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Five Days of Visions, and Love

Five Days of Visions, and Love

By Tanea HillPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read

Five Days of Visions, and Love

A vision was sent to me about what it meant to have real love. In the vision, I seen many aspects, circumstances, compromises, and adjustments. I seen sorrow, agony, and heartache. On the first night of the vision, I was awaken by a older women and a little boy, who was being read a bedtime story. The older women was a caucasian, upbeat women in her 60’s. Her hair length, medium, blonde and feathered . Her hair was slightly uneven, and thinned in the back, like she was undergoing stress. She wore a nice, rose pink blouse, with slight cleavage and some navy blue, Calvin Klein Jeans. Across the room you could see her beige, leather, high heel pumps, laying on the floor. Her body smelled of vanilla perfume fragrance. She tucked the little African American boy under her bosom, as she began to read him a bedtime story. I turned to the women and asked her if she could leave. She turned to me and replied, that I no longer live here, and that it was bedtime for her adopted son. I insisted that she had mistaken my home for her home. She turned to me with tight, clenched, ruby red lips. She grabbed her reading glasses and responded by saying “I would never choose you over my black, adopted son. I love him, more than anything in the world”.

On the second night of my vision, I saw a women in distress and sorrow. She had been working as a prostitute for several years, to get through college and raise her children. One night a gentleman approached her and asked if she would be willing to go with him to a piano room in Paris, for three nights. The prostitute responded and said she had children and was working towards her college degree. The man walked away. Minutes later he returned with a large bag of money worth 100,000. He handed the prostitute a bag of money from his charity at the piano room and asked her to please, live her life!!

On the third night of the vision, a women with 10 children in poverty, appeared in my dream. The mother appeared to have bruises on her body, from her abusive husband. The carpet was dirty and filled with fresh rice, everywhere. I could hear the husband yelling at the wife, while beating on her about the rice on the carpet. The kids looked to be famine and malnutrition. Suddenly the husband disappeared. One door closed and then the next door opened. In the next door, I could see a man holding a large wedding ring. His housekeeper was vacuuming the rice off the carpet. The kids appeared well kept and groomed. The man turned to her with the wedding ring and said, I don’t care how many kids you have, I want to marry you today!

On the fourth night of the vision, a man with HIV paced the floor. He watched the sun fall from his balcony as he waited for a phone call from his male friend, he met, the night before. He sobbed as he explained to the guy that he had been living with HIV, most of his life! He hung up the phone and proceeded to cry! Suddenly, the doorbell rang. He opened the door and it was his male friend, whom he had just hung up the phone with. The male friend turned to him and said; hurry up and grab your coat!I got opera tickets in Manhattan, and I wouldn’t dare go anywhere without you. He smiled as the two departed to the opera.

On the fifth night of my vision, I seen a wife waiting for her veteran husband, who was in a wheelchair. Today was her and her husbands 20 year anniversary. She kissed her husband on the cheek and said, I love you even more now, then I did 20 years ago. My love for you will never change.

On the sixth night when I awoke, no vision had come to me. I laid awake thinking about the meaning of love, and all the different ways love can be shown, given and expressed . Then I fell back into a deep, sound sleep.


About the Creator

Tanea Hill


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