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Finding The Person I am Meant to Be Inspires Me

How my trust in myself and the universe guides me through life

By That Psych NerdPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Self-improvement is something that we all constantly work towards, even if we don't know it. Whether improving yourself at work or home, becoming better than once is always a constant goal.

Like everyone else, I want to find what makes me unique and where I fit in with the world.

On the days when I feel like I have no hope left, or the times when I no longer want to try, I find strength in knowing happiness is around the corner.

My past strength and hard times inspire me because I have made it through the most challenging storms; I've lived to tell the tale. No matter what I have done or when I felt I could not go on, I have learned that I am stronger than I will ever know.

I am 26 years old, married, have two cats, and have a fantastic balcony garden. My life is my pride and joy; I want to thrive in my world.

I look around my life and see how much everything has changed over time. I am no longer stuck in my parent's home or wishing to find a life companion.

I am married, and I have my own place - this used to be a dream.

How did I get here?

I feel like I am living in a dream, yet I have plenty more wishes and goals to achieve.

What I once longed for I have now, but now I have new goals to chase.

I still want to achieve something more significant than this. I want to move out of my apartment and into a home. I want to have children and continue to grow my marriage with my husband.

I live for this moment of being astounded that my life is how it is.

One day, I will look back on the person I am at this moment, and I will see how far I have come.

Leave it up to the universe

I follow the path that I am destined to take, that feels right in my heart.

If I feel something inside of me sparkle as I envision myself with different circumstances - I follow it.

Not everything out in the universe is meant for me, so I attract only what is truly for me.

I have been through a bad breakup, a rough friendship, family revelations, and much more. I have always come back to the same conclusion through all of these challenging times: don't test fate.

People were brought in and out of your life for a reason; it is the natural order of things. And no matter how much you want to change the way someone is, you can't.

Nothing in this life is permanent, good or bad.

Learning this lesson throughout my life, I have seen just how temporary life is. I try to soak in all emotions life has to bring because I have only one shot at this.

Maybe this is the perfectionist in me, but I used to believe that everything in my life had to happen a certain way. My rigid belief of preset expectations to future life events was dampening the beauty of life.

Life is constantly changing in one way or another, and it's important to enjoy where you're at.

Appreciation for the now

I have found a deep appreciation for the present by accepting where I am in life and embracing it.

Each day that we wake up is a gift, and we should appreciate it. But during challenging times, this isn't easy to remember.

I reflect daily on where I have been and where I am now. I am inspired by the person I have become and where I have traveled to get to where I am now.

I look at the path in front of me, and I send some love to my future self. The experiences I am going through are making me a better version of who I am now.

Instead of reacting to change with anger or fear, I take it with stride. This wasn't always the case in the past, but the more I accept my present circumstance, the more I can grow.

My future growth inspires me to continue and not to give up.


About the Creator

That Psych Nerd

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