the red brick took on a menacing look. Luckily the sun was shining and the world was happy.

What might be the most important part of this story is being there at the right time. After all I had passed by this house countless times and nothing out of the ordinary had ever happened. But that sunny day was different. The pleasant sounds of a spring afternoon were drowned out by the slam of a door and a wailing cry echoing across the front lawn.

Nobody is perfect and I’ll readily admit that I am no exception. As the cry echoed in my ears, the hair on the back of my neck stood up in stiff attention. Heart racing one question shot through my mind, “do I go see what’s wrong?”. Hesitation. Someone else probably heard him, for as the second cry sounded out I could tell it was the sound of a young boy.

“I guess it’s up to me this time.” Decision made I hurried down the once familiar driveway to see what was going on. It turned out a boy had been trapped on the small 2nd story balcony that overlooked the front door. Either the wind or a sibling had pulled the door shut behind him and was locked from the inside.

As I called up to him he peered through the bars of the railing, his would be cage. He stood in his prison eyes full of tears. Desperate for help from anyone who give it. After assuring him everything was going to be okay I rang the front doorbell and waited. We waited together as no one came to the door.

Stepping back into view I asked his and told him mine. In all honesty I forget his name. And maybe there is a poetic beauty to that. As our interaction would end up just being a flash in the pan, in his young life. Something he might not even remember in years to come.

After ringing the doorbell several more times a young woman came to the door. She looked slightly frazzled as if having suddenly dropped what she was doing to answer the door. Another young book, maybe the sibling I speculated about, was with her. I informed her of the boy on the balcony. Another momentary interaction. After thanking me she hurried upstairs to release the innocent prisoner of misfortune.

I waved goodbye and to them was never seen again. A figure walking off, down a sunlit path, disappearing into a world full of people. Not needing a thank you or recognition, just lending a helping hand where and when, it was needed.

It wasn’t an angel that arrived at my uncles old house that day. It was just me, a regular guy. Maybe what this world needs isn’t guardian angles or great big battles that are fought. Maybe we just need more people who are willing to hear a cry for help and follow it. Willing to take a moment out of their day, to help someone else in their moment of need. No matter what prison people are being held in, whether it’s a balcony, a bad day at work, a bill that’s too big, a toxic relationship, it doesn’t matter. Sometimes people just need a bit of help from a complete stranger, to put in a good word for them or do a random act of kindness.

That day I happened to be the right person, in the right place, at the right time. You never know when it will be your turn.


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