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Find Out the 10 Secrets of A Perfect Couple!

#4 Respect and mutual trust

By Daisy ThunderstrikePublished 2 years ago 7 min read
Find Out the 10 Secrets of A Perfect Couple!
Photo by Cody Black on Unsplash

Maybe you are single or maybe you can form a couple with your partner … Even if "life in 2" brings you little or no problems, I'm sure you've wondered at least once what the secret of a successful relationship is.

First of all, the key ingredients, which have not been a secret for a long time, are true love and friendship. As a couple, love allows you to be yourself as you try to evolve, both individually and emotionally, with your partner. True friendship is what helps you to easily express your thoughts, needs, fears.

Friendship and love are the ones that give you confidence, strength, and courage to look beyond tomorrow while holding your lover's hand.

Here are the 10 secrets of perfect couples:

1. Using the pronoun in the first person plural

Wouldn't you have given such importance to such detail? Don't forget that they make a difference!

As playful as it may seem, the fact that you use or use in your discussions constructions like "we believe that …", "we like to …", "ours", "us", will help to get over the small conflicts that appear in any relationship. Those who do not think of the couple as a single entity tend to have short or less happy relationships.

The first person plural pronoun, NOI, has its magic: 2 people share the same identity

2. Communication

If you have just met or are at the beginning of the relationship, the fact that you can communicate relaxed and listen patiently means that you are on the right track.

You can form an unshakable entity if you have common ideals, if you share your desires and fears, to permanently improve the relationship between the two of you.

3. Sexual attraction

Who says sex doesn't matter in a couple, is either unconscious or shamelessly lying! Sex is one of the cornerstones of a lasting relationship!

To have sex, you have to love your partner, to feel attracted to him and to attract him, to like to share moments of tenderness and especially, to communicate!

Between health and ecstasy, sex is the link between moments of tenderness, the guarantee of attraction between the two of you, the pleasure of a horizontal reconciliation, or an extremely effective form of sport! Whatever you choose, sex is a 4 in 1 moment!

Once time speaks for itself, sex life is harder to maintain, but not impossible! Keep your pleasures, ideas, habits and just adjust them to the "new times."

4. Respect and mutual trust

One of the main reasons why a couple lasts is that their partners respect each other and trust each other, no matter what trials life offers them. Respect requires trust, and trust requires respect.

You can't think badly of your partner if you respect him, you can't guess that he's lying if you get to trust him.

Moreover, the power of forgiveness is what helps you overcome misunderstandings, which are either small or true trials of life. The power to forgive has its limits, imposed by each of us.

What may seem like enough to you, to another woman, may seem like just another test she has to go through and another mistake she has to forgive. And yet, I'm waiting for you to tell me, how far can you forgive?

And something else! Make sleeping quietly a priority! Don't go to bed until you've solved your day-to-day problems and everyone has their point of view.

5. Establishing common goals and plans

Together, form a team or a single identity. That is why your goals and plans must be common, that is, to coincide with the wishes of both and to function as a guarantee of a lasting future together.

Temptations, fears, and trials will constantly appear in your life, but your team will win every match, both at home and away! Some couples break up after a difficult ordeal. You are among those who stand on their own two feet and look up to see her next to her partner.

6. Friends and family

Not infrequently, even couples on the verge of divorce have been saved because of the support and advice from family and friends. Family can be the nest where you hide from the storm, and friends can be brothers if they are true friends.

A common group of friends will help you strengthen your relationship with your partner, not only because of the appreciation you will receive but also because you participate in common and relaxing activities.

In addition, friends, few but good, will always be by your side and will understand you differently than 2 different camps (your friends and his friends).

Family, your place of refuge, is the best place for relevant advice. And if you have the support and love of families, then you will get over the problems much easier. In this sense, a well-discussed good relationship with in-laws is essential.

7. Mutual support

Love means support, it means being with your partner in difficult times. But many of us forget something: support is not just about getting your hands on the phone and asking him what he's doing, telling him you're sorry after he was fired, hit his car, or killed a loved one.

True support means being able to penetrate your partner's soul and be exactly that piece of the puzzle he needs to heal.

Be with him, physically and mentally, and make this one of your expectations from him! If you function as a tight knot, then you will be able to eliminate any pressure that can be thrown on your shoulders!

8. Spending free time together

Share the same interests and take advantage of your free time for activities together! Go to the movies or shopping, take a few days' getaways to a forgotten place, play a sport, or go out with friends!

You can do anything together and I assure you that you will feel how your relationship flourishes! Once you notice how well you get along with your partner when you make even the smallest decisions, you will realize once again that it is your half!

And do not forget! Laugh and smile! Your body will secrete endorphins (the hormone of happiness) and oxytocin (one of the love hormones) so that you and your partner can forget about migraines and problems for at least a few hours!

9. Individual freedom

From time to time, reserve a few hours just for yourself and encourage your partner to do the same, especially intense times. This way, you can put your thoughts in order and you will be able to talk calmly, avoiding moments of reproach based on the first impulse.

Moreover, individual freedom also involves going out with the girls while he is at the boys' match. At the end of the few hours spent separately, you will discover the pleasure of nestling in the arms of your lover, telling him how much you missed him.

When a child appears in your life, individual freedom could also mean the couple's freedom from everyday life. In this case, it is good to make time only for the two of you, away from the little one, away from work, bills, and the house. Only in this way will you be able to keep the flame of passion alive!

10. Smart quarrels

I think quarrels are the "salt of food" in a couple. Two people who do not quarrel do not necessarily love each other, just as two people who do not quarrel do not necessarily hate each other.

As long as the quarrels are not frequent and end as quickly as they started, everything is fine. They are auspicious because they help you eliminate frustration and negative energy.

It is not the frequency or duration of quarrels that is the real problem, but the fact that many couples fail to try to manage such tense moments.

In this sense, it is important to be calm, not to be distracted by other aspects, and not to forget that your partner has certain expectations, as you have from him. It is equally important to respect each other's ideas and solutions.

 Did you know?

  • 6 out of 10 adults are not happy with their married life and 4 out of 10 have thought about parting at least once?
  • the main reasons for the couple's dissatisfaction are: desirable sex life, lack of affection, lack of spontaneity, and lack of mutual support?
  • 1 in 10 people engaged in a relationship claims to have lost confidence in their partner?
  • still, there is good news? 4 out of 10 people still feel attracted to their half, while 6 out of 10 people appreciate the sense of humor and personality of those around them.


About the Creator

Daisy Thunderstrike

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