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Use only as directed for intended use, and for whom it was prescribed. Side effects may vary.

By A.D. PalonePublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Henri Pham on Unsplash

Dear Valued Customer,

Here at Humanity, we would like to extend an updated regulatory report on one of our most popular products. Data shows that the frequency and dosage had been over prescribed. New science has shown that, although effective in many situations, it’s not the Humira of relationships we had hoped.

Given our new findings, we are pleased to present Humane Forgiveness. Now safe for the forgiven AND the forgivor (for the first time!) Nearly tripling our success rate and curbing side effects to a margin of 0.1% if used as prescribed.

These statistics qualify this product to be sold over the counter to anyone. No prescription needed and is deemed safe for children. And as a thank you for your continued patronage, we are sending you and your family a free sample for The Holidays. It comes with a coupon for future use, if you are ever in need.

Please see the enclosed description and instructions before further use of Forgiveness. Enjoy!


*noun: forgiveness; plural noun: forgivenesses; the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.

*Psychology: a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you.

***Removed ingredient***: “Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting or excusing the harm done to you.” Yes, it does. This is the ingredient that was causing so many side effects. We removed this archaic ingredient to save the mental health of those doing the forgiving. By removal, the forgivors in our lives can finally sleep at night.


Only to be used topically and externally. Not intended for deep gashes, internal application, or long term use. If needed for more than two applications, stop use immediately and call your best friend or family member because...your offender ain’t changin’.

Forgiveness is a universal concept that has been carried around in our tool bags of survival for time immemorial. Often given a religious overtone, zero gods were consulted in the making of this product. If you have to go off planet for the motivation to forgive someone, this product is not for you.

Forgiveness has many imposters and is sold on black markets globally. Don’t fall for the knockoffs. They’re laced with shame and confusion, and overdose leads to chronic emotional, if not physical, abuse.

The formula for effective and applicable use of forgiveness is quite simple. Perhaps because of this simplicity it has been distorted, dismissed, or drained to the point of disappearing all together. Kept in a dry and room temperature container, however, you should be able to keep your forgiveness healthy and helpful until you die.

To know if you’re a candidate for use, apply these guidelines to your situation:

Is the energy used to recover from the offense less than the energy lost during the offense? If yes, apply as needed and as directed.

r-e > o-e

R= recovery


o= offense

If the energy required to recover from the offense is greater than the energy lost in the event, unfortunately, forgiveness isn’t the appropriate tool for the job. Due to unhealthy side effects such as: Stockholm Syndrome, oppression, shame, feeling of failure, betrayal, and depression, we don’t recommend using forgiveness if the energy is insufficient. It will render the ingredients ineffective and end up harming you in the process.

If forgiveness isn’t a tool for your situation, you may want to look into creating new boundaries for you and your offender or even think about applying protective measures such as blocking their number or staying away from them altogether.

If you have overused forgiveness in the past and are stuck in an abusive relationship, you’re not alone, and it’s not too late. It’s ok to stop at any time for your own health and well-being. If you need help stopping your forgiveness habit, here are some helpful links to organizations that specialize in forgiveness recovery.


About the Creator

A.D. Palone

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