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For the Love of Crafting

All it took was one pair of scissors...

By K.J.GeorgePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
For the Love of Crafting
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I can remember loving arts and crafts for so long. Growing up I was known for being the “crafty, artsy” one. Whenever you saw me I had paper, markers, glue, and of course scissors. Somewhere ducked off in the house, usually my room, just crafting away. Till this day, absolutely nothing has changed.

Sometimes people would even ask me “What’s your zodiac sign?” just to see if my love for crafting and art matches my sign. And no one was surprised when I said; Pisces. Known for being creatives, artistic. I’m an art loving Pisces who has a thing for crafting. It brings me a peace of mind, and joy beyond words.

It all started with simple holiday pop-up cards for friends and family for the holidays. It was probably the thing I looked forward to most in elementary school. I always got complimented on how creative and colorful my work was. I don’t think my classmates kept them, but it made me happy when my teachers would keep them on their desks, or their shelves in the classroom. I think that was the start of something new and great for me. Being praised for doing something that I loved, and didn’t have to be asked to do.

Maybe even making my own snowflakes for the winter season was a pretty great time for me. I remember in art class all my teacher gave us was a pair of scissors and paper of our choice. Whether it was plain white paper or construction paper. To say we were confused at first was an understatement. Until she taught us the art of making snowflakes. I think the uniqueness behind it was the fact that no real snowflake is really ever the same. So for all of us to sit there and cut up our own unique snowflakes was pretty cool. And I went home that afternoon after school, and made so many snowflakes to hang up on my ceiling for Christmas. I’d be in my room for hours cutting them one by one till my heart was content. Till my ceiling and wall was covered just enough.

But those experiences were just the start. Elementary school was just my stepping stone. Because my favorite piece of work with a pair of scissors also included a sewing machine. Sewing. Sewing stole my heart during my senior year of high school. Our semester project that year was to complete a pair of nightgown pants. That was a project that was supposed to last that whole semester. Not for me though. I went on to create a skirt and shirt also. You can say I had a natural talent for it. An overachiever if you will

My first night pants

I was so proud of myself. Because at the time I had this big dream of becoming a fashion designer. So completing all three pieces of clothing in a semester for a beginner was a huge achievement. I remember holding my first pair of dressmaking shears and thinking “Wow they have their own special kind of scissors for sewing?”. I was amazed to say the least. Being able to take a field trip to a fabric store and picking out that piece of fabric that screamed out to you. Learning the proper tools and threads you needed. Getting to see all of the different scissors made for sewing, and choosing the one you’d think would be best for you. It was like heaven to me. Just cutting into the fabric for the first time was exciting. It was like “Wow these are the next big steps for me!”.

First skirt

I can remember going home to my mom and asking her for a sewing machine. We couldn’t afford one at the time which sucked, but I didn’t give up. A year later I got my first job and the first thing I bought was a sewing machine and a pair of those “cool scissors'' like my teacher had. And from there I was creating anything and everything I could possibly think of.

I started with something small; so I made mini drawstring bags just to test my skills again. Then eventually I started making a ton of them. Then I made myself a new pin cushion for all of my needles and pins. Next thing I knew I was making scrunchies and selling them! Another hobby that I absolutely enjoyed doing and it brought joy to other people as well. It was amazing, and is still amazing, because I haven’t stopped sewing and making clothes or anything else you could possibly think of since then.

All the little knick-knacks I've made

I never knew the magic and power a simple pair of scissors could hold until I held one myself.

Scissors. A true treasure, and tool that changed my life forever.


About the Creator


✨ An overactive mind put into words

✨ Favorite coping mechanism

✨ Fiction Fanatic

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