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Flowers bloom silently, time has a taste

Flowers bloom silently, time has a taste

By bor.SecretPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Flowers bloom silently, time has a taste
Photo by Sergey Shmidt on Unsplash

I heard that peonies are in full bloom in the botanical garden recently, and I would like to see the beauty of the flower fairies up close.

I was so impressed that I had to take action. After breakfast, I went downstairs and went straight to the bus station, and after about ten minutes of driving, I was already standing at the entrance of the botanical garden. The goal was clear, as soon as I stepped into the main gate of the botanical garden, I headed west to the Peony Garden.

Suddenly, I glanced up and saw a tree not far away decorated with a number of spherical white flowers, sparse and beautiful.

Close to see, the tree hung on the nameplate: wood hydrangea, origin Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Hebei and other places. It is a deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub. After reading the nameplate, I feel that I don't know enough about it. And hurriedly pull out the phone to ask the Dou Niang. It turns out that the flower language of the wood hydrangea has three symbolic meanings - the first, indicating hope; the second indicates fidelity, eternal; the third indicates beauty, reunion. Its flower color varieties are white, blue and purple. It turns out that the wood hydrangea has so many hidden meanings!

After I finished my general knowledge of flowers, I took a closer look at this wood hydrangea. Its trunk is as thick as an adult's arm, the crown is not very regular, and the branches grow more randomly and naturally. If this tree was a person, it would belong to the "free" school. The branches of the tree are not dense or crowded, typical of a comparative president - just the right amount of foliage. The leaves are ovate and emerald in color, the visual sense is both warm and eye catching. A closer look at the flower of a wood hydrangea is made up of many thick white five-petaled flowers clustered together into a cluster, so the entire shape of a white fluffy hydrangea hanging in between the leaves on the branches. When you take a few steps back and look at it from a distance, the flowers are like white snow scattered on the canopy or half hidden among the branches and leaves. Much like a simple and elegant woman, elegant and fresh but charming and not vulgar, but also a little beauty and lovely!


"High branches with rain pressed carved fence, a tip of a thousand flowers white jade group". This is the perfect sketch of white wood hydrangea flower cluster by Xie Hazel, a poet of Ming Dynasty.

After asking the master in the garden, I learned that the wood hydrangea is bean green when it first blooms, and then gradually turns to pure white, this change process is nature's forecast signal from spring to summer. It is a pity that I did not see this wonderful process. The flowering period of wood hydrangea is very short, about ten days. Fortunately, I had the chance to stand under the tree today and meet with the most beautiful appearance of wood hydrangea in this light April day.

Since we are here, how can we forget the original intention of enjoying peonies?

I turned around and walked to the peony garden, but unfortunately, the peonies were already "green and red and thin". There were only one or twenty rosy-red "Green Dragon" in full bloom, and there was a piece of "Yao Huang" and unknown pink single-petaled peonies blooming silently in the next big garden. I picked up my phone and took a few pictures seriously, as a souvenir of this spring.

There were dozens of bees in the peony bush sucking nectar without any distractions, and taking pictures from close range with the phone did not disturb their enthusiasm. These little nectar-making elves are so concentrated on their work that people are really impressed.

In the small square in the peony garden, eight or nine women were singing and dancing with fans in their hands, and their faces were full of smiles. With the music of "Jasmine Flower" played by bamboo flute, they danced lightly with a serene and intoxicated look. Passers-by stopped to admire the music, and some could not help but follow it. Happiness is transmitted, beautiful things are desired by everyone!

These dancers, stepping on the morning sun, stepping on the happiness, they are like the water in Jiangnan, slowly flowing, just like the wood hydrangea in the bright sunshine as swaying!

After enjoying the flowers, I returned home with great pleasure. After lunch, I shared what I saw with my child, so that she could always feel the beauty of life. She listened intently, tilting her little brain, was she imagining the beautiful wooden hydrangea? There are more beauties in life waiting to be discovered later ......


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    BWritten by bor.Secret

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